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How to Check your Elo and MMR Score in CS2 (CSGO)

This article will tell you everything you need to know about being able to check Elo MMR and how the system works.

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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How to Check your Elo and MMR Score in CS2 (CSGO)

MMR, or Matchmaking Rating is an important figure in most competitive games, and is no different to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Though it does not directly affect anything gameplay-wise, it is incredibly crucial as it will determine who you will be playing with and against, and how good your teammates and enemies will be. Though most players want to know what MMR they are currently at, the system in CS2 (CSGO) is quite tricky and it is hard to check.

How do I check my Elo?

It is quite unfortunate, but Valve actually keeps every player's Elo hidden. This hidden Elo is an internal statistic that cannot be accessed by players, so it is actually impossible for your average CS2 (CSGO) player to check. However, the game has provided us with a skill group ranking system that at least gives us a good idea of what Elo we are at.

CS2 (CSGO) Skill Group Ranks

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive provides a great ranking system that players can use to track their progress. It is the only way to visually see your rating as a CS2 (CSGO) player.


There are a total of 18 ranks, which gives players a good spread of ranks to have an accurate idea of how skilled a player of each rank is. The ranking system exists to reward players for their improvement and get a good idea of what their MMR is. This is because the higher a player’s MMR is, the higher their skill group rank will be.

To learn more about these ranks, head over to our article on the ultimate rank system guide.

Ways to check your MMR

Though the ranking system is widely accepted to be enough for players to understand where they are at in terms of skills, some players are still curious about how they can get a rough idea of their hidden MMR. This is so that they can have a good idea of where they are at in one specific rank, instead of the entire ranking system in general.

Having a rough idea can help players predict when they are going to rank up, or even derank. To be able to get this estimate, players will have to first understand how the Elo MMR system works.

Using MMR Calculation Methods to Get Rough Estimates

Though there is no official post from Valve on exactly how the MMR system works, here are some factors that community members have figured out regarding how changes in MMR points are calculated. These methods can be used to get rough ideas on one's MMR.

Counting how many rounds you won

The first factor in calculating Elo points is the number of rounds won. The more rounds that you win, the more MMR you will gain per match. This means that even if you lose, having a 14-16 score means that you will lose fewer MMR as opposed to a 6-16 loss. Be sure to not give up early and go for as many rounds as possible!


Calculating your KDA

KDA is an acronym that stands for Kills, Deaths, and Assists. The point of KDA is to compare your Kills, Deaths and Assists in the form of a ratio. If you have a higher KDA, you will gain more MMR for wins and lose fewer MMR for losses.

If you consistently have good KDAs, you can have a good idea of when your rank promotion will occur. If you’re confused about how to check your KD, we have just the right article for you!

Counting the number of MVPs you received

MVP refers to an award that is given to a player every round, and is decided based on which player contributed most to the round's victory. MVPs can be achieved by getting the most kills in the round, or by planting and defusing the bomb. Having high MVP awards per game can lead to gaining more MMR.


Your Rank Compared to the Average Rank in the Game

Your current skill group rank will be compared to the average rank of the other players in the game. For example, if you are a Silver Elite in a Master Guardian II average game, you will gain more MMR than everyone else, and lose less MMR than everyone else. On the contrary, if you are a Legendary Eagle in a Gold Nova average game, you will gain fewer MMR from winning.

This means that the calculation of your Elo MMR change will also take into account the rank disparity in the game lobby that you are in. To learn more about rank disparity, click here to read our article on the explanation of rank disparity in CS2 (CSGO).

Look out for your consistency

Players who consistently put up similar results for rounds won, KDA, and MVPs will tend to gain and lose consistent amounts of Elo points per game. This will allow the player to slowly and steadily gain and lose Elo. One way that players can maintain good consistent results is by having a good crosshair, and you can learn how to get one by reading our best crosshairs article.

However, players that are very inconsistent can post inconsistent gains and losses. This could mean that the player will rank up incredibly quickly, but at the same time, it can cause the player to derank extremely quickly as well.

Using Third Parties to See Elo

Unfortunately, there are no third party websites that can track your Valve Competitive Matchmaking Elo MMR. However, there are third party platforms such as FACEIT that have an Elo tracking system.

Playing FACEIT

Playing on FACEIT will provide you with an actual, visible Elo ranking that will be updated after every game.


However, playing on FACEIT will mean that you won’t be playing on official Valve servers, so your matchmaking skill group ranks won’t progress by playing on FACEIT servers.

Do you really need to know your Elo MMR?

Though it would be very nice to be able to visually see your Elo MMR like you can in Dota 2, the current ranking system in CS2 (CSGO) still does the job very well. Having 18 different skill groups is definitely enough to separate players from different skills, and being able to see your Elo MMR is not very important. It could also be a nice moment for players when they suddenly rank up, rather than knowing exactly when they will rank up.

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