Tag SoloQ

8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

The best LoL engage support champions, like Rakan or Rell, are the decision makers in the early game, and make picks during the late game, to carry their team!

8 Best 1v2 LoL Champions to Outplay Enemies in SoloQ

8 Best 1v2 LoL Champions to Outplay Enemies in SoloQ

The best 1v2 champions in League of Legends, like Darius or Mordekaiser, all have their own way to outplay their enemies and win a 1v2 fight.

Top 10 Best Champions to Get Kills With In LoL SoloQ

Top 10 Best Champions to Get Kills With In LoL SoloQ

The best champions to get kills with in LoL either easily kill the enemy, the way Nunu does, or get an insane power up when they do, like Jinx's Get Excited!

Top 10 Best Juggernauts to Abuse in LoL SoloQ

Top 10 Best Juggernauts to Abuse in LoL SoloQ

Hybrid classes like juggernauts are always overpowered in LoL. The best juggernauts LoL has, like Sett and Mordekaiser, can be easily abused to victory!

Top 8 Best Sleeper OP Champs to Carry in LoL SoloQ

Top 8 Best Sleeper OP Champs to Carry in LoL SoloQ

These are the sleeper OP LoL champions that no one plays. Few expect the carry potential of Rumble and Cho'Gath damage, or the versatility of Taric and Poppy!

Top 8 Roaming Mid Laners For Map Domination in LoL SoloQ

Top 8 Roaming Mid Laners For Map Domination in LoL SoloQ

Mid lane is the best lane to roam all over the map. These champions, such as Talon, Pantheon and Taliyah, make roaming and good macro even easier!

10 Best Champions to Abuse Hullbreaker in LoL SoloQ

10 Best Champions to Abuse Hullbreaker in LoL SoloQ

The best top lane champions for split pushing, such as Yorick and Tryndamere, are also the best champs for Hullbreaker, due to their synergy!

Top 8 Best Fighters to Carry in LoL SoloQ

Top 8 Best Fighters to Carry in LoL SoloQ

The best fighter champions in LoL are found in the top lane, like Camille and jungle, such as Jarvan IV, carrying SoloQ games in a variety of ways.

Top 8 Best Divers to Carry Games in LoL SoloQ

Top 8 Best Divers to Carry Games in LoL SoloQ

The best diver champions in LoL, such as Vi and Camille, carry SoloQ games by destroying enemy cohesion with their quick and powerful engages!

8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

Best warden champions in LoL are the immovable objects, standing between the enemy and their allies. These include champions such as Braum, Shen or Tahm Kench!

8 Best Waveclear Mid Laners for SoloQ Lane Priority

8 Best Waveclear Mid Laners for SoloQ Lane Priority

The best waveclear mid laners, such as Malzahar and Xerath, establish lane prio easily, freeing them up to take objectives with their SoloQ jungler!

10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

Enchanters are the stereotypical LoL support champions. The best enchanters, like Nami and Lulu, help their ADCs carry games with their versatility!