Best High Elo Supports to Play in LoL SoloQ

When climbing the SoloQ ranks of LoL with supports, the best course of action is to use the champions considered as the best support champions in high elo.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Best High Elo Supports to Play in LoL SoloQ

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The one thing high elo players appreciate is playing a game on their own terms and being proactive.

That means playing the bully support champions that are capable of making plays on the map that set their team up to get an advantage, and Thresh has an ability suited for every situation.

LoL - Thresh Splash Art

Thresh is capable of engaging on enemy carries with his hook, peeling for his own carries with his flay, and using his lantern to get allies out of a tight spot after they've scored a pick, and masters of Thresh have a way to influence every situation to their advantage.

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Speaking of the best engage supports, we have Nautilus, one of the most straightforward support champions, who, unlike Thresh, does not have a lot of versatility in his kit.

What he does have, however, is his hyperspecialization of playing aggressively and forcing the enemy on the backfoot. Like Thresh, even when he does not fit into the meta, his pick rates still show him as one of the best high elo supports.

LoL - Nautilus Splash Art

If you're impatient to climb, Nautilus is the pick that will give you immediate results, due to how simple he is to play he is fit as both a high elo and low elo support pick, as he has a low skill floor and a skill ceiling high enough that there is always something to learn and improve about your gameplay.

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Even though high-elo support players choose engage support champions based on the fact that they have their own agency and play proactively, Lulu is one of the best enchanter supports in League of Legends high elo, and is played regardless of the meta.

The champion is just too good to pass up, and she can be equated to the Thresh of the enchanter class. Her abilities give her a way of neutralizing enemy damage dealers completely with her polymorph, while also buffing the best ADCs for Lulu with her E so they shred through anything.

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By abusing Pix in early-game trades, experienced high elo supports harass the enemy ADC, making it harder for them to improve early game farming to the vaunted 10 cs per minute, while also softening them up for an eventual all-in.

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If you thought that Nautilus was a one-trick pony of a champion, you have another thing coming. The first hook champion to ever walk the Summoner's Rift was created to do one thing and one thing only.

To hook high-priority targets and remove them from a fight before it even begins. Due to this simple reason, Blitzcrank is hardly ever influenced by meta changes.

LoL - Blitzcrank Splash Art

There are still some things to practice if you want to play Blitzcrank the way high elo players do and join them one day.

  • Know when and who to hook
  • Know how to threaten enemies with the implication of your hook
  • Learn to hit hooks consistently

Aside from his hook, another part of Blitzcrank's abilities that high elo players use when the time is right is his ultimate, for the silence effect, to disrupt as many abilities as possible in a team fight, or just the one of the best abilities in LoL, like Samira's ultimate, capable of demolishing an entire team.

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The last entry on our list is also its youngest champion, Rell, who was released in 2020, and then remained unused until her mid-scope update. Since then, however, she has been a staple of high elo games.

One part of that is because the meta heavily favors her, while the other is due to her kit that allows Rell to make plays that can win a team fight before the enemy team can even try and fight back.

LoL - Rell Splash Art

Rell is what Leona used to be for high elo games, but better, as she is more versatile and adaptable in her approach to making plays.

She is an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master champion, with a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. She is one of the best crowd control champions in LoL rivaling all other engage supports, with some additional effects such as shield breaking, while her roaming potential can match even the best roaming supports such as Pyke or Bard.

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Alistar, despite his seemingly basic kit, is a champion that a famous streamer one-tricked to get to high elo. That is because his abilities lend themselves to a good engage and disengage both, without being skill shots.

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This way, Alistar has enough crowd control to lock down the enemy carry, a way to peel for his own carries, and enough tankiness with his ultimate to make even the craziest of plays, such as early-game dives.

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Rakan is an incredible playmaking champion, that can turn an isolated ally into a pick for his team with his hyper-movement skills, and set up team fights with his ultimate in a way that his carries just need to mop up the enemy.

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When paired with Xayah, one of the high elo bot lane picks, he becomes an even better champion, not only due to their synergy but their design as well. In essence, Rakan is a utility-based version of Pyke.

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A staple of every elo in League of Legends, especially high elo supports, is Janna. This is due to her superb disengage skills that every ADC values having at their side.

While she is not as proactive as the rest of the champions on our list, Janna relies on protecting her carries to such an extent, that they can freely unload damage on the enemy team.

LoL - Janna Splash Art

Her tornadoes can be used to harass the enemy or stop their engages cold, while a well-placed shield will prove to be clutch to bursting down the enemy before your carries get burst in turn. A good Janna makes her carries feel like they're playing the game on easy mode!

One of the best League of Legends pro support players, CoreJJ, once defined a good support player as one that both creates and makes use of opportunities. And while the meta shifts regularly, with enough mastery, these support champions will get you the win.

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