4 Best Troll Team Comps to Tilt Enemies in LoL

See four troll team compositions in League of Legends designed to confuse and tilt the enemy, including a "Full Hook Team Comp," and a "Clone Army Team Comp.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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4 Best Troll Team Comps to Tilt Enemies in LoL

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Full Hook Team Comp

The best abilities in League of Legends, aside from ultimates, are hooking abilities, due to their displacement effect, making for an easy pick against the enemy team, in lane and in team fights.

And after years of new champions getting released, we can now make a team filled with champions that all have hooks in their kit!

Mid Lane
Top Lane

LoL - Hook Team Comp

Thresh can easily fill the role of an ADC, due to his good AD scaling, and with Blitzcrank, due to their early game stats, their lane is easy to snowball, while Nautilus jungle has been a pocket pick for quite a few years now.

On the other hand, Pyke mid is useful for roaming, while Swain can fill the niche if AP damage is needed. And Kled finds himself in his usual top lane role. This team comp is made for an aggressive all-or-nothing playstyle, and with effective team communication, no enemy is ever safe!

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Clone Army Team Comp

Ever had to make a split-second decision to determine which Shaco is the correct one, or you'll die? Imagine that scenario, and how annoying LoL champions any of these can be, times five, and you'll understand how great this troll team comp is!

The basic premise is to have an advantage in numbers, by drafting a team comp in which every champion can summon clones of themselves, to further confuse the enemy!

Mid Lane
Top Lane

LoL - Clone Team Comp

This troll team comp sows chaos on the battlefield, as the enemy has to face up to ten enemy champions, or what passes for those champions anyways. And there is always strength in numbers!

And with the recent Neeko changes, the possibilities for confusion are endless. Just imagine four enemy Shaco running at you, and having to guess which one is the real one!

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Anti-Death Team Comp

One of the worst feelings you can have in League of Legends is killing the key enemy, only for them to get revived due to some effect or another. Well, this team comp, makes that feeling into a playstyle!

Renata Glasc
Mid Lane
Top Lane

LoL - Anti-Death Team Comp

An honorary mention to this team is Karthus, who is one of the best scaling champions, whose undeath passive can synergize incredibly well with Renata's, Akshan's, and Kindred's abilities if you need some extra damage. By playing this team comp, the main thing you'll lack is a frontline.

But with some practice with juggling your abilities, you can make sure to never die needlessly, and even if that happens, Akshan is there to bring you back in time to rejoin the team fight again!

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Full Mundo Funnel Comp

One of the best LoL cheese strats when playing League of Legends is to play a support champion as a solo laner, to funnel a hyper carry jungler. The full team comp funnel works in a similar manner.

It's played by playing enchanters in all four roles, and then trying to keep Dr. Mundo alive for as long as possible, while he charges headlong into the enemy team!

Mid Lane
Top Lane
Dr. Mundo

LoL - Dr Mundo Splash Art

Of course, this team comp can also be played with any other enchanter composition, but we've found that these work the best. Ivern is the only jungle enchanter, and his shields use Dr. Mundo to deal devastating damage.

Soraka and Yuumi are Mundo's heal bots, that can survive the bot lane easily due to how safe they are to play. In a pinch, as Sona and Taric bot lane duo can work as well!

This way, Mundo becomes an unstoppable Juggernaut, that has an easy way to get onto enemies, to deal surprising amounts of damage, while also being impossible to kite and kill.

Poison Team Comp

Damage over time abilities in League of Legends, are devastating for squishy champions and tanky champions alike, and the most annoying take the form of poison. This is due to the items that usually complement said abilities, giving the poison additional burn.

For maximum effect, building Liandry's Torment and Demonic Embrace on all of these champions will almost make the enemy start taking damage just by breathing the same air as your team.

Mid Lane
Top Lane

LoL - Poison Team Comp

While Cassiopeia is usually one of the hardest champions to play in LoL, due to having to constantly proc her poison for her maximum damage, this team comp synergizes and procs it for her.

Singed, with his LoL proxy farming influences macro decisions, while Teemo controls the battlefield with his shrooms. And, unlike most other LoL abilities, all of these poison abilities stack, for maximum damage!

An honorary mention of this team comp is Malzahar, whose damage over time abilities are incredible and can be a substitute for Teemo support, but are not classified as poison after all.

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