8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

Best warden champions in LoL are the immovable objects, standing between the enemy and their allies. These include champions such as Braum, Shen or Tahm Kench!

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best Wardens to Protect Your Team in LoL SoloQ

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Poppy is a jungle tank champion, whose playstyle can make her either a warden or a vanguard, depending on the needs of the team. When played defensively, her usual engage abilities, are an incredibly useful disengage!

LoL - Poppy Splash Art

With a W that breaks all dashes in range and an E that pushes enemies away from her carry, no assassin can go past Poppy. In addition, her ultimate can knock away the entire enemy team if used correctly, should they be making an ambush for your team!

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As one of the best roaming top lane champions in the game, Shen's entire kit is created to stop the enemy engage from his carries, shielding them, and allowing them to freely dish out their own damage.

LoL - Shen Splash Art

The fact that he can come to the aid of allies from the other side of the map, and create a zone where auto attacks are ignored, only makes Shen an even better warden than expected, despite his official designation as a full tank champion.

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One of the most useful crowd control abilities a warden can have is a taunt. And Galio's taunt is an AoE ability, which can force the entire enemy team to focus their damage on him in team fights!

This frees up his carries to execute their combos, or dish out their own DPS onto the enemy team, without having to fear any stray ability coming their way to one-shot them!

LoL - Galio Splash Art

Much like SHen, Gaio is one of the best roaming mid-lane champions, capable of coming to the aid of his allies with his ultimate that has a large range. With it, Galio is one flap of his wings away from helping any ally in need!

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Often considered an engage champion, due to his famous W - Q combo, most forget that his original design did not have this combo in mind. In fact, even executing it was a bug of his design, due to the animation cancels, rather than a conscious choice of Riot's programming.

LoL - Alistar Splash Art

These days, his combo has been updated so it's easier to pull off, but the original abilities remain! His Q knocks up all enemies in an area around him, while his W knocks them back far away, without following them, allowing him to remain near his carry!

If anything else is needed, such keeping one of the best LoL fighters at bay who just keep coming, so the ADC can melt them, he can stack up his E for a stun, for even more peel.

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His original design was that of a simple top lane champion, one of the best top laners for beginners actually. Nowadays, he is played in the support role, as a good engage support.

LoL - Maokai Splash Art

Much like Alistar, all of the abilities Maokai uses for engage, also work superbly well for disengaging. A W that roots enemies, a Q that knocks them back, and and ultimate that can root the entire enemy team, and stop them from advancing!

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Tahm Kench

Have you ever felt like you would just want to pick your ADC up, and place them somewhere safe due to their poor positioning? Well, Tahm Kench does exactly that with his ultimate!

LoL - Tahm Kench Splash Art

It allows him to swallow an ally, and use his W to take them far away from danger, granting them a large shield in the process!

Seeing as it's a point-and-click, instant cast ability, it's invaluable for stopping enemy assassins from deleting our ADC, and repositioning them elsewhere so they can continue their damage onslaught!

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Wardens are a class of defensive tanks that protect their allies as their sole duty. And Braum is the first champion that comes to mind when the class is mentioned, due to his design.

And not just of his abilities, but jovial people's hero nature as well, something that is reflected in Braum's best skins gallery too!

LoL - Braum Splash Art

Braum is the epitome of LoL wardens, with a W that allows him to dash to an ally an increase their armor and magic resist, an E that blocks all skill shots from a certain direction, a Q that slows and a passive which his allies can help him stack, that stuns enemies with four auto attacks.

As a final resort, if Braum and his ally are caught off guard by the entire enemy team, he can stop the horde in their tracks with his ultimate, which is a long-range cone that knocks up all enemies in its hitbox!

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A hybrid champion, Taric is hands down both the best warden champion, as well as the best enchanter champion in League of Legendswith a diverse set of skills.

His Q is a heal that resets and stacks with auto attacks and scales with his max health, his W is a shield and a tether that shares a part of his armor, while his E is an AoE stun!

LoL - Taric Splash Art

The most powerful part of his kit, is his ultimate, which allows him to make all nearby allies invulnerable for 2.5 seconds. And that's not all. Since his W allows him to cast all of his abilities from the ally he is tethered to, he can effectively peel, heal, and protect his entire team all at once in a team fight!

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