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Ultimate List of all CS2 (CSGO) Easter Eggs

This article will talk about hidden Easter Eggs which have references to real life people or legendary moments from professional players and tournaments.

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Ultimate List of all CS2 (CSGO) Easter Eggs

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has its fair share of Easter Eggs scattered around the many official maps that the game has to offer. Easter Eggs are little details or messages that are hidden carefully, and most of them have a connection to real life lore or people. Only the most attentive gamers can figure out Easter Eggs, but worry not, because this article will show you some of the most interesting and amusing CS2 (CSGO) map Easter eggs that have been found out by the community!

“The ONEUP Crew Graffiti on Overpass”

Straight from T Spawn on the map Overpass, graffiti can be spotted on top of the garbage bin. The graffiti shows the text “ONEUP”, which is a reference to an actual well-known graffiti group located in Germany known as “The ONEUP Crew.”

There are plenty of videos on YouTube of the ONEUP Crew going around cities and spraying graffiti everywhere. The coolest thing is that Overpass is also a map based off of Berlin, Germany! How awesome is that?

ONEUP graffiti in-game

“Computer playing CS 1.0 on Inferno”

Near the bridge area on Inferno, a hidden Easter Egg can be seen on a table through a gap in the door on a computer. In very rare occasions, the computer can be shown to be on the main menu of Counter-Strike 1.0! 

It is said that the appearance of the Easter Egg happens on a low percentage based chance, so the more rounds played on the map, the higher the chances of the Easter Egg appearing. It is really fascinating to see the now successful CS2 (CSGO) putting in Easter eggs of the predecessors of Gabe Newell’s title Counter-Strike

Computer playing CS 1.0

“Vladimir Lenin Picture on Train”

Directly outside of T Spawn on the map Train, a picture of Vladimir Lenin as an Easter Egg, can be seen on a wall. Vladimir Lenin was an important member of Soviet Russia's government. Train was originally meant to be based off of an American train station, but after reworks to the map, it was turned into a Russian station. And since Vladimir Lenin is from Russia, the developers of the map seemed to fit him right into the Russian train station theme.

Vladimir Lenin picture

“The newest game mode also has Easter Eggs!”

Danger Zone is the newest gamemode in the game, where new maps also came in the product announcement. On the map Blacksite, a spray with the words “Furlan + Gruby” can be seen on one of the rooftops of a house. 

A Danger Zone showmatch was held during the IEM Katowice 2019 event, where professional players Damian "Furlan" Kisłowski and Dominik "GruBy" Świderski were the pair that won that match, hence their names on the spray. The spray is located on the exact spot where Furlan got the game winning kill and ended the match.

Furlan and Gruby spray

“Don’t climb over the railing!”

The next Easter Egg is located on CT Spawn in Overpass. A sign with the text “Geländer übersteigen verboten!” can be seen, which translates to “Don’t climb over the railing!” in English.  

The lore of this sign takes us back to the controversial “Olofmeister boost” which took place in the LDLC vs Fnatic match, at the Dreamhack Winter 2014 major. Fnatic’s Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer Gustafsson was boosted by his teammates up to a “pixel angle” which provided the Fnatic team with vision over a huge part of the map. 

This gave Fnatic a massive advantage over LDLC and helped them win the match. After a lot of controversy throughout the entire CS community, Fnatic had to forfeit the map for abusing the boost. The boost spot was removed from the game, and the sign was added as an Easter Egg as a memorial for the boost.

Sign on Overpass

“Friberg’s Street!”

On Inferno’s Banana, a sign on the wall can be seen, with the text “Via Adamo.” This translates to “Adam’s Street” in English. This sign is a reference to the professional player Adam “friberg” Friberg, who is very well known for being the “King of Banana”, as he has made multiple amazing plays in this area on Inferno.

Adam's Street sign

“Soviet Navy Picture in Cache”

In B Main of Cache, a picture of a Soviet navy, Vasili Aleksandrovich Arkhipov, can be seen through the railings. Vasili was known for preventing a nuclear strike which would have caused major damages. His heroic acts have gotten him a picture in the map Cache.

Navy picture in Cache

Even though Easter Eggs are supposed to be hidden, the millions of CS2 (CSGO) players that play the game would figure them all out eventually. There may even be Easter Eggs that have yet to be found. Let’s all keep our eyes open to see what else the CS2 (CSGO) team is hiding from us.

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