8 Best High Elo Bot Laners to Play in LoL SoloQ

Climbing LoL ranks via the bot lane is hard enough. To make it easier, it's best to follow the pros and check which are the best high elo bot laners!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best High Elo Bot Laners to Play in LoL SoloQ

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The first champion on our list is Kai'Sa, one of the most powerful one versus one ADCs in the entire game, capable of winning most early-game fights to get an advantage.

This is due to her passive, which procs with every fifth auto-attack or with allies' cc effects, dealing additional magic damage. With good engage supports, which are played of ten in high elo and usually the best high elo supports it makes for easy early-game kills.

LoL - Kai'Sa Splash Art

Kai'Sa's abilities allow her to effortlessly reposition during fights, and kill high-priority targets, without getting bogged down by the enemy frontline, no matter if the targets need a quick burst or sustained damage.

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One of the oldest League of Legends champions is Ashe, and she has kept her place as a reliable marksman for more than a decade for a reason.

Ashe is a typical front-to-back ADC, that does not execute any fancy strategies. Instead, she melts the enemies coming at her head-on, only using the basic ADC techniques, making her one of the easiest LoL ADCs to learn. Any ADC main worth their salt, who knows the fundamentals of kiting and spacing, can use Ashe to deadly effect.

LoL - Ashe Slash Art

This is due to the fact that Ashe can peel for herself without help from allies if need be, with auto-attacks that slow enemies, and an ult that stuns them where they stand.

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Unlike Ashe, and to an extent Kai'Sa, who rely on their auto-attacks to deal most of their damage, Ezreal falls under a special category of AD casters in League of Legends.

These champions scale with AD items, which are on average less expensive than AP items, and yet rely on their abilities to deal most of their damage. And it's precisely this that makes Ezreal such a menace.

LoL - Ezreal Splash Art

However, to play Ezreal at an average level is easy, as he is one best ADC champions for beginners, to play safe, but to do it correctly takes a lot of mastery. Since his damage relies on hitting his abilities, in less experienced hands Ezreal may seem useless, especially if his various builds are not chosen appropriately!

For those that can consistently hit his Qs, while also determining whether they should keep poking enemies or if it's time to burst them down, Ezreal is a bot lane carry.

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When it comes to having agency in League of Legends, for ADC bot laners, it's in short supply, due to their need to scale. Draven has no such issues, due to his passive, League of Draven.

With each axe caught or minion killed, Draven gains Adoration stacks, which he cashes in when he kills an enemy champion. Due to this, Draven is quite the bot lane bully, especially when paired with one of the best supports for Dravenachieving a good synergy!

LoL - Draven Splash Art

Due to this, experienced Draven players get leaps and bounds ahead in their builds compared to their enemies. This way, Draven has agency throughout the game, though he falls off during the late game. The only thing to do, is wrap up the game before that happens.

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Even when the meta does not favor her, Xayah remains one of the high elo bot lane champions to play. And that is precisely what high-elo players do, all of which is attributed to her abilities.

Xayah, like Ashe, is a front-to-back ADC. Unlike her, she is capable of shredding through the frontline and backline at the same time, due to her feathers' capability of hitting multiple targets.

LoL - Xayah Splash Art

This champion makes it easy to climb the ranked ladder, with her versatility and damage output, with feathers that offer battlefield control and an ult that is a perfect preservation tool for when the perfect Xayah support is not on her team!

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Since her release, Zeri has been a headache to balance. And, even when she is in a bad place in the meta, high elo players pick Zeri as their bot lane carry quite often.

LoL - Zeri Splash Art

This is, once again, due to her design which offers hyper-mobility, relying on player skills to evade enemy damage, while also outputting her own DPS from her Q. And with experienced high elo players wearing in her auto attacks that deal magic damage into the mix, Zeri melts through any enemy in the late game.

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To climb the SoloQ ladder, one can only rely on their own skills and not teammates. That is precisely what Samira embodies, both in lore and in-game.

LoL - Samira Splash Art

Samira is a skirmisher bot laner picked in high elo due to her incredible damage potential. once she gets going, there is very little anyone can do to stop her. Her kit offers her dashes to reposition, a wind wall to block skill shots, and an ultimate that will wipe out the entire enemy team.

Truly a high elo SoloQ menace, due to her design as one of the most dominant LoL champions!


Aphelios is one of the most difficult champions to learn to play, much less master. His design has him juggling between five weapons all of which offer a different playstyle and ultimates.

LoL - Aphelios Splash Art

That just means that he is also difficult to play against. High elo players, who have mastered this champion, always have an ace in their sleeve with their weapon options, when they need to kite tanky enemies or burst high-priority targets.

Due to the complexity of his kit, it's incredibly difficult to balance this champion as well, so his damage scaling is off the charts. Which high elo players abuse in their games regularly, and low elo players who dedicate their time to learning can as well!

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