Tag Strategies

Can You Actually Beat Zombies in Call of Duty? [Explained]

Can You Actually Beat Zombies in Call of Duty? [Explained]

Each Call of Duty Zombies mode has its own difficulty, but ultimately, it is possible to beat it. Here's how!

What is the Best Element in Genshin Impact? [Unexpected!]
Genshin Impact

What is the Best Element in Genshin Impact? [Unexpected!]

Take a guess at which 7 elements in Genshin Impact reign supreme over the rest - the answer might not be what you thought it would be!

How To Play D.VA [Guide, Tips & More]

How To Play D.VA [Guide, Tips & More]

To excel with D.Va in Overwatch, skillfully balance her defensive and offensive abilities, focusing on strategic use of Defense Matrix.

How To Play Echo in Overwatch [Abilities, Tips & More]

How To Play Echo in Overwatch [Abilities, Tips & More]

Welcome to our Echo guide. If you'd like to learn all about Echo, including how to unlock her and play her at peak form, continue reading.

How Does The Circle Mechanic Work In Warzone 2.0 [Explained]

How Does The Circle Mechanic Work In Warzone 2.0 [Explained]

In Warzone 2.0, the circle mechanic introduces randomness, with the circle splitting into smaller ones that merge over time.

How To Farm Dark Elixir Fast In CoC [4 Best Strategies]
Clash Of Clans

How To Farm Dark Elixir Fast In CoC [4 Best Strategies]

Raiding dead bases and finding suitable trophy ranges are common strategies to farm Dark Elixir quickly, but some players are missing more effective methods.

The 6 Absolute Best Counters for Roadhog in Overwatch 2

The 6 Absolute Best Counters for Roadhog in Overwatch 2

Roadhog is a strong tank hero in Overwatch 2, so to shut him down, you will need some decent counters, such as Reaper, Mei, Ana and more!

Top 4 Ways to Improve Early Game Farming to Win Lane in LoL

Top 4 Ways to Improve Early Game Farming to Win Lane in LoL

A way to win League of Legends matches is to win early game. And LoL early game is won via early game farming, so here's how to farm more minions early game!

Best Ways to Secure Both Rift Heralds in League of Legends

Best Ways to Secure Both Rift Heralds in League of Legends

Securing neutral objectives like Rift Herald can decide an LoL match. Due to this getting more Rift Heralds in LoL is a skill that needs honing!

5 Best LoL Bully Bot Laners to Dominante the Laning Phase

5 Best LoL Bully Bot Laners to Dominante the Laning Phase

the 5 best League of Legends bot lane bullies: Caitlyn, Draven, Kalista, Karthus, and Tristana, highlighting how each excels in dominating the laning phase.

4 Best Troll Team Comps to Tilt Enemies in LoL

4 Best Troll Team Comps to Tilt Enemies in LoL

See four troll team compositions in League of Legends designed to confuse and tilt the enemy, including a "Full Hook Team Comp," and a "Clone Army Team Comp.

9 Best LoL Bully Supports to Carry SoloQ Games

9 Best LoL Bully Supports to Carry SoloQ Games

Check out the best support champions for bullying the enemy in League of Legends from minute one, including Blitzcrank, Nautilus, and Pyke.