Top 8 Best Sleeper OP Champs to Carry in LoL SoloQ

These are the sleeper OP LoL champions that no one plays. Few expect the carry potential of Rumble and Cho'Gath damage, or the versatility of Taric and Poppy!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 8 Best Sleeper OP Champs to Carry in LoL SoloQ

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Rumble is one of the oldest League of Legends champions, and his clunky in-game kit shows it. There is nothing flashy or cool-looking about this Yordle in a scrap metal mecha.

Aside from incredible AP damage, of course! Rumble is one of the sleeper OP champ picks in the top lane, because of his AP scaling that allows him to carry LoL games, that tend to lean towards AD damage.

LoL - Rumble Splash Art

In the top lane, his biggest advantage comes from his flamethrower and rockets making for an easy trade, while his peculiar resource, heat, is far more sustainable than the usual mana most champions use.

Furthermore, in team fights, Rumble's ultimate is easily capable of melting through half of the enemy team, if placed correctly or with a good combo move, and should a fight be fought in the confines of the jungle, winning the team fight singlehandedly.

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Swain is, undeniably, one of the most versatile League of Legends champions, as far as most popular LoL roles go. The only role he can't be played in is the jungle, and even through all that, Swain's pick rates are below 1%.

That makes him an incredible sleeper OP champ pick in League of Legends, as very few expect his burst damage, coupled with his drain-tank abilities, and his W that makes it easy to follow the enemy jungle pathing!

LoL - Swain Splash Art

Much like Rumble, however, Swain shines in team fights the most, as he can keep his ultimate going indefinitely with so many targets to drain in one place, while his scaling is infinite due to his passive, which gives him bonus health.

In all, Swain is the perfect AP front-line champion, who can't be focused down and burst quickly, nor can he be ignored due to his high damage!

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For a champion that is as powerful as Taric, he gets picked far too rarely even in his main role, not to mention the off roles such as top lane, or his best LoL cheese strats, for the funneling potential!

Taric, in essence, cradles the line between an enchanter and a frontline support, that can tank enemy damage with the best of them while keeping his allies safe in the backline through a combination of heals and his ultimate.

LoL - Taric Splash Art

Taric's kit can range from the tank builds to almost pure enchanter builds, and at later stages of the game, Taric can solo carry games acting as a top lane tank, leading from the front, and using the invulnerability his ultimate provides to help his team dish out late-game damage without fear of reprisal.

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Karthus is one of the most dominant bot lane champions, as there is no simple way of winning lane against him. His scaling is just far too powerful, while his isolated Q, coupled with his passive, deals enough damage to make every skirmish come out as even in kills.

And, due to his mentioned scaling, Karthus always wins if the gold income is even, due to just how powerful items are on this champion!

LoL- Karthus Splash Art

In addition, bot lane champions are usually the biggest target for the enemy team to kill as quickly as possible. And Karthus is one of the few that can be played bot lane and also build a Zhonya's Hourglass.

Even when he gets killed, however, his passive ensures that he still does his job, which consists of dealing incredible amounts of damage to the enemy team!

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Now, you may be wondering, how is Cho'Gath a sleeper OP pick, as he gets played fairly often as a beginner top lane champions even though he's an old champion? Well, Cho'Gath is a sleeper of LoL pick in the mid-lane, actually!

His abilities are perfect for shutting down both enemy assassins and mages alike, due to his knock-up, easy trades with extended auto attacks, and the most annoying crowd control ability of all, silence!

LoL - Cho'Gath Splash Art

With his first item being Everfrost, he can easily lock down and burst any enemy champion, increasing his ultimate stacks, and making himself an unstoppable juggernaut mage in the process!

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Being designed for the mid lane, and finding herself as the support is the fate of any mage these days. However, Seraphine has become an OP sleeper pick in the bot lane carry role, with a less than 1% pick rate, and a 53% win rate.

LoL - Seraphine Splash Art

It all stems from her incredible synergy with the best engage support champions, as she can safely lock down the enemy bot lane, and heal her ally as well.

Upon purchasing her first item, Liandry's Anguish, she melts everyone, from a range that not even a LoL champion with the longest auto attack range, like Caitlyn, can match!

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The heroic Yordle usually finds herself in the top lane or jungle roles. However, she becomes a sleeper OP champion when played as a support! Her stat scaling allows her to be on even footing with other supports, while her kit gives your team another top laner!

LoL - Poppy Splash Art

With her kit used for supporting, she is, in essence, an Alistar that deals physical damage, with better peel, and enough damage to one-shot an enemy carry if her E hits them against a wall!

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Joining Poppy as a jungler who moonlights as a support is Fiddlesticks, with a 0.6% pick rate in this role, and a 52% win rate. While not as good as the best first strike LoL champions, he can offer his support income with it and the support item, to gain his core build quickly.

LoL - Fiddlesticks Splash Art

His goal is to survive the laning phase, which can be easily accomplished due to the healing his W provides, and afterward carrying every team fight due to his R - Crowstorm, an ability so directly impactful that it's rarely found in the kit of a support champion!

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