[Solved] How to Fix Dota 2 Lost Connection and Offline Mode Problem

It’s frustrating when you’re on your day off but can’t play Dota due to connection issues. Fix the lost connection problem through this article!

Updated on Mar 09, 2024
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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[Solved] How to Fix Dota 2 Lost Connection and Offline Mode Problem

With Dota 2 being one of the many online games, it’s obvious that in order to play the game, you’ll have to be connected to their game servers. However, lots of players face the same problem that they are unable to connect to the Dota 2 game servers. In this article, we’ll help you solve the problem of being in offline mode and losing connection to the Dota 2 servers.

Do a Full Restart of your Steam Client

The first and most common fix to this problem is to simply do a complete restart of your Steam account and client. Restarting your client will help Steam refresh all the network problems, which will give you a high chance of fixing the problem of being in offline mode.

Here is how you can fix the offline mode problem by restarting your client!

Fix Offline Mode by Restarting Steam Using “Exit”

Restarting Steam can help you fix the problem of losing connection. The way to restart Steam is to use the “Exit” button that is available in the client. Follow these steps below:


  1. Open your Steam client.
  2. Look for “Steam” on the top left corner of the client, then click on it.
  3. Once you have opened the menu, click on the “Exit” button at the very bottom.
  4. Done! That’s all you have to do to fully restart your client.


However, if that didn’t work for you, continue reading to find out some other methods that may help!

Restart your Router and Computer

Sometimes it isn’t Steam’s fault that you are losing connection. The problem could easily come from your own part. To make sure, restarting your router and computer can always be a quick way to check where the problem is coming from.

Restarting your internet connection will allow it to refresh and possibly clean up any errors. It will also mean that your internet connection to Valve servers will be refreshed and reestablished.

Restarting your computer will allow your device to fix any software issues or any background tasks that may be disrupting your connection to the Dota 2 servers.

Using Launch Options

The next method to fix the offline mode problem is to add a launch option. Not everyone uses or knows about launch commands, but we’ll give you a step by step guide on what you should do to fix the connection problem.

-clientport 27015 Launch Option

For this method, we will be inserting the “-clientport 27015” option into our launch options. Follow our steps closely so you don’t get lost:


  1. Open your Steam client, and go to Library.
  2. Look for Dota 2, then right click the game.
  3. In the popup window, select Properties.
  4. A new window will pop up. Look for “Launch Options.”
  5. Copy and paste “-clientport 27015” into the Launch Options. If you have other Launch Options already, simply separate the options with a space.

There you go! That’s all you have to do to apply the Launch Option. Once you have completed all these steps, do a quick restart of your Steam client using the steps in the previous method.



This should fix the problem of losing connection, but if you’re still out of luck, don’t worry. We’ve got another method that should help.

Verifying Integrity of Game Files

If the methods above are yet to solve the problem, then try out verifying the integrity of your Dota 2 files.

Sometimes, your game may have some corrupted files or unwanted installations that will prevent your game from functioning properly. The malfunction can also be related to how well you can connect to game servers, so this is a very relevant solution to fixing this problem.

If you’re desperate and want to fix your game quickly, then follow these steps below:


  1. Open your Steam client, then go to Library.
  2. Look for Dota 2, then right click the game.
  3. In the popup window, select Properties.
  4. On the left side of the window that shows up, click on Local Files.
  5. Then, click on the button that says “Verify Integrity of Game Files.”
  6. Steam will automatically start verifying your game for you. The progress of the verification can be tracked live as well.
  7. Once the process has been completed, your corrupted or unwanted files will be cleaned up.


If you’ve gone this far and you are still unable to connect to the servers, then the reason may simply be that the Dota 2 servers are down or under maintenance.

Check Steam Server Status

Sometimes, the problem is actually not on your part, but on Steam’s instead. It takes a lot of power to run thousands of Dota 2 games at the same time, so the system may need a break or maintenance.

There have been lots of cases where the Dota 2 servers are down, and there’s nothing much we can do about it except to wait. Checking the status of Steam servers can be a good idea to see where the problem is coming from.

To quickly check the status, you can head on over to the website https://steamstat.us. This website shows the status for Steam and its game servers as well, including Dota 2.


If the game coordinator seems to be doing fine, the website will display its status as Normal. If it’s not, then the online game may very well be down.

We hope that these featured steps have helped you fix the problem of being in offline mode or losing connection to the Dota 2 game servers. It’s important to keep your network status in check before queuing up a ranked match or spectating a friend live, so that you won’t be interrupted in whatever you’re doing!

For more articles on Dota 2, check our guide on how you can watch friends' live games.

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