Top 7 Support Characters For Kai'Sa in LoL

The 7 best support characters for Kai'Sa in League of Legends are easily Lux, Morgana, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Lulu, Alistar, and Leona.

Updated on Aug 29, 2023
Fact checked by Szymon Bielawski |
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Top 7 Support Characters For Kai'Sa in LoL

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Lux is a character that’s easily the most loved support by Riot Games. She’s one of the best supports in League of Legends to play for Kai’Sa in the laning phase thanks to her rooting ability, her barrier will also keep her safe from taking damage in the game from the enemies, since the other ADC won’t be alone either in the solo queue.


With the use of some summoner spells such as heal, Lux can be of great use for Kai’Sa and help her take over the enemy team, or at least, the enemy duo in the laning phase.

One good thing about Lux is that, yes, she is a support, but it doesn't take a high knowledge of the mage to use her properly, deal damage, and keep safe your ADC Kai’Sa when she uses her Killer Instinct.

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Morgana is a mage that has a high utility with Kai’Sa, she’s another character who’s capable of rooting an enemy, and with her ultimate, she could even stun the entire enemy team.

But her supporting abilities don’t end just there, Riot Games also gave her ability kit a barrier and a more aggressive ability that will keep enemies at bay.


Morgana’s Dark Binding is what you will mostly use to protect the enemy ADC in one place, far from your Kai’Sa. Meanwhile, you can use her Black shield to maintain your HP, or in this case, that of Kai’Sa.

What’s so good about Morgana’s barrier is the fact that it blocks all magic damage, and as if it wasn’t enough, it has crowd control immunity, which helps Kai’Sa to be officially fully involved during trades with the enemy duo.

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Some of the best supports for Kai’Sa also happen to be tanks, but of course, not every tank would have a perfect synergy with her abilities and playstyle, that’s when Blitzcrank steps in.

As a tank, Blitzcrank is a good support pick to pair with Kai’Sa thanks to his rocket grab, that will basically reel in enemies for Kai’Sa, the synergy between this skill and the playstyle of Kai’Sa is because she can unleash all of her burst damage on a specific target.


His Power Fist is also a useful resource that will leave enemies exposed for a very small period of time, but that’s all Kai’Sa needs to take down an enemy thanks to her burst damage.

Blitzcrank is a support that can further increase his durability with the correct use of summoners spells, and a nice tanky build will make him and your Kai’Sa duo unstoppable in the late game.

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Yet another tanky support character that can literally hook an enemy and bring them to Kai’Sa is Thresh.

Just as Blitzcrank, Thresh is a support that compliments Kai’Sa very well, and if you’re good aiming the hook at your enemies, with some strategy you can punish the enemy enough so they fall behind of the game, winning the lane in the early game with your Kai’Sa by knowing how to move, use your icathian rain, and when to retreat.


When you play Thresh as support, you have to always search for the opportunity to use the hook, but using his lantern to save the enemy and shield them is also just as crucial to get ahead and avoid death. In League of Legends positioning yourself is important, but even more so with Thresh to save the life of Kai’Sa from enemy attacks in a game.

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Another excellent support for Kai’Sa is Lulu. This yordle has a set of abilities that many would think that don’t go well with Kai’Sa, but they actually do

One of the good things about her is that all of her abilities are ranged, therefore, she can safely poke the enemy while making sure they don’t get too close, and if that were to happen, this support can easily cast a barrier on Kai’Sa to keep her protected.


One of Lulu’s most awesome tools she has in her kit, as several other champions, is her ultimate. Her ult enlarges the ally it was casted upon, making that ally a giant, when using this skill, it will knock enemies in the air for a moment, after that, the ally who received the skill will have an aura that slows down enemy champions. Thanks to Riot Games, Lulu is a support that is very good at what she does in the bot lane during early game and late game.

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Alistar is a great support pick when you want to engage against your enemy team with Killer Instinct and gain that bonus barrier to dominate your enemies in matchups the best way possible.

When it comes to managing League champions like Alistar, you have to be careful to not get any hit from the adversary if you want to win a trade with your Kai’Sa and win.


Riot Games designed this support champion for League of Legends to be a tank, so when playing him, expect for your ADC to accept diving in with you and combine your skills, Alistar as a support and Kai’Sa ADC are a nice combo for ranked in case you want to achieve the highest rank possible in League with items that can reflect damage.

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This support has tons of crowd control to offer, if you plan to try her, be sure to get her as soon as you sign in. she has great defensive stats, thanks to it, your Kai’Sa can rest assured and you can let her do her thing.

Riot Games designed Leona to not only resist damage, but to stun enemies as much as possible, which is why she’s pretty broken.


Any item build that can reflect damage might matter the most in a game. Kai’Sa’s nice damage stats will get in trouble with any other champion, and you don’t have to be a master for it. High ELO players, like in Grandmaster, usually get their abilities combined to engage and get kills almost for free. All in all, Leona is a support that can also get officially involved at the start of a team fight.

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