Top 10 Best Champions to Get Kills With In LoL SoloQ

The best champions to get kills with in LoL either easily kill the enemy, the way Nunu does, or get an insane power up when they do, like Jinx's Get Excited!

Updated on Mar 06, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 10 Best Champions to Get Kills With In LoL SoloQ

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As one of the best high mobility assassins in League of Legends, Katarina is both a champion that is easy to get kills with, and one that has a powerful buff upon killing an enemy.

LoL - Katarina Splash Art

Her passive ability reduces all of her ability cooldown by 15 seconds upon enemy takedown, giving her the opportunity to go through her powerful spell rotation again and again in a fight.

However, Katarina's potential can only be unleashed by a master of this champion, as her skill floor is too high for her to be played effectively by someone who just picked her up!

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As the only assassin support champion, Pyke's whole design revolves around two things. Being one of the best roaming supports in LoL, and getting kills with his ultimate!

LoL - Pyke Splash art

Upon killing an enemy with his ultimate, Pyke gives the ally who contributed the most to the kill 300 extra gold. This way, every kill that Pyke gets on an enemy champion is worth two times what it usually is, causing the game to snowball extremely quickly!

3 /10

Nunu & Willump

When learning how to play jungle in League of Legends, players will encounter two types of junglers. These are the farming junglers, such as Master Yi, and ganking junglers such as Nunu, whose primary focus is getting kills during the early game.

LoL - Nunu & Willump Splash Art

And out of all of the ganking League of Legends champions, Nunu & Willump is by far the most straightforward and best one. Their high mobility and CC  make the entire enemy team watch the mini-map, just waiting for the pair, and their giant snowball, to come rolling out of the bush and for their lives!

4 /10


If you want to get a pentakill in League of Legends, Darius is the simplest and best way to accomplish such a thing. Upon stacking his passive on an enemy champion, and executing them with his ultimate, his ultimate resets, ready for more blood!

LoL - Darius Splash Art

That is not all, however! Once this happens, Darius' next basic attack stacks all of his passive upon the enemy champion at once, immediately priming them to be dunked on by the Noxian Guillotine!

5 /10


We can't mention Darius's ease at getting kills, without mentioning his brother Draven, who does the exact opposite! As an ADC, Draven is a dangerous lane opponent, not only for his ability to get kills, which is only mildly better than other champions but what he does with them!

LoL - Draven Splash Art

With every minion slain and axe caught, Draven stacks his passive which, upon killing an enemy he gets an extra 2 gold for each stack.

Since improving early-game farming in LoL is every ADCs job, and catching axes is what Draven must do with every auto attack, Draven can easily get double extra gold with each champion kill, snowballing the game out of proportion!

6 /10


Once you hit full build, gold stops mattering in League of Legends, and something like Draven's becomes useless. Jinx's passive, however, is useful throughout the entire game, and is what makes her one of the best high elo ADC champions in LoL consistently!

LoL - Jinx Splash Art

Her passive, Get Excited,gives Jinx's increased attack speed and movement speed. The passive is so powerful, that with it on, Jinx is allowed to exceed the maximum attack speed in League of Legends.

It only takes one kill, for Jinx to tear down an entire enemy team in a team fight, front to back, one missile at a time!

7 /10


Very few abilities in League of Legends give their champions permanent buffs. Cho'gath's ultimate is one of them. By eating enemy units, that is, every minion, jungle monster, or champion consumed, Cho'Gath grows in size, and gains bonus health, and his auto attacks get more range.

LoL - Cho'Gath Splash Art

In addition, since his ultimate scales with a percentage of his maximum health, dealing true damage to enemies, each stack of his R - Feast, also increases the damage Cho'Gath deals with each following cast of the ability, making Cho'Gath both one of the best tank LoL champions and champions to feed kills to. Literally!

8 /10


Karthus is by far, the easiest champion to get kills with, and one of the champions who makes the most use out of his gold income. That's why he is also one of the best champions for First Strike.

LoL - Karthus Splash Art

It all comes down to his ultimate, and dealing massive damage to all enemies alive at the moment of its casting, without having to worry about aiming the ultimate, or even its range.

Whenever enemy champions are low on health, regardless of where Karthus is, they can only pray that his ultimate ability is still on cooldown!

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In the lore, kindred is literally the grim reaper of Runeterra. So, on the Summoner's Rift, her passive allows her to pick one of the enemy champions to hunt down, and kill.

LoL - Kindred Splash Art

Upon doing so, Kindred gains a mark, which increases her attack range, and empowers her E ability. And ability that scales with the target's missing health, and is an invaluable tool during the late game.

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Most champions in League of Legends have their strengths and weaknesses that no one else shares. And most of us have found ourselves wishing to use enemy abilities in our games, in situations they seem useful.

Enter Viego, one of the most overloaded LoL champions, whose passive allows him to take the form of enemies killed, and use all of their basic abilities for himself, and upon discarding a possession and taking a new one, the abilities of the new possession are all available and are not on cooldown!

LoL - Viego Splash Art

In addition, once his possession is discarded, his ultimate resets itself to a 1.5-second cooldown, ready to be used again. With all of this, Viego, effectively has 19 abilities to use, not just in one game, but one team fight.

In team fights, once Viego gets a single kill and starts possessing enemy champions and getting his ultimate resets, the mayhem that occurs, and the damage that he deals really shows his identity as a 200-year champion!

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