Most Expensive Items In Rocket League 2023

Here are the currently most expensive items in Rocket League that you don’t know about!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Most Expensive Items In Rocket League 2023

We will take you through the most expensive items in Rocket League. Many of these items are so rare that nobody knows about them, and we are sure you will be surprised to see how much some of these cost! Hot wheels or any certified items, the RL item Gold Nugget or the tw octane are cheap compared to them…

Here are the most expensive items for each item type:

…but let’s continue with the most expensive ones overall!

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White Hat | 1.200.000+ credits | 5000$+

The most expensive item is worth 1.200.000+ credits…While the other expensive items on this list could be earned by playing the game during the Alpha or Beta version or getting a lucky fan reward drop, the White Hat is different. To earn the White Hat you would have to do something remarkable. Only players that found major bugs in Rocket League and reported them to Psyonix could get a White Hat.


  • Xbox: 2.400.000+ credits ≈ 5000$+
  • PlayStation: 1.200.000+ credits ≈ 5000$+
  • PC: 1.200.000+ credits ≈ 5000$+


Obviously, this makes the White Hat super rare and more prestigious than any other item in the game. On top of that in 2019 when Epic Games bought Rocket League the White Hat was retired.

This means that today it is impossible to receive a White Hat, making the white hat extinct in the same way as the Alpha and Beta items. It is estimated that around 25-30 White hats have been given out across ALL PLATFORMS in the entire existence of Rocket League. Would be truly special to own one of those, right?


The prestige of the White Hat in combination with the chance to own something that is rare makes the White Hat the most expensive item that any player can have. It is so rare that it is the only item that has no price on Rocket League Insider, the preferred platform for a price estimation in Rocket League. It also simply looks so clean on your car! If you are looking for other cool Octane designs to combine with the White Hat check out our best octane designs for inspiration!

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Gold Rush | 1.000.000 - 1.100.000 credits | 4750$

We are now in the 7 digits of the most expensive Rocket League items! Also referred to as the Alpha Boost, this item is so niche because of the price that only a small circle of traders and Rocket League pros use it.


  • Xbox: 2.000.000 - 2.200.000 rocket league credits ≈ 4750$
  • PlayStation: 1.000.000 - 1.100.000 rocket league credits ≈ 4750$
  • PC: 1.000.000 - 1.100.000 rocket league credits ≈ 4750$


Just like the Goldstones and the Alpha Cap, the price of the Gold Rush is so high because it is an Alpha item and a good investment opportunity. The Alpha boost is so unique that if you can afford it, it is by far the coolest boost. It is also the most expensive boost in Rocket League. If you like this clean Fennec design that compliments the Alpha boost well, make sure to check out our other Fennec designs.


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Goldstones | 600 000 - 700 000 credits| 3100$

Now it is time for the big guys! Now we have arrived at the rocket league items you can use to pay rent for some time! These items are simply so expensive. Nobody that didn’t trade for years or played in the alpha version owns them. What makes the Goldstones worth so much more than for instance another alpha item like the Alpha Cap?


  • Xbox One: 1.400.000 - 1.500.000 credits ≈ 3100$
  • PlayStation: 700.000 - 800.000 credits ≈ 3100$
  • PC: 700.000 - 800.000 credits ≈ 3100$


The wheels are simply the most important item on the car. When you combine this with the beauty of the wheels and the rarity, the price is not surprising. The Goldstone is an alpha item and it is therefore guaranteed to never be added again. Considering it is even rarer than the Alpha Cap is a great investment opportunity.


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Striker Black Reaper goal explosion | 135.000 credits | 600$

The Striker Black Reaper goal explosion is a new addition to the most expensive items in Rocket League and has not always been so expensive.


  • Xbox One: 270.000 rocket league credits ≈ 600$
  • PlayStation: 135.000 rocket league credits ≈ 600$
  • PC: 135.000 rocket league credits ≈ 600$


This item gained its incredible increase in 2021 and has only increased in price since. This Item was a part of the Haunted Hallows Crate and the only crate item on this list. Since the crate came out in 2017 the items in it have slowly received more interest. The Goal Explosion was only added in painted versions to the crate much later and is therefore super rare. It is now the most expensive goal explosion in the game. The Black Reaper is such a classy and cool goal explosion and totally deserves its spot on this list. The certification only makes it cooler!


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Alpha Cap | 100.000 credits | 450$

Something even older than the Titanium White Apex wheels is the Alpha Cap. This Gold Cap is an rocket league item that only players that tested the alpha version of the game were given as an alpha reward.


  • Xbox: 200.000 credits ≈ 450$
  • PlayStation: 100.000 credits ≈ 450$
  • PC: 100.000 credits ≈ 450$


The Alpha Cap simply looks so good and gives the car such a nice look. This beautiful topper is certainly the first choice of many and the most expensive topper in Rocket League. Other than that, because of the rarity of the topper, it is also insanely expensive. This item will also never be added to the game again, meaning there will always be fewer and fewer of them. This is making it a great investment opportunity.


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Striker Titanium White Apex | 95.000 Credits | 425$

The Apex wheels are a part of a retired RLCS fan reward collection. They are also one of the most expensive wheels in rocket League. The apex wheels look great in the game, but what makes them so different than all the other wheels?


  • Xbox: 180.000 credits ≈ 425$
  • PlayStation: 100.000 credits ≈ 425$
  • PC: 95.000 Credits ≈ 425$


They cost around 90 times more than the average decent-looking wheel! The wheels were only a part of the fan reward drops for a couple of the first seasons (not to be confused with the rocket pass). The reason why they are so expensive is for sure that they in fact are quite rare and give social prestige! Finally, they have historically been a great investment object. Adding the striker certification to this item makes it even more expensive!


Yeah, these items are costly, but they are easier to get if you use some of our best methods to earn money playing Rocket League! Or you can try to buy items cheaper on Rocket League item trading sites such as GameflipAoeah, G2G, and RLExchange, where you can also sell items you don't use. But make sure that you pick a reputable trading site and avoid websites with a shaky reputation, such as and Lolga, which we talked about in our reviews.

You should also check our guide on how to earn money playing Rocket League.

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