Best Bel'veth Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Bel'veth build, runes, spells, items and counters. The void empress is here to dominate the jungle!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Bel'veth Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Bel'veth is one of the newest champions in League of Legends launched by RIOT Games and has arrived to dominate the jungle! Let's discover the best Bel'veth build, best runes, summoners spells, items, and much more with our ultimate Bel'veth guide. This late game champion is just a killing machine if played correctly. Let's begin!

Best Belveth Build

Playing bel'veth at the summoner's rift can be really complicated in the early game, but don't worry, once you get some attack speed items then bel'veth is just on another level. So, Bel'veth build is focused on getting items such as Kraken Slayer, Blade of The Ruined King and Death's Dance are really important for her, and much more if you consider playing bel'veth jungle against tanky champions.


Best Belveth Runes

When talking about Bel'veth runes, many players prefer the precision tree as the first and best option for Bel'veth. So, consider using the following runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and, coup de grace. You may choose the Inspiration tree plus Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight as a secondary tree. These runes will be the perfect partner for Bel'veth's abilities and help to deal with bonus attack speed. Some players may use Lethal tempo runes with Bel'veth, but that's a least-used option.

Best Rune Path


Best Belveth Runes


Best Belveth Runes

Best Keystone


Best Belveth Runes

Best Slot 1 (Rune)


Best Belveth Runes

Magical Footwear

Best Belveth Runes

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Legend: Alacrity

Best Belveth Runes

Cosmic Insight

Best Belveth Runes

Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Coup de Grace

Best Belveth Runes

Best Belveth Rune Shards

No Bel'veth guide would be completed without talking about the best bel'veth runes shards. Runes shards will help Bel'veth to stay alive during the early game, and even more if you're having a really difficult match. So, having an offense shard (+10% attack speed), an offense shard (Adaptive force) and one flex shard (+6 armor) is a good idea to play Bel'veth Jungle and stomp enemies.

Best Rune Shards



Best Belveth Rune Shards

+10% attack speed


Best Belveth Rune Shards

+9 Adaptive Force


Best Belveth Rune Shards

+6 Armor

Best Belveth Summoner's Spells

The void empress is an amazing champion in the jungle, for that reason, you may use Smite and Flash when playing Bel'veth Jungle. The flash is really important while Bel'veth's true form is not active and during the early game when Bel'veth is not good at stacking armor, her attack speed and attack range is low and even the damage reduction of her abilities is not too high. So, it's fundamental to use Flash or Ghost to escape from enemy team ambush, etc.

Best Spells



Best Belveth Summoner's Spells


Best Belveth Summoner's Spells

Best Belveth Abilities Order

The ability order is so important for Bel'veth in League of Legends, due to the power this champion has, we recommend the following ability order: Void surge (Q), Royal maelstrom (E) which deal damage based on the lowest health enemy, and Above and Below (W). The void surge will help Bel'veth to gain mobility on the map, and Royal maelstrom grants bel'veth on-hit effects with the auto attacks (which also gain attack speed in the late game). Belveth basic abilities are really powerful!


Best Belveth items

Bel'veth build is focused on earning physical damage and attack speed. Remember, his passive ability makes Bel'veth escalate and get infinite attack speed which is really amazing in the late game. Some players recommend getting a titanic hydra, immortal shieldbow, Guinsoo's rageblade, and even a spirit visage. But let's check the highest win rate Bel'veth build.

Best Starter Belveth Items

When playing bel'veth jungle, the best items are really simple: Emberknife and Refillable Potion. You may also change the Emberknife for the Hailblade depending on the enemy champions' composition. But the refillable potion will help you during the laning phase to farm quietly and don't suffer too much damage from the jungle monsters.

First Item

Second Item


Best Starter Belveth Items

Refillable Potion

Best Starter Belveth Items

Best Mid Game Belveth Items

The first stages of the game can be really hard for Bel'veth, but in the mid-game, this champion can be really useful during the team fights and secure neutral objectives quickly. So, getting a death's dance, blade of the ruined king a Kraken slayer, and mercury's treads or Plated Steel caps is mandatory inside the Bel'veth jungle build. The void empress's true form is so powerful with those items in the mid-game.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Kraken slayer

Best Mid Game Belveth Items

Blade of the ruined king

Best Mid Game Belveth Items

Mercury's treads

Best Mid Game Belveth Items

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

The late game is the best moment for Bel'veth to shine at the summoner's rift and she can easily beat most matchups due to her high attack speed, more health steal, more mobility, unique cooldown, and explosive true damage. Bel'veth can maintain longer fights in the late game thanks to her (E) royal maelstrom. So at this point in the game, consider buying: Blade of the ruined king, Kraken slayer, Mercury's treads, Wit's end (against magic damage champions), guardian angel, and titanic hydra.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Kraken slayer

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Blade of the ruined king

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Mercury's treads

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Wit's end

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Death's Dance

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Guardian angel

Best Final Late Game Belveth Items

Best Champions to pair Belveth with

To get the best of Bel'veth, you could have some amazing champions who can escalate as well as her. So, Sion, Orn, and Vladimir are amazing options to pair with Bel'veth. Those champions can help Bel'veth to burst enemies and, in the case of Orn, can improve bel'veth build and items to deal even much more damage. 


Win Rate %




Best Champions to pair Belveth with



Best Champions to pair Belveth with



Best Champions to pair Belveth with

Strongest Champions against Belveth

Fiddlestick, Vi, and Sejuani are the main champions that you may avoid if you want to play Bel'veth in the Jungle. Bel'veth is so weak against strong crowd control champions who can deal more damage, interrupt her Q void surge, or even interrupt her royal maelstrom. So, avoid playing against hard crowd control champions who can burst Bel'veth during all the stages of the game.


Win Rate %




Strongest Champions against Belveth



Strongest Champions against Belveth



Strongest Champions against Belveth

Weakest Champions against Belveth

Lastly, Hecarim, Nidalee, and Amumu are so weak against Bel'veth. In the case of the champions mentioned before, Bel'veth can easily burst them and even outplay them if she uses the royal maelstrom in the best moment.


Win Rate %




Weakest Champions against Belveth



Weakest Champions against Belveth



Weakest Champions against Belveth

One last thing, remember that Bel'veth is able to spawn void minions when getting a rift herald or a Baron Nashor, use it in your favor to destroy enemies easily! If you want to learn more about League of Legends champions, take a look at our guide about the best Blitzcrank build League of legends. See you at the summoner's rift!

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