8 Worst Weapons That You Should Avoid in Apex Legends

Even though all Apex Legends players love Prowler, they also have to play some of the worst weapons in the game, such as Havoc, P2020, and similar garbage.

Updated on Oct 31, 2023
Fact checked by Hristijan Pavlovski |
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8 Worst Weapons That You Should Avoid in Apex Legends


It's no secret. The Havoc is undeniably the worst weapon in Apex Legends. Hell, I'd even go as far as to claim that it's the most notorious assault rifle to have ever been created.


Everything about the Havoc is just underwhelming, especially when you compare it to some of the best assault rifles in Apex Legends. The thing that makes the Havoc one of the worst guns in the game is the fact that it requires a charge-up before you can fire the rifle. And even with a Turbocharger things don't get much better, as the weapon's other stats are garbage.

Don't even think about having long range or mid range fights with the Havoc. It's a theoretical impossibility. The only way the Havoc can be saved from its misery is if it receives a heavy rework. Maybe something along the lines of "the damage increases the longer you hold down the trigger" or "the accuracy increases the more you fire." Because, in its current state, it's utter trash.


From one piece of junk to another. But hey, at least this piece of junk can be useful at times.


The thing that puts the Mozambique an increment above the Havoc is the fact that it can be useful in a very specific situation. Don't get me wrong, both are still trash tier weapons. But at least the Mozambique has one situation in which it shines, and that's the beginning of the match scramble. That's the only occasion in which it has a modicum of usefulness.

Its recoil is insane (as can be expected from a hand cannon). The shot pattern is all over the place, and the range is laughably short even for a shotgun. It wouldn't be so bad if it did at least a modest amount of damage. But it can't even do that, as its damage output is laughably small, especially if you compare it to some of the best shotguns in Apex Legends. What a trash tier weapon.


Ahh, the P2020. One of the best pistols in Apex Legends. The terror of every newbie... Just kidding.


I have mixed feelings about the P2020. In my opinion, it's a decent weapon. The problem lies in the fact that it has to compete with weapons that are leagues better than it. It's useful in the very early game when nobody has a kitted-out weapon yet, but that's where its usefulness ends. Even if you do fully kit out the weapon, it'll still be relatively weak.

It fires light rounds, it has a slow fire rate, it only has a single fire mode, and it has relatively weak damage. But honestly, I can't be mad at the P2020. It's a pistol, it isn't designed to be overpowered. It's something that you pick up in a pinch and drop the moment something better comes along. In that regard, the P2020 is great. In every other aspect, it's horrible.

Charge Rifle

Pre-rework Charge Rifle was probably the best sniper rifle in Apex Legends. You could achieve some of the longest sniper kills in Apex with it. Post-rework Charge Rifle is something that you avoid like the plague.

Charge Rifle

It breaks my heart to have to put the Charge Rifle on this list. Before its rework, it was my favorite sniper rifle. It was so fun to use! Unlike the other sniper rifles, the Charge Rifle was hitscan, which meant that you'd instantly do damage to any enemies you shot at (if you hit that is). Post-rework... it's just tragic.

The new Charge Rifle requires you to hold down the left click until it's charged. This wouldn't be a problem if you could hold the shot for a few seconds, but nope. The moment it's charged the round is out of the chamber. This leads to situations where it's impossible to lead your enemies. Its only redeeming quality is its high damage output, which is alright I guess.


In theory, the L-Star is supposed to be one of the best weapons in Apex Legends. In practice, it's one of the worst energy weapons in the game.


The problem with the L-Star is its magazine, or lack of one should I say. As the gun shoots, it slowly builds up heat. Once this heat has reached a tipping point, you cannot fire the gun anymore until it cools down. Sounds cool right? It's definitely unique, especially in regard to the other weapons in the game. Here's the problem though.

The L-Star is classified as a machine gun, while in reality, it's anything but that. At most, you'll have around 30ish shots with the L-Star before it overheats. Mind you, that's with a Legendary magazine equipped. With a rework, the L-Star has the potential to be a top tier weapon. As it currently sits, it's just a sad example of a machine gun.

Triple Take

Just because the gun "does more," doesn't necessarily mean that it does more.

Triple Take

The Triple Take is probably the weirdest of the marksman weapons. It's a semi-automatic rifle that fires three bullets at the same time, hence its name - Triple Take. The Triple Take is not a bad rifle by itself. It's okay a mid range engagements and can hold its own in long range fights.

However. Compared to the other weapons of its type, the Triple Take is simply inferior. It's not the most damaging weapon. It's not the most accurate weapon. And it definitely isn't the fastest-firing marksman weapon. In short, use it till something better comes along then ditch it.

Hemlok Burst AR

What can I say about the Hemlok that hasn't been already said about the Star Wars sequels? Both are disappointing beyond comparison.

Hemlok Burst AR

Out of the assault rifles, the Hemlok is my most hated assault rifle. It's just bad. It can be kind of good when it's a care package weapon, but that's about it. The Hemlok fires heavy ammo in three-round bursts. The problem with that is that Apex Legends is too fast of a game for burst weapons to be competitive in every instance.

This basically leaves the Hemlok Burst AR in a strange predicament. It's decent at mid range where you're relatively safe from the enemy. But the moment they close in on you, you're messed. 9 out of 10 times you'll lose a close range engagement with the Hemlok, and that's considering you're a good shot.

Prowler Burst PDW

Either you love the Prowler or you hate it. I'm a part of the latter group.

Prowler Burst PDW

As a care package weapon, the Prowler is probably one of the best weapons in the game. As a regular drop, the Prowler is woefully underwhelming. Many players like to claim "No, it's actually really good once you fully kit it out." To which I reply. "Why should I have to wait till it's fully kitted out to use it at its peak?"

As with the Hemlok. Because the Prowler fires in a five round burst. It's woefully underwhelming in the only situations where it matters. I.e. close quarters combat. It's a submachine gun for crying out loud! As with the other weapons on this Apex weapons tier list. Hold on to the Prowler until something better comes along.

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