Best Sejuani Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Sejuani build, runes, spells, items and counters. Use the Fury of the North to dominate the Jungle in LoL!

Updated on Aug 07, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Sejuani Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

League of Legends is an incredible game, but those tanky champions that can apply good crowd control on enemies are even more so. And for this reason, today we will show you all the details about Sejuani. Get to know the best Sejuani build, summoner spells, best Sejuani runes, and much more in our complete guide.

Best Sejuani Build

Sejuani build is focused on being a tank for her allies, capable of providing a good initiation during team fights. Although recently Sejuani has been having more active participation in the top lane, in this guide you will find a guide that you can take both to the jungle and to the top lane without too many changes.


Best Sejuani Runes

Whether you want to play Sejuani jungle or Sejuani Top, the Sejuani runes don't change much and their strong point is in the resolve runes. So, the best rune set for Sejuani is located in the resolve tree with Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, and Overgrowth. As a secondary rune set you may use the Precision Tree with Triumph and Legend: Alacrity. This combination of runes will make Sejuani have a powerful late game and good scaling in health, armor, and magic resist.

Best Rune Path


Best Sejuani Runes


Best Sejuani Runes

Best Keystone


Best Sejuani Runes

Best Slot 1 (Rune)

Font of Life

Best Sejuani Runes


Best Sejuani Runes

Best Slot 2 (Rune)


Best Sejuani Runes

Legend: Alacrity

Best Sejuani Runes

Best Slot 3 (Rune)


Best Sejuani Runes

Best Sejuani Rune Shards

While using the correct runes with Sejuani (such as Font of Life) is important, picking up the correct rune shards is also important. Therefore, many Sejuani guides recommend an offensive piece (+10% attack speed), a Flex piece (+6 Armor), and finally a defense piece (15-140 Health). All of these rune shards help Sejuani players to stay alive during the landing phase and take advantage of Sejuani's magic damage.

Best Rune Shards



Best Sejuani Rune Shards

+10% attack speed


Best Sejuani Rune Shards

+6 armor


Best Sejuani Rune Shards

15 − 140 (based on level) bonus health

Best Sejuani Summoner's Spells

Among the best statistical analysis about the summoner spells to use with Sejuani, the best ones are very clear. If you want to play Sejuani in the jungle you must use Flash and Smite or Ghost and Smite. However, the flash gives you the opportunity to escape from unfavorable situations in case you can't use Sejuani's Q.

Best Spells



Best Sejuani Summoner's Spells


Best Sejuani Summoner's Spells

Best Sejuani Abilities Order

Sejuani's skill order is quite simple, as you need to max out Fury of the North (P) to deal a lot of magic damage, and Sejuani's abilities are important to achieve that. Therefore, follow this skill order for Sejuani, Winter's Wrath (W), Arctic Assault (Q), and Permafrost (E). Sejuani has an incredible amount of crowd control, so applying them correctly with her Artic Assault and Permafrost is vital during team fights!


Best Sejuani items

Now you know the best runes, skill order, and summoner spells for Sejuani, it's time to talk about Sejuani build to deal as much damage as possible and get the best mythic items depending on the enemy team. Remember, Sejuani build is focused on tanky items to be the front lane of your team and take advantage of Winter's wrath, Permafrost, and Glacial prison (R).

Best Starter Sejuani Items

Hailblade and Refillable Potion are the best starter items for the Sejuani jungle. This will help you to restore mana and recover health while farming in the jungle. Remember, use your Winter's wrath at level 1 to farm better in the jungle, and don't forget to use the fury of the north and the arctic assault to deal more damage to the enemies.

First Item

Second Item


Best Starter Sejuani Items

Refillable Potion

Best Starter Sejuani Items

Best Mid-Game Sejuani Items

The mid-game is an important moment in Sejuani's game, at this point, using the right runes is really important to escalate well and help your team during the team fights. For that reason, consider getting Sunfire Aegis or Frostfire Gauntlet, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. These items will allow managing league of legends games against almost all enemies, but be careful, you may change a little more this build depending on the enemy team composition.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Sunfire Aegis

Best Mid-Game Sejuani Items


Best Mid-Game Sejuani Items

Force of Nature

Best Mid-Game Sejuani Items

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

The late game is a really important moment for Sejuani jungle, so consider getting the following items at this point Sunfire Aegis or Frostfire Gauntlet, Thornmail, and Force of Nature, Plated Steelcaps, Randuin's Omen, and Warmog's Armor. These items are really strong inside the league of legends system. So, use them, because, in some opinions of Riot games team, these items could be nerfed soon.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Sunfire Aegis

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items


Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

Force of Nature

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

Plated Steelcaps

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

Randuin's Omen

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

Warmog's Armor

Best Final Late Game Sejuani Items

Best Champions to pair Sejuani with

If you plan to play Sejuani Jungle in League of Legends, then Pantheon, Urgot, and Yorick are the best champions to go with Sejuani and take full advantage of the crowd control that this champion can bring during fights. You can take a look at our guide on the best build Darius League of Legends, another champion that can synergize well with Sejuani.


Win Rate %




Best Champions to pair Sejuani with



Best Champions to pair Sejuani with



Best Champions to pair Sejuani with

Strongest Champions against Sejuani

On the other hand, Rek'sai, Lillia, and Volibear are the champions to avoid in the summoner's rift if you plan to get the best of Sejuani. These champions are very good in the early game, have better minion cleanups, and can kill and outrun Sejuani in the jungle.


Win Rate %




Strongest Champions against Sejuani



Strongest Champions against Sejuani



Strongest Champions against Sejuani

Weakest Champions against Sejuani

Finally, Sejuani is really strong against Wukong, Rengar, and Nidalee. These champions can't easily CC Sejuani and they also can't use their burst damage to finish Sejuani off during the late game.


Win Rate %




Weakest Champions against Sejuani



Weakest Champions against Sejuani



Weakest Champions against Sejuani

If you want to learn a little more about the best League of Legends champions and their builds, check out our guide on the best Trundle build League of Legends. See you at the summoner's rift!

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