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Best Singed Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Singed Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Singed build, runes, spells, items and counters. Increase your ELO and win rate in the top lane!

Best Sion Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Sion Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Sion build, runes, spells, items and counters. Increase your ELO playing this powerful top laner!

Best Seraphine Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Seraphine Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Seraphine build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the bottom lane the Starry-Eyed Songstress!

Best Shen Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Shen Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Shen build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the top lane with the Eye of Twilight!

Best Shyvana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Shyvana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Shyvana build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the Jungle with the half dragon champion!

Best Senna Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Senna Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Senna build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the bottom lane with Senna support now!

Best Zoe Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Zoe Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Zoe Mid Lane is busted, but make sure you are playing her correctly, otherwise her potential is wasted. This guide will show make you the best Zoe you can be!

Best Shaco Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Shaco Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Shaco build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the jungle with the amazing demon joker in LoL.

Best Nunu & Willump Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Nunu & Willump Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Are you ready to stomp your enemies in the Summoner’s Rift with one one of the most fun champions to play?

Best Olaf Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Olaf Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Available in both LoL PC and Wild Rift, Olaf is an unstoppable force that can carry a team if played correctly. Are you ready to try out his best build?

Best Oriana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Oriana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Oriana is a mage played in the mid lane whose abilities have a bit of everything to help herself in a fight, or her team. Get to know her best build here.

Best Rammus Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Rammus Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Master how to play League’s own armadillo, Rammus, perfectly with this comprehensive guide that teaches his runes, build, skill path, counters, and more!