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What's The Average CS2 (CSGO) Game Length

We all know that CS2 (CSGO) games can take really long… but how does it look in practice? Let’s check it out!

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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What's The Average CS2 (CSGO) Game Length

We all know that getting a higher rank doesn't happen overnight; whether it's Gold Nova, Master Guardian, or The Global Elite you dream of, you will surely have to commit some of your time. However, what does it look like in numbers? How much of your day can be taken up by playing a game of CS2 (CSGO)?

Average Game Length CS2 (CSGO) – All Game Modes

Competitive Matchmaking

Let's start with the mode that probably interests most of you — Competitive Matchmaking. The Competitive Matchmaking game can last from 10 minutes to over an hour, but we think the average duration is something around 40 minutes.


However, it is worth considering the queuing time for the game and the time and server you are playing on; for example, if you decide to play at night, the queuing time may take as long as 5-10 minutes.

Danger Zone

Matches in Danger Zone mode last about 10 minutes. This is a mode made primarily for for-fun, and Valve targets players looking for a quick game to kill some time.


Casual is simply 16 rounds of dynamic Counter-Strike gameplay. Matches in this mode last something between 15-20 minutes, and hardly ever longer.


Wingman is another dynamic play mode in CS2 (CSGO). Here, games last about 20 minutes. We think it's safe to say that you're unlikely to play games longer than 30 minutes.


Deathmatch mode has a maximum duration of 10 minutes, and there is rather no reason not to play it to the end. It's an excellent option to warm up or build up a Profile Rank.

War games

  • Arms Race — Arms Race games typically do not exceed 10 minutes. The phase from the player getting “the golden knife” to the end of the game takes about 2 minutes.
  • Demolition — Here a lot depends on the map, but as with Casual mode, a typical Demolition game takes about 15-20 minutes.
  • Retakes — This is probably the fastest and most dynamic game mode in CS2 (CSGO). Matches in Retakes take about 5 minutes to play, and they're never more than 10 minutes long.

What’s the longest a CS2 (CSGO) match can last?

Some of you may be wondering how long a CS2 (CSGO) matchmaking game can last, especially when you have to set aside a certain amount of time for a break at work or some sort of meeting. Well, we calculated it for you!


  • One round lasts 1 minute and 15 seconds, and let's assume that in each of those rounds, the Terrorist team managed to plant C4 in the last second, adding an extra 40 seconds every round. That gives us a total of 77 minutes and 30 seconds (1 hour, 17 minutes, and 30 seconds).
  • Warmup (aka time for all players to connect) can take up to 5 minutes and ends with a 4-second countdown.
  • Half-time lasts 15 seconds and only happens once per game.
  • When it comes to buy-phases, this is where things get interesting. Buy-time lasts 15 seconds and repeats 30 times per game. However, two of these buy-phases may last 90 seconds due to potential Timeouts. This gives us 28 buy-time phases lasting 15 seconds and two lasting 90 seconds, which adds up to a maximum of 10 minutes spent in the buy-time phase throughout the entire game.
  • At the end of the round (when you hear “Counter-Terrorist/Terrorist Win”), we can experience a delay of 7 seconds before the next round starts.
  • And when the game ends, we can see the table with the results, potential drops, and information about our Profile Rank. It all takes a maximum of 45 seconds.

If we add it all up, the maximum game time in Competitive Matchmaking mode is 1 hour, 33 minutes, and 41 seconds.


Longest Match in CS2 (CSGO) History

However, it looks a little different in eSports because of the overtime rules. The longest match in Competitive CS2 (CSGO) history lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes. It was a game between two British eSport teams — team Xenex vs. exceL eSports at the ESL UK Premiership S1 tournament. The game ended with a 46-42 score favoring team Xenex; you can watch it here.


So, if you want to climb the ranks consistently, you should have at least 3 hours off in your daily schedule; that way, you’ll be able to play a minimum of 2 games. It’s not easy for the busiest out there, but well, reaching the highest ranks requires some dedication.

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