Best Shyvana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Shyvana build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the Jungle with the half dragon champion!

Updated on Aug 07, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Shyvana Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Have you ever dreamt to play as a dragon at the summoner's rift? Then Shyvana jungle is the best champion for you. This wonderful champion is capable to get more starts by doing dragon objectives at the rift, so let's explain everything you need to know about Shyvana jungle, best runes, summoner spells, build, skill order, mythic items, and much more. Let's start!

Best Shyvana Build

Shyvana is a really powerful champion that, used correctly, can use her dragon form to deal a lot of damage during a team fight. Shyvana's abilities are so great to keep enemies away, tank damage, and deal damage in a zone. For that reason, the item build order for Shyvana jungle is mostly focused on tank items such as frostfire gauntlet, and Thornmail. There is also a magic damage build that makes flame breath deals a lot of damage.


Best Shyvana Runes

Shyvana can use multiple rune set to deal a lot of damage, but the ones you use during the team fight and the game is up to you. We recommend the following runes and rune set for Shyvana jungle: Press the attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand. Also, you may use the following runes as a secondary rune set: Resolve with Conditioning and, Unflinching.

Best Rune Path


Best Shyvana Runes


Best Shyvana Runes

Best Keystone

Press the attack

Best Shyvana Runes

Best Slot 1 (Rune)


Best Shyvana Runes


Best Shyvana Runes

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Legend: Tenacity

Best Shyvana Runes


Best Shyvana Runes

Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Last Stand

Best Shyvana Runes

Best Shyvana Rune Shards

Rune shards will help Shyvana to survive during the laning phase and reduce enemy damage as much as possible. These are the best runes shards you can use for Shyvana to dominate the jungle: Offense (+10% attack speed), Offense (+9 adaptive force), and Flex (+6 armor). These will help you to deal more damage with the dragon form and Shyvana's abilities.

Best Rune Shards



Best Shyvana Runes

+10% attack speed


Best Shyvana Runes

+9 Adaptive Force


Best Shyvana Runes

+6 Armor

Best Shyvana Summoner's Spells

On the other hand, using the right summoner spells for Shyvana is so important to guarantee good plays, survival during team fights, and much more. So, the best summoner spells for Shyvana are Flash and Smite. Remember, when playing in the jungle, using smite is mandatory to destroy the jungle monsters and earn XP.

Best Spells



Best Shyvana Summoner's Spells


Best Shyvana Summoner's Spells

Best Shyvana Abilities Order

No Shyvana guides will be completed without talking a bit about the best skill order for this champion. Depending on the runes you want to use and your build, your skill order may vary a little bit, but in this case, we will focus on the tank Shyvana build and skill order: Flame Breath (E), Burnout (W), and Twin Bite (Q). Like most champions in League of Legends, Shyvana gets a great power spike when reaching level 6, so focus on farming to unlock the half-dragon form.


Best Shyvana items

As mentioned above, the best items for Shyvana build are tank and magic damage ones. So, choosing the frostfire gauntlet, Demonic Embrace, and sorcerer's shoes are the best options for you with the highest win rate. She can't be easily countered in the late game if built correctly, so do not hesitate on using these items to take advantage of your enemies and deal more damage with your ultimate ability.

Best Starter Shyvana Items

As starter items, the best ones are Emberknife and Refillable potion, these items will help you in the early game to farm in the jungle and it's an amazing combination to take the most of Shyvana's auto attacks, the twin bite, and the Flame breath to deal damage to the jungle monsters and enemies.

First Item

Second Item


Best Starter Shyvana Items

Refillable Potion

Best Starter Shyvana Items

Best Mid-Game Shyvana Items

In the mid-game is the moment when Shyvana starts to deal more damage to enemies, tank more damage from them and support your allies in any team fight. For that reason, you may get the following items: Frostfire gauntlet, Demonic Embrace, and Thornmail. Don't forget to buy sorcerers' shoes to increase Shyvana's damage and mobility.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Frostfire gauntlet

Best Mid-Game Shyvana Items

Demonic Embrace

Best Mid-Game Shyvana Items


Best Mid-Game Shyvana Items

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Finally, the late game is a powerful moment for Shyvana, and if you got the right item build order, at this point Shyvana should be an unkillable monster at the summoner's rift, capable to deal a lot of damage and be a great front lane for your team. Buy these items for the late game: Frostfire gauntlet, Demonic Embrace, Thornmail, Force of Nature, Sorcerer's shoes, and Warmog's Armor.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Frostfire gauntlet

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Demonic Embrace

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items


Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Force of Nature

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Sorcerer's shoes

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Warmog's Armor

Best Final Late Game Shyvana Items

Best Champions to pair Shyvana with

If you want to play Shyvana in the Jungle and dominate the summoner's rift, then you may get a duo that plays Akshan, Ahri, and Yone. These are the best synergy champions to pair with Shyvana due to their burst damage and crowd control. These are the best options to pair Shyvana with, but you may also take a look at our guide about the best Xin Zhao build in League of Legends, which pairs well with Shyvana too.


Win Rate %




Best Champions to pair Shyvana with



Best Champions to pair Shyvana with



Best Champions to pair Shyvana with

Strongest Champions against Shyvana

On the other hand, Bel'veth, Lillia, and Volibear are the strongest champions against Shyvana. They can easily survive long trades with Shyvana and outplay her easily, so, if you want to play Shyvana Jungle, consider banning those champions or play safely in the early game in case you're facing one of the champions mentioned previously.


Win Rate %




Strongest Champions against Shyvana



Strongest Champions against Shyvana



Strongest Champions against Shyvana

Weakest Champions against Shyvana

Finally, Shyvana's stats and abilities are perfect for dealing with Trundle, Lee Sin, and Viego, the weakest champions against Shyvana. So, do not hesitate to use Shyvana in the jungle against those champions who can't survive Shyvana's long trades and high DPS.


Win Rate %




Weakest Champions against Shyvana

Lee Sin


Weakest Champions against Shyvana



Weakest Champions against Shyvana

If you're looking to learn more about League of Legends, take a look at our guide about the best Shaco build in League of Legends. Which is another great jungler you can start playing now. See you at the summoner's rift!

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