Tag Leona

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

The best support champions for Aphelios in League of Legends are Leona, Nautilus, Braum, Lulu, Nami, and Janna, each offering unique synergies and advantages.

The 6 Best Support Champions For Miss Fortune in LoL

The 6 Best Support Champions For Miss Fortune in LoL

Champions such as Leona, Thresh or Soraka complement Miss Fortune's abilities and playstyle.

Top 7 Support Characters For Kai'Sa in LoL

Top 7 Support Characters For Kai'Sa in LoL

The 7 best support characters for Kai'Sa in League of Legends are easily Lux, Morgana, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Lulu, Alistar, and Leona.

Best Leona Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Leona Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Hyper aggressive with excellent gap closing abilities and long ranged initiates. Discover how you can storm the frontlines with this Leona guide!

The most OP Champions in League of Legends

The most OP Champions in League of Legends

Discover the most OP Champions LoL and dominate the Summoner's Rift. Dominate each role in League of Legends while playing the best champions now!

5 Best Support Champions for Draven in League of Legends

5 Best Support Champions for Draven in League of Legends

The best support champions for Draven in League of Legends are Leona, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Yuumi, and Nami, each offering unique advantages.

Best Leona Skins | LoL

Best Leona Skins | LoL

An ADC’s worst nightmare, Leona has been dominating the bot lane since her release, with her oppressive design.

5 Best Support Champions for Varus in LoL [Ranked]

5 Best Support Champions for Varus in LoL [Ranked]

Varus, the Darkin with a thirst for vengeance is an ADC with a huge range that can poke enemies and weaken them from a distance.

Best supports for Xayah in League of Legends

Best supports for Xayah in League of Legends

Feathers aren’t always soft and delicate, and Xayah’s feathers are not the type you want to stuff a pillow with.

Best Support Champions in LoL

Best Support Champions in LoL

The support role is one with a large class versatility. Still, there are two basic classes of support champions, the enchanter and engage supports.

The 5 Best Support Champions For Samira in LoL

The 5 Best Support Champions For Samira in LoL

The best support champions to pair with the aggressive short-ranged champion Samira in League of Legends are Leona, Thresh, Galio, Alistar, and Rakan.

The best support champions for Vayne in League of Legends

The best support champions for Vayne in League of Legends

Vayne is a short ranged late game hyper carry that needs baby sitting until she reaches her power spike. Here are the best support champions for her.