The Top 5 Worst Items in Dota Right Now

Itemizing in a Dota 2 game is key to winning. Here are some items that you probably should avoid buying!

Updated on Jul 18, 2023
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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The Top 5 Worst Items in Dota Right Now

Items play a massive part in a game of Dota 2. However, due to the scarcity of gold and resources, players will have to carefully select proper items with the limited gold that they have. That is why it is important for players to know which items are good, and which items aren't. In this article, we'll be suggesting some of the worst items in Dota 2 that you should avoid buying in most of your games.

Keep in mind that items can be changed throughout different patches, so this list is only relevant to the current time period, which in this case is patch 7.32c. The items we have chosen depend on the amount of times they were purchased, their win rate, and how many heroes can benefit from them.

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We think that the worst item in the game right now is the Dagon. The Dagon currently has a lackluster win rate of 43.07%, but the Dagon 5 does have a decent win rate of 59.38%. The reason why we are putting Dagon as one of the worst items is that building a Dagon 5 will cost you 7700 gold, making it the most expensive item in the game.


Despite being the most expensive item in the game, the attribute stats that the Dagon offers is very lackluster, and it doesn't provide as much damage output as other item alternatives that cost 70% of it's price.

The only reason why the Dagon 5 has a good win rate is because players will only purchase that item when they're on the winning side and ahead in net worth. And even when heroes have the luxury to throw 7700 gold on a max level Dagon, they will still have a 41% chance of losing team fights and the game.

The Dagon 5 can be compared to other late game luxury items that are still cheaper than the Dagon, such as the Revenant's Brooch and the upgraded Blink Daggers. These high-cost items have win rates ranging from 68% to 72%, so it's clear that the Dagon is a huge loser when it comes to it's cost and not worth buying in ranked games. The Dagon currently has a Use Rate of 0.2%.

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Meteor Hammer

The Meteor Hammer was a super popular item at some point, as Carry heroes such as Spectre were even buying the item as a first-item due to the stats and farming capabilities that it offers. However, in patch 7.29, the item got nerfed hard.

Meteor Hammer

The best thing about Meteor Hammer was that you could cast the active ability on a creep wave and it would clear out every single creep. But now, the item cannot do that anymore, as the stun duration was decreased from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds, and the damage per second was also reduced from 90 to 60. This makes the item a poor item choice for both the mid game and the late game.

The numbers on the current Meteor Hammer just make the item not worth buying at all. Heroes who loved buying this item such as Outworld Destroyer will not feel as good as they used to, as it's incredibly hard to get solo kills on enemy heroes with this item nowadays. The Meteor Hammer currently has a Use Rate of 0.87%.

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Pipe of Insight

The Pipe of Insight used to be one of the best items in Dota 2, but due to that, it has been nerfed multiple times in previous patches. To put it simply, the item isn't great anymore because professional players consider it to be too expensive for what the item offers.

Pipe of Insight

When Pipe of Insight was popular, the item only costed 2775 gold, but in present time, the item costs 3475 and still essentially does the same thing. Players are trying to avoid purchasing this item unless it's a really good game for it.

A handful of Strength heroes love purchasing a casual Hood of Defiance in the early to mid stages of the game, but none of these heroes enjoy upgrading it to a Pipe of Insight as there is another alternative in the form of an Eternal Shroud. They just upgrade it to a Pipe when they really have to.

Despite all the hate we're giving to this item, it still has a win rate of 59.86%, but that is likely because people only purchase it when a Pipe is an amazing item for the enemy team in a specific game. The Pipe of Insight also has a very low Use Rate of only 1.56%.

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Solar Crest

Up next, we have the Solar Crest. The Solar Crest used to be one of the most-used items, but ever since then, the item has been incredibly mediocre. With the Solar Crest receiving so many nerfs, the item is just not worth its price and an item slow anymore.

Solar Crest

The Solar Crest has an awful use rate of 0.35%. Though the other items on the list may have lower use rates than the Solar Crest, you have to factor in the fact that this item only costs 2625 gold, which is much cheaper than the other items on the list. Players are choosing not to buy this item despite the item being really cheap. That really says a lot about how under-used this item is.

The biggest reason Solar Crest has lost popularity is the active ability, Shine, being nerfed three patches in a row. The armor bonus/reduction was reduced from 8 to 6, and the attack speed bonus/slow was decreased from 65 to 50. Even with such a cheap cost, the Solar Crest only boasts a mediocre win rate of 56.47%, which is lower than most items on this list.

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Helm of the Overlord

Most of you may find this surprising, but hear us out. The Helm of the Overlord does have a decent win rate at 56.28%, but we're putting this item on the list because the item isn't purchased enough.

Helm of the Overlord

The item is only purchased by two heroes, which are Beastmaster and Lycan. Other than these two heroes, no other heroes really benefit from this 6175 gold item. To give you an idea of how under-purchased this item is, the Helm of the Overlord has a Use Rate of 0.18%.

We can compare the Helm of the Overlord with other items such as the Revenant's Brooch. They only have a cost difference of 25 gold, and the Revenant's Brooch has a Use Rate of 0.24%. However, the Revenant's Brooch has a win rate of 68.33% compared to the Helm of the Overlord's win rate of 56.28%.

However, the Helm of the Overlord still remains as first-item rushes for Beastmaster and Lycan, so the item isn't totally terrible especially when you're trying to buff up your hard carry in Dota. We're putting it on the list for the low use rate and that only two heroes benefit from this item.

That concludes it for our list of the current worst items in Dota 2. Again, remember that these items can change over time, as Dota 2 often releases patches that change the way these items work. It's also important to note that we've only placed fully upgraded items, unlike items such as a Crystalys or a Shadow Blade.

If you want to learn more about Dota 2, check out our article of the most expensive Dota 2 skin items, the best sites where you can buy and sell Dota 2 items with PayPal, and our top-rated crypto websites where you can grab Dota 2 items.

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