How To Easily Check Your MMR in Dota 2

This guide will show you how to display MMR and Ranking from you and perhaps from other Dota 2 players as well...

Updated on Aug 16, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How To Easily Check Your MMR in Dota 2

Although the competitive nature of high-tier Dota 2 games feels great, most players choose ranked mode so they could increase their MMR. In a way, this is a badge of honor for all those who like the game.

Your matchmaking rating is displayed in several places for everyone to see. In this article, I will show you how to check MMR and will break down different types of ratings.

Does MMR actually matter?


Honestly, your matchmaking is not that relevant. To be exact, it is much more important the tier of the competition you’re currently in. For example, being in Divine gives other players more information about your skill level than it does a simple matchmaking rating number.

You can find the tier, and percentage of the tier (how close or far you are from the next badge), in the upper left corner of the home screen.

Although I would say that MMR isn’t as relevant as the badge, it still provides some useful information. For example, it can serve as bragging rights for top-tier players in the world. In my opinion, badges are a much better showcase of your skill level and they’re something everyone can understand.

How to check your MMR in Dota 2?

Checking your MMR in Dota 2 is pretty straightforward:


  1. Click on your profile.
  2. Click on the Stats tab.
  3. In the upper right corner, you can see the player’s MMR.
  4. Alternatively, MMR can be seen on a player's profile if they decide to showcase it. The number is placed in the upper left corner just below the player’s image and left from the badge.


Always remember that there is also a separation between Solo and Party MMR. If you played enough games as a member of a party, the Party rating will also be shown alongside the basic Solo rating. This cannot be seen in the image as the player doesn’t have enough games in a party to qualify for Party MMR.

Can you check other players’ MMR?

When you click on another player’s profile, you can notice just three tabs: Profile, Trophies, and Tickets. In other words, you can’t access their Stats tab, where MMR is displayed. In that regard, you won’t know the exact matchmaking rating for the majority of other gamers.

Some players decide to disclose their MMR in the upper left corner of the Profile tab. In this image, I’ve marked the area where matchmaking rating can be showcased. However, most players decide not to put it, and instead, they usually share things such as the number of MVPs, commends, first game, etc.


Most players are reluctant to share their MMR with the public due to fear of flaming (realted: what’s the lowest MMR in Dota 2). Often, when things go wrong, other players tend to go to their profile page to check their rating and belittle them for that. Of course, this is a very irrational, childish behavior that should be rooted out.

Still, everyone can check other players’ medals. As mentioned, this is a much more important stat as it puts a player in a certain category. Matchmaking rating requirements might fluctuate from season to season anyway. So, to enter a specific tier, you might have completely different requirements rendering these numbers useless.

How to interpret MMR?

For the most part, interpreting MMR is a fool’s errand. These numbers change all the time as does the average Dota 2 rating, with every new season, and there is no point in memorizing them with the rank reset. In most cases, people use them as a way of comparing one member of the team to others. For example, if a person is 200 MMR below the rest, he is more likely to get flamed if things go away (how to check the hours played from other gamers in Dota).

Dota 2 has a total of 8 tiers, with each one having 5 subtiers. Here are all of them:

As you can see, this is basically just a bunch of numbers. The figures don’t tell you enough, and it is hard to memorize them. However, you can utilize MMR for your own purposes to figure out how many points you gained or lost in the previous period.

Given that an average game accounts for 25 points, 100 points of MMR would be 4 wins (or loses) wherever your are ranked or unranked. So, MMR can give you some indication of how many wins you have over losses and vice versa.

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