How To Make Deepslate Bricks In Minecraft

Ever wonder how to craft dark Deepslate Bricks in Minecraft? In this article, we will show you how!

Updated on Nov 20, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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How To Make Deepslate Bricks In Minecraft

Everything you need to make Deepslate Bricks

Deepslate Bricks is an upgraded version of Polished Deepslate in Minecraft. It has the same texture as normal Stone Bricks but with a dark color like Deepslate. To craft Deepslate Bricks is easy enough, you just need to mine some Deepslate underground.

  • 4x Polished Deepslate

How to craft Deepslate Bricks in Minecraft

#1 Collect 4x Polished Deepslate

Polished Deepslate can be crafted by putting 4x Cobbled Deepslate into a crafting grid. Each recipe will yield 4x Polished Deepslate.


You can get Cobbled Deepslate by mining Deepslate with any non-Silk Touch pickaxes. They will drop 1x Cobbled Deepslate on broken. You can find Deepslate deep underground where the Y-axis is below zero.


When you have 1x Cobbled Deepslate, you can turn it into 1x Polished Deepslate by putting it in the Stonecutter.


#2 Finish off crafting a Deepslate Bricks

When you have 4x Polished Deepslate, press E to open your inventory and put them in a 2x2 shape to craft 4x Deepslate Bricks. You can also use a Crafting Table for this crafting recipe.


What is the give command to get a Deepslate Bricks?

The command to give yourself a Deepslate Bricks is: /give @p deepslate_bricks 1

Now that you have some Deepslate Bricks, you can use them to build immediately or craft them into other deepslate variants like Deepslate Tiles or Cracked Deepslate Bricks.

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