5 Best Cheese Strats to Win SoloQ Games in LoL

Check out five cheese strategies to excel in SoloQ games in League of Legends, including invading enemy jungle and proxy farming in the top lane.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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5 Best Cheese Strats to Win SoloQ Games in LoL

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One of the few rules that can be applied to any video game is to never take a fair fight and in League of Legends that means attacking opponents when they least expect it, while outnumbering them, and then stealing their jungle camps to deny the resources.

LoL - Usual Invade Routes

We are, of course, talking about invading, the most basic and often used cheese strat in League of Legends. The strat itself seems simple, and is best used when playing with premades, but can be employed in SoloQ as well.

  1. Enter the enemy jungle immediately upon leaving the base as a team
  2. Wait in the bush closest to jungle buff until 1:25 to ensure you outnumber the enemy
  3. Kill the jungle and potential allies leashing them
  4. Steal the buff setting the enemy jungler behind in XP and gold

LoL - Invade Example

Of course, invading is not as simple as this the closer to the highest LoL rank you get. More experienced players will protect the entrances to the jungle, to grant allies vision, or will be able to deduce your invade based on the champions you've chosen to play.

The most important thing is to know how strong your team is at level 1 and to never pick a level 1 fight against Sion or Braum, as their passive means that Sion will take at least two enemies to the grave with him, while Bram can stun your whole team at level 1.

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Proxy Farming

Improving early game farming in LoL is the most reliable way of getting gold in League of Legends. There is, however, a cheesy way of doing so that will infuriate you enemies, and leave them unable to match your scaling. It's the age-old cheese strat of proxy farming.

Proxy farming has been present in League of Legends ever since Singed was released. And since he was the first champion Riot Games ever designed for the game, that is saying a lot. Proxy farming in LoL means killing enemy minions between the inner and outer enemy turrets before they even reach your own, in the top lane.

LoL - Singed Proxy Farming

Proxy farming aims to force the enemy top laner into facing your entire minion wave without their own minions as a buffer to allow them to last hit. Instead, they are forced to farm under the tower, making it easier to take tower plates later on, while the tower damage is not conducive to farming early on.

LoL - Turret Aggro

For beginners, the best champion to proxy farm with is Singed. His poison makes it easy to enact this cheese strat at both high elo and low elo, while the enemy will never catch you, as you never chase a Singed.

Players proxy farming must be aware of turret aggro, and enemy junglers at all times, however, as it can lead to easy deaths at their hands. Especially if someone like Kha'Zix comes along, an assassin perfect for killing enemies one-on-one.

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The whole idea of cheese strats is doing something that will upend the game on its head, and force the enemies out of their comfort zone. Funneling is the most annoying and despicable LoL cheese strategy of them all.

As hyper-carry champions in League of Legends need a lot of resources to ramp up and be capable of demolishing enemies, it usually takes a while for them to gather said resources, and most never reach the end-game when they shine.

LoL - Taric and Yi Funnel Strat

The solution to this problem is to double their resource gain, both gold an experience. Simply take a jungle hyper carry, the best jungle champions in any meta, usually a Master Yi, and pair him with a support champion in the mid-lane or the top lane.

LoL - Funnel Level Difference

As support champions don't need farming to be useful, their entire role is to give their farm and XP to the carry, while setting up ganks, and having a hyper carry hit their powerspike 15 minutes early.

The usual setup is Taric or even Yuumi in the solo lanes, with Master Yi as the jungler, giving Master Yi survivability and allowing him to focus solely on obliterating the enemy team. This is the highest risk-to-reward strategy on this list, and can backfire if your allies refuse to cooperate, which can happen often with strangers in SoloQ.

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Cheater Recall

Wave management is one of the most important fundamentals of League of Legends. So, recalling at the best time is paramount to get an advantage in farming, so as to not lose any minions.

LoL - Cheater Recall

The cheater recall cheese strategy strategy is simple.

  1. Push the second minion wave under the enemy turret as quickly as possible
  2. Recall as soon as your wave crashes
  3. Return to lane with items at the same time the enemy is pushing their wave into you

LoL - Wave Under Turret

As this strategy is done in the early game, the enemy can't push the wave quickly enough to make you lose minions, and will have to stay in lane once you return so they don't lose XP and farm. This way, you basically get a free back to spend your gold without losing anything in the process.

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River Shen

Okay, the last cheese strategy on our list started off as a joke, and even today, after getting optimized, is still only viable when playing Flex Queue with friends,  unless you want your team mates to hate you as much as they hate Yuumim by far the most annoying champion in League of Legends!

LoL - River Shen

The point of River Shen is to play him in the support role, with a support item, and perma gank enemies. This way, River Shen does what roaming supports do best, but when the enemy least expects him to.

LoL - River Shen build

The gold and experience gain comes solely from taking scuttlecrab, and by taxing minion waves with your support item.

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