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How To Activate The Grenade Crosshair Bind In CS2 (CSGO)

Want to master your smokes and molotovs? Check out the grenade crosshair bind, a bind that will help you line up your grenades easily!

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How To Activate The Grenade Crosshair Bind In CS2 (CSGO)

What Is The Grenade Crosshair Bind

The grenade crosshair bind is a bind that will make your crosshair take up the entire screen. It is good because you will be able to line up your smokes quickly.

grenade crosshair 1

Lots of smoke or molotov lineups will require you to look for certain corners or edges and find the middle point of these corners. Having your crosshair extend through your entire screen will significantly make the process of lining up your grenades.

In this article, we'll be going through two different variations of the grenade crosshair bind:

  • Bound To Toggle
  • Bound To Weapons

Grenade Crosshair Bound To Toggle

The first and most commonly used variation is binding your grenade crosshair to a toggle hotkey. For this example, let's say we will use the "K" hotkey for the toggle bind.

When pressing K for the first time, the grenade crosshair will activate. When we've thrown our grenades already, we will click K for the second time, and the grenade crosshair will deactivate.

Before applying this bind, make sure you know what crosshair size you are currently using. To do this, type "cl_crosshairsize" in your console and remember the number value that appears under the command.

crosshair size

If this is your preferred variation, copy and paste this config into your console:

bind K "toggle cl_crosshairsize 2 1000"

In this example, K will be the hotkey to which we are binding the command. Feel free to change K to whichever hotkey you are comfortable with. We have also used a crosshair size of 2 for this example, so please adjust it to your current crosshair size by changing the value in the command.

Grenade Crosshair Bound To Weapons

The second variation of the grenade crosshair bind is to have the crosshair bound to your weapon hotkeys. Let's say; for example, we have your smoke grenade bound to your "4" key. By using this variation, pressing our 4 key will activate the grenade crosshair bind, and when we switch back to our weapons using your 1, 2, or 3 key, the grenade crosshair will deactivate.

Before we get to the bind itself, you will first need to check what crosshair size you are using and which hotkey you use to cycle to your smoke. We've already discussed how you can check your crosshair size previously, and the next step is to remember what hotkey you set your smoke grenade to.

Once everything is set up, type this config into your console:

bind 1 "slot1 ; cl_crosshairsize 2"; bind 2 "slot2 ; cl_crosshairsize 2"; bind 3 "slot3 ; cl_crosshairsize 2"; bind 4 "slot8 ; cl_crosshairsize 1000"

In this example, our crosshair size is 2, and our smoke grenade is bound to "4". All you need to do is change the crosshair size and the smoke hotkey to whatever you set it to. (You will change 4 to your smoke hotkey in this part of the command: bind 4 "slot8 ; cl_crosshairsize 1000")

When you click 4 or your smoke hotkey, the grenade crosshair bind will appear on your screen. Once you click 1, 2, or 3 to switch to your rifle, knife, or pistol, the grenade crosshair will stop and bring your crosshair back to normal.

grenade crosshair 2

If you want to set up more binds, check out our article about the best bind commands in CS2 (CSGO)!

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