Top 10 Best LoL Burst Mages to Delete Enemies in SoloQ

Mages such as Syndra, Vex and Zoe, are the best burst mages in LoL, as they easily delete an enemy in one skill rotation, with their high single-target burst!

Updated on Nov 11, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 10 Best LoL Burst Mages to Delete Enemies in SoloQ

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Our list starts off with the easiest burst mage to play, and one of the best beginner champions in general! This is due to her skill rotation that is incredible straightforward while dealing a lot of burst damage!

LoL - Annie Splash Art

By stacking her passive, Annie's next ability stuns an enemy. Using it in conjunction with Tibbers, she can stun half of the enemy team, and then freely rotate through her E and Q, to finish off the enemy carries!

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As one of Riot's golden geese, being one of the champions with the most skins, it makes sense that Lux is also one of the two mages on our list that works as both an artillery and burst mage!

LoL - Lux Splash Art

Her abilities have a longer range and less overall damage, but due to her passive which is stacked by her basic abilities and proceeds by her ultimate, Lux's simple combo of Q - R - E, is enough to burst down most enemies, even during the early game!

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Unlike Lux and Annie who dish out damage from a single position, Ahri makes plays, relying on her high mobility, setting the enemy up for failure, proving why she's one of the best juke champions in LoL, and dancing circles around the enemy with her ultimate ability.

LoL - Ahri Splash Art

Her E charms enemies, pulling them towards Ahri, and setting them up to be hit by her Q when she casts it, and on its return. After casting her W, and following it up with the damage that is the side effect of her ultimate, Ahri is more than capable of outplaying and bursting down an enemy champion.

As you can see, however, there are a few more steps involved to do so, compared with Annie and Lux!

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Orianna's design is an unorthodox one, with her abilities revolving around controlling her clockwork ball, instead of shooting off spells. Due to this, however, her combos are even more devastating and can win a team fight by themselves.

LoL - Orianna Splash Art

By attaching her ball to a frontline ally, and then casting her R, which acts as Diana's R, but without having to wade among a throng of enemies, Orianna deals incredible magic damage and clumps them up the entire enemy team into one place.

Following that up with a cast of her W is usually enough to leave even the best LoL tanks at half HP, and most squishy champions dead.

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If there was ever an assassin champion that got turned into a mage, it would be LeBlanc. She has high mobility, and incredible escape, and all of her abilities are single-target, an as a tradeoff, all of them deal high burst damage.

LoL - LeBlanc Splash Art

She is, however, one of the hardest LoL champions to play, with a high skill floor and high skill ceiling. After all, her kit contains a few possible combo rotations, and an experienced player must decide on the fly which one is the most optimal to execute!

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From her first design as an early game powerhouse to the Syndra of today whose burst excels in both the early and late game, Syndra is without a doubt the mage that is what all burst mages aspire to be!

LoL - Syndra Splash Art

Setting up the field with her Dark Spheres, and preparing to stun the enemy before unleashing her ultimate on them with the maximum amount of Dark Spheres takes some practice.

However, it's definitely worth it to abuse one of the best abilities in League of Legends, also known by most LoL players as the "win fight button ".

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When Riot Games design champions for the jungle role scale their base stats differently, compared to those designed for laning. Taliyah is one such champion, who is both a control mage and a burst mage all at once.

LoL - Taliyah Splash Art

Her abilities can take an enemy from 100-0 in one rotation, by abusing forcing them to proc the mines she places on the ground, while peppering them with a volley of rocks!

Once she gets her Luden's, she can pop a quick visit to the bot lane, and show why she is not only one of the best burst mages in LoL, but one of the best mid-lane roaming champions too!

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Coming from a time when champions were designed to be more straightforward, we have Veigar and his identity as an extremely straightforward burst mage, and one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends.

LoL - Veigar Splash Art

After stacking up his AP, with stacks of Phenomenal Power, Veigar's ultimate becomes a point-and-click tactical nuke that deletes any champion he aims it at. And if that is not enough, in case of tanks like Sion or Cho'Gath, softening them up with one rotation of Q and W usually does the trick!

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When champions with the best dashing abilities in LoL get too uppity, Vex is there to keep them in check. Her passive interrupts dashes, stopping squishy ADCs and assassins from having any way to outplay her incredible damage.

LoL - Vex Splash Art

Of course, killing dashing champions is not her only use. Her ultimate is an incredible way of making picks on unsuspecting enemies from far away, bursting them down with an ability rotation.

Only to have it reset upon enemy death, making her burst potential soar, and have her zipping around, deleting enemies during the course of entire team fights!

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Unlike most of the other burst mages on our list, Zoe deletes enemies with only two abilities, instead of having to use four abilities in one skill rotation. The abilities in question are her Q and E.

LoL - Zoe Splash Art

Her E applies a sleep effect on any champion it hits, lowering their magic damage, and doubling the damage of the next ability that hits the champion to wake them up.

Once she wakes them up with her Q, however, the enemy champion will only see the inside of their fountain, due to the insane amounts of damage Zoe does with just one item!

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