10 Worst Skins of All Time in Overwatch 2

See our list of the 10 worst skins in Overwatch 2 that nobody wants to see anymore, including the horrific Industrial Zarya and Commando Sojourn.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Charlee Anthony |
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10 Worst Skins of All Time in Overwatch 2

1 /10

Industrial Zarya Skin

There are some amazing skins in Overwatch 2, but the Industrial Zarya is not it. Along with its sister skin the Cybergoth Zarya, have to be some of the worst skins Overwatch has created.

Industrial Skin for Zarya Overwatch 2

Industrial Zarya just does not match the theme of this hero, as she is a beasty tank. From what I remember, gothics are typically either lean or skinny, as it is part of the aesthetic. Since Zarya is so buff, this just doesn't add up. They could definitely improve on the Zarya skins in Overwatch 2 with some warrior type appearances, or even a cyber soldier skin.

2 /10

Commando Sojourn Skin

Another horrific skin would have to be the Commander Sojourn skin. Although some people may use this, it just doesn't have much to look at.

Sojourn Worst Skin in Overwatch 2

There aren't many great Sojourn skins in Overwatch 2, and this has been a rising complaint in the Overwatch community as she has been needing some new, improved skins. Recently, though, they have added a newer skin through the Halloween Horror event that definitely surpasses any other Sojourn skin creation.

3 /10

Glam Moira Skin

Moira is another hero who has a sad list of skins despite the amount of fans she has grown since the release of Overwatch 2. Unfortunately, Glam is one of her worst images.

Worst Moira skin in Overwatch 2

Glam completely mutilates the entire idea of who Moira is. Honestly, the entire outfit just does not compliment her taste at all. If you are looking for a better Moira skin, I would consider the Scientist skin or the BlackWatch appearance.

4 /10

Mask Dancer Moira Skin

The fans don't like it, and neither do I really. This skin, among many other mask skins, just seems wrong all across the board of Overwatch 2 skins. They all do not seem to fit any of the heroes' attributes, and the same goes for Moira.

Worst Moira mask skin in Overwatch 2

Similar to the Tal Ana skin (which we mention below), these masks completely ruin the character and their badass looks, not to mention these masks just look god-awful.

5 /10

Lightning Tracer Skin

Oh boy... well, this one has received all of the hate from just about any Overwatch fan. The form of this skin just makes Tracer look like a green traffic light which is just embarrassing for anyone who uses this skin in the game.

Worst tracer skin in overwatch 2

Lightning Tracer has been a hated skin since the beginning, and for some reason, Blizzard hasn't attempted to remove it from being an epic skin option.

6 /10

Tal Ana Skin

Not that the color scheme is bad.... alright, it is pretty bad. I understand is probably for some sort of event... but I really don't think that many fans understand or care enough to sacrifice their coins on these strange masked outfit choices. Especially Tal skin from Ana's skin collection.

worst ana skins in overwatch 2

With the mix of blue, green, red, and white, there are just too many colors happening in this skin for it to be anywhere near amazing. As if it couldn't get any worse, the mask is just pure creepy and makes Ana not really Ana. Forget about the fact that it also makes her face just look extremely small.

7 /10

Mach T Tracer Skin

Legendary skins or not, this one is not in my books. The Mach T is just one of the worst for Tracer, and I sadly see way too many players rock the two skins Mach T and T Racer all too often. Although T Racer is a bit better, this color scheme is just terrible.

worst mache t tracer skin in overwatch

With an overall lack of creativity in this outfit, they really struggled to make any of the Tracer legendary skins really eye-catching. Unfortunately, the Mach T makes sense not to be at the top of the skins list.

8 /10

Talon Sombra Skin

Although this may not be everyone's opinion, you have to admit Sombra has some pretty awesome skins, while this one seems to really fall short in that category. As one of the most expensive legendary skins, you would think that this outfit would be just slightly better.

worst sombra skin

Great skins aren't that hard to find in Overwatch, especially for Sombra, but this Talon skin just makes her look like a basic Karen who's about to ask to speak to the manager at any moment. Not to mention the overall design is pretty boring and has no neon or flashy colors that Sombra typically shows.

9 /10

Null Sector Orisa Skin

Orisa has some pretty awesome skins, but Null Sector is just not everyone's favorite. There are some amazing skins for Orisa that are just simply badass, that put this skin way out of proportion.

worst orisa skin in overwatch 2

Depending on your taste, I do appreciate the purple implemented into this skin, and the combination with orange was a nice touch. Although it is overall bland and lacks so much character potential.

10 /10

Defense Matrix Bastion Skin

I mean, you can probably see why this is one of the worst Bastion skins. The armor is like eating a piece of bread with no butter or garlic, and it was buried in the back of the cabinet for a few days. But hey, maybe if it was your only option?

worst bastion skin in overwatch 2

Whether or not you have some great options for your bread choices, we know there are so many great Bastion skins to choose from that are far better than this epic skin by a long shot. Be sure not to waste your money on this guy unless you just like to be boring.

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