What Are The Most Popular Roles in LoL [Ranked]

Mid laner and Top Lane are the most popular roles in LoL, but let's see all these roles look when we try to put them in one ranking!

Updated on Mar 06, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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What Are The Most Popular Roles in LoL [Ranked]

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Mid Lane

The Mid Lane is the most popular and played role among the millions of LoL players worldwide. It is one of the lines with the most action and relevance in the game and allows incredible rotations throughout the map to ensure the team's advantage.

Mid Lane Role LoL

Playing Mid Lane has established itself as the favorite line of hundreds of players due to its versatility and importance within the game. Not surprisingly, many of the most famous LoL pro players in the World Championship Tournaments are also Mid Laners. Plus, we can't even count how many Mid Lane streamers are also some of the biggest names in the League of Legends community.

If you are just starting out with climbing ranks in LoL, you might want to check out our article on the best Mid Laner champions for beginners – just go with one of the picks that we provided and start practicing!

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Top Lane

The Top Lane is a long, lateral and individual lane; being therefore the most isolated line of the game to play League of Legends with. We could say that Top Lane is a perfect line for those players who love to compare their skills against another player in a constant fight for control of the lane, right from the early game. 

Top Lane LoL

This line, in League of Legends, is the closest thing to a 1v1. This is due to its very nature, since being the farthest line on the map, you will have less support (the jungler usually plays around the Dragon of the BOT lane), so the most popular summoner is Teleport. Although the Teleport has recently received a nerf, the use of this summoner spell is left to the player's choice and in consideration of the match up.

The Top Laner role is currently the second most popular, because players like this peculiar "1vs1" mode of Summoner's Rift. However, don't be a sloppy champion if you're a Top Laner lover, as it's your duty to rotate to secure the rift herald alongside your Jungler and Mid laner. And, well, if you're going to be a sloppy gamer, at least try spicing up your gameplay using tools such as LoL Champion Randomizer or LoL Build Generator.

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The Attack Damage Carry (ADC / AD Carry) is one of the main players on the entire team and probably the biggest source of damage in the composition. ADC champions can afford to deal massive amounts of damage to the enemy team from a safe distance to lead their whole team to victory.

ADC Role LoL

The ADC role is the third most played and popular role in League of Legends right now, although it is actually pretty close in popularity to the support role. It is not a role that you should take if you are a new player or you have a hard time doing what is known as "kiting".

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The support role is not one of the most popular in League of Legends (however, many prefer this role to the next one on the list). Bot laner support excels at providing the greatest amount of help to your team in obtaining neutral objectives and winning every team fight.

Your role will be to support your ADC in the early stages of the game, healing him, doing damage and magic damage to the enemy bot lane or applying harmful effects to opponents (stunning them, throwing them into the air...), popularly known as CC.

Support Role LoL

It will be important that you have good communication with your ADC. Your main objective will be that he can do as much damage as possible, and you will have to use the abilities and spells at your disposal to win the lane. As support, you shouldn't kill minions. You should leave this task to your ADC.

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The Jungle role is a position intended for aggressive players who seek to enter combat at all times. However, those who are skilled and elusive at the same time, since dying has a greater impact than if we do it in the lane.
That is why Jungle role is the least popular role in the game and probably one of the hardest roles in LoL. A team with an amazing jungle player is likely to have a wonderful laning phase and easily win the game. However, a team with a terrible jungle player will never be able to come back from the game.

Jungle LoL Role

The Jungler role must take into account many elements that are complex for many players (vision, securing objectives, macro game knowledge, wave reading) and that is why many players "avoid" this important position within a team.

In fact, if you try playing ranked with the fill role you will see how quickly you are assigned to the jungle role, a sign that this is not one of the most popular League of Legends roles among many players.

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