Top 8 Roaming Mid Laners For Map Domination in LoL SoloQ

Mid lane is the best lane to roam all over the map. These champions, such as Talon, Pantheon and Taliyah, make roaming and good macro even easier!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 8 Roaming Mid Laners For Map Domination in LoL SoloQ

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Talon is the stereotypical mid-lane assassin champion for beginners, whose unique ability allows him to ignore walls, and turn them from obstacles into springboards, effectively.

LoL- Talon Splash Art

With a quick trade against any enemy mid-laner and a W that is a good wave-clearing tool, Talon can roam even during the early game, helping his jungler win skirmishes.

Later on, with an E that allows him to jump over walls, it's easy to move towards either the top lane or the bot lane, and with a creative use of said ability execute a gank the enemy never sees coming!

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When it comes to mid lane champions, bursting the enemy is their entire niche. And there are few as capable of doing so as Pantheon, the ultimate mid lane bully champion.

LoL - Pantheon Splash Art

WIth his early-game scaling, forcing the enemy out of lane and under the turret is incredibly easy.

By doing so, Pantheon opens himself up to the possibility of using his Ultimate, which can reach both the top lane and the bot lane from mid easily, acting as the more aggressive form of Shen's top lane support ultimate.

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Riot rarely mix and match different lanes and classes when designing their champions. In Galio, however, they created a supportive mid-lane champion!

While his focus is not to farm minions and scale, or kill enemy champions to snowball, his roaming potential makes it easy to carry his team to victory.

LoL - Galio Splash Art

His ultimate is a point-and-click ability that allows him to fly to the aid of his targeted ally, giving them armor and magic resistance and knocking up the entire enemy team gathered around them in the process. A team fight-turning ability if there ever was one!

Add to that his taunt which allows him to act as the frontline for his carries, and Galio makes it easy for his allies to carry, anytime, anywhere!

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Aurelion Sol

The usual premise of roaming champions is that they are strong during the early game. With Aurelion Sol, that is not the case, as he needs his first item to start ramping up.

LoL - Aurelion Sol Splash Art

However, once he gets the Rod of Ages he becomes one of the best mid-lane wave clear champions in the game, deleting an entire wave with just two abilities.

And, while his enemies scramble to farm their own minions, he is free to roam with his W, which allows Aurelion Sol to fly over walls, and gank enemies from otherwise impossible angles.

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Widely considered as one of the most broken mid-lane champions due to his E ability, which makes him intargetable, Fizz is a mid-lane roaming champion who still requires some macro knowledge.

This stems from the fact that, unlike the others, he doesn't possess any ability that allows him to move quickly across the map.

LoL - Fizz Splash Art

However, it's precisely due to his E that Fizz can employ a roaming gameplay. By abusing its intargetability, Fizz clears waves incredibly quickly without fear of enemy reprisal.

This enables him to casually leave lane, and roam towards the bot lane, where the squishy ADC and support are easy pickings for an AP assassin!

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Over the years mages have been relegated from their mid-lane duties to the support role. This is not the case with Taliyah, as her jungle design makes her one of the best mid-lane champions for roaming and making plays elsewhere.

LoL, Taliyah Splash Art

With her ultimate that gives her incredible mobility, and damage scaling that becomes insane once she gets her Luden's, making her one of the best burst mages in LoL.

Taliyah can solo carry in solo queue, by making frequent stops at other lanes, to make plays and deal damage that few expect before the mid and late game!

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To be a perfect roaming champion in League of Legends, one needs a good waveclear during the laning phase, and a lot of mobility to catch enemies off guard. Neeko has neither!

LoL - Neeko Splash Art

What she does have, however, is her passive which allows her to take on the shape of almost everything in the game. By doing this, she can join an allied minion wave, and walk up to the enemy laner with them being none the wiser, before unleashing her combo!

Even when roaming for neutral objectives, no one expects the health plant to be Neeko in disguise, making her roams unorthodox, but filled with potential!

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Twisted Fate

There is no doubt that Twisted Fate is the best roaming mid-lane champion, as he was designed for this role precisely. Even Faker himself stated that whoever wishes to learn how to play LoL mid-lane, must learn how to play Twisted Fate!

LoL - Twisted Fate Splash Art

His ultimate allows him to teleport anywhere on the map, while also revealing the location of all five enemy champions while channeling it! With it, there is no need to rely on allies to provide vision for you.

Coupled with a point-and-click ranged stun, Twisted Fate will give his laners early kills, as soon as he hits level 6!

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