The 6 Absolute Best Counters for Roadhog in Overwatch 2

Roadhog is a strong tank hero in Overwatch 2, so to shut him down, you will need some decent counters, such as Reaper, Mei, Ana and more!

Updated on Oct 12, 2023
Fact checked by Charlee Anthony |
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The 6 Absolute Best Counters for Roadhog in Overwatch 2

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Reaper Counter Roadhog

Reaper is an obvious pick here, as he is most tanks' worst nightmare and also one of the best damage heroes in Overwatch, mostly due to his Wraith Form ability and confidence in close range encounters. 

Dealing insane DPS with his dual-wielding shotgun attack, his main weakness is his shotguns' bullet spread. Roadhog being a beefy target fixes that, and Reaper is free to blast his max damage shots at will. Roadhog's head hitbox is also large, meaning these shotguns can critically hit on multiple pellets at a time, from a fair distance.

Reaper even has some outplay potential; using his Wraith Form at the right time can dodge Roadhog's abilities, leaving Roadhog helpless. It can even dodge the damage if you manage to get hooked, granted you time it right, and if the enemy team Roadhog is a bit slow. However, even though Wraith Form is a strong ability, pay attention to the timing, because using it too soon might just cost you the game.

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Mei Counter Roadhog

Mei is another great counter for most of the tank heroes in Overwatch, and that includes Roadhog. Whilst she is no longer the demonic perma-freezing terror from the original Overwatch, her utility is still strong versus any tank hero in close range fights.

Mei's primary fire can slow down Roadhog, leaving him vulnerable if he can't escape to his team. Paired with Mei's Ice Wall, Roadhog has no escape, and doesn't have a shield to buy him some time. 

Outplay potential is again possible; Mei's Cryo-Freeze can block hooks on herself, or on teammates if skilled enough. Her kit all-in-all is full of tools to counter Roadhog and leave him helpless.

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Zarya Counter Roadhog

Roadhog's lack of shield means Zarya can permanently deal out damage to either Roadhog, or his vulnerable backline, a backline she is easily able to ult.

Zarya's Particle Barriers are a true counter to Roadhog's only combo, as it can:

  • Block hooks for herself or her teammates.
  • Block Roadhog's Scrap Gun damage for herself or her teammates if they get hooked.
  • Give herself free max charge from Roadhog's heavy damage output.

So yeah, this is pretty much everything you need to counter Roadhog, especially in a close range fight.

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Roadhog Counter Roadhog

If you can't beat them, join them. Whilst not true for most of the roster, one of this character's counters is himself. And let's be honest, if you take this approach to counter Roadhog, your entire team will rather thank you than curse on you, especially if you know how to use his primary weapon.

Roadhog's utility of isolating a single target is perfect versus himself. Roadhog does have healing and damage reduction, but in a team of 5 hungry characters eager for a kill, his health bar will be shredded in no time. In combo with Ana, our next counter, Roadhog can counter himself very well.

Roadhog's ultimate has a wide-spread, one that the chunky hitbox of the enemy Roadhog can soak up very well. It really is a skill matchup, and the better player will always win. That said, better learn how to use your primary weapon along with the secondary fire and become one of the best Roadhog counters on the server with your chain hook skills.

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Ana Counter Roadhog

Our next counter for Roadhog is a support, who is also considered to be one of the best counters for D.Va and a pretty good sniper hero. Most of it is thanks to Sleep Dart, and it's kind of funny how this one ability can make one hero a great counter to another.

Ana's kit is extremely toxic when she can hit everything, and Roadhog is no challenge. Her Sleep Dart can cancel his ultimate ability, can cancel his combo if he hits a hook, and can cancel his healing. This is so good that you even might want to set Sleep Dart to primary fire if you really want to focus on being one of the best Roadhog counters on the server.

Furthermore, her Biotic Grenade can completely nullify his survivability. Since Roadhog's ideally heal themselves at half health, he will be very squishy, and easily killable.

Finally, her Nano Boost can turn Reaper or any other tank killer into an even stronger carry, cleaning up Roadhogs as if they were Tracers.

It's important to note that, unlike all the heroes we mentioned here before, she has no survival versus a chain hook combo, and only her teammates can save her from that point on.

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Zenyatta Counter Roadhog

Our final counter is Zenyatta. Zenyatta is a damage-healer hybrid, and so his extra damage output is definitely a plus when facing Roadhog.

His damage is not the key to countering this beast, though; and you will really notice this in close range encounters against any Roadhog player. Zenyatta's Orb of Discord debuffs the enemy, making them receive 25% increased damage. If you plant this on a Roadhog with good communication or a good couple of Damage heroes, Roadhog will die very fast.

Finally, Zenyatta's ultimate, Transcendence, can save allies from dying to a Roadhog combo, and can even block hooks if the Zen player is quick enough.

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