Tag Support

How To See How Many Times You’ve Been Reported in LoL

How To See How Many Times You’ve Been Reported in LoL

To check how many times you've been reported in League of Legends, visit the Riot Games support website, log in with your LoL account, and request data.

Top 6 League of Legends ADCs to Play With Yuumi

Top 6 League of Legends ADCs to Play With Yuumi

With Yuumi being a champion with gameplay different from any other in the game, the paired ADC must be carefully chosen for optimal synergy.

8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

The best LoL engage support champions, like Rakan or Rell, are the decision makers in the early game, and make picks during the late game, to carry their team!

10 Hardest Heroes to Play in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

10 Hardest Heroes to Play in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

Including Tracer and Kiriko, there is a small line-up of Overwatch 2 heroes to master that are simply the hardest heroes to play effectively.

7 Best Marksman Supports for Double ADC Bot Lane

7 Best Marksman Supports for Double ADC Bot Lane

The best marksman supports in have either utility, like Jhin, or abuse cheap items, like Caitlyn. All of them, however, bring double the damage to their team!

The Best Counter for Ana in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

The Best Counter for Ana in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

A good Ana is super frustrating, which is why Kiriko and some other new heroes are your best bet for victory.

How to Get Gold Guns in Overwatch 2 Fast

How to Get Gold Guns in Overwatch 2 Fast

Golden Guns in Overwatch 2 are like a trophy for competitive players, which is why saving competitive coins is super important!

8 Best Counters for Orisa in Overwatch 2

8 Best Counters for Orisa in Overwatch 2

Some of the best counters for Orisa are not who you expect, but Hanzo and Cassidy pack a hard punch against this tank hero.

How To Recover A Clash of Clans Account Without Supercell ID
Clash Of Clans

How To Recover A Clash of Clans Account Without Supercell ID

If you don’t have your Supercell ID account, you can recover a Clash of Clans account through a live chat with their customer support or through a contact form.

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

The best support champions for Aphelios in League of Legends are Leona, Nautilus, Braum, Lulu, Nami, and Janna, each offering unique synergies and advantages.

8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

Best warden champions in LoL are the immovable objects, standing between the enemy and their allies. These include champions such as Braum, Shen or Tahm Kench!

10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

Enchanters are the stereotypical LoL support champions. The best enchanters, like Nami and Lulu, help their ADCs carry games with their versatility!