5 Best Support Champions for Draven in League of Legends

The best support champions for Draven in League of Legends are Leona, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Yuumi, and Nami, each offering unique advantages.

Updated on Oct 16, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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5 Best Support Champions for Draven in League of Legends

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Everyone that mains Leona knows that she can get at least one kill for the team, if the enemy ADC isn’t careful enough. This is because Leona can stun them and Draven, thanks to his bonus damage from his first ability, easily gets the first kill of the game

Leona is one of the shielding supports that doesn’t do much damage, that’s why going through one of the champion guides for her would be the best to get the most out of the laning phase.

Leona LoL

When it comes to any team fight in the mid game, Leona shines bright thanks to her tankiness, when she initiates these fights, it is the perfect moment for Draven to take advantage of Leona’s crowd control and use his bonus damage to delete the enemy ADC.

In early game it’s also good for Draven to play safe with his auto attacks, this way he can farm safely and push hard the lane, and Leona’s constant presence will keep the enemy at bay.

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Thresh is hands-down one of the best support champions in LoL, and when paired with Draven, this duo should be feared at all stages of the match, early game, mid game, and late game.

Thresh’s ranged attacks are good to poke the enemy, and this distraction allows Draven to farm minions quickly and also deal some decent poke damage to the enemy bot lane.

Thresh LoL

Riot Games did not see coming that Thresh would be so loved, he has a nice crowd control that suits Draven well, and in the late game he can initiate a fight once he has his full build.

Once these fights take place in the game, all Draven has to do is get the shield from Thresh’s lantern and mince the enemy team with his auto attacks and ultimate. This duo is recommended to achieve the highest rank possible.

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The automaton from Zaun ever since his release has turned out to be a pretty good champion, and a true pain if you play correctly.

Riot Games gave to Blitzcrank one of the most annoying abilities there are in League of Legends, and that is his Rocket Grab, if this thing hits an enemy and your ADC is Draven, then that’s a kill almost guaranteed.

His Rocket grab and Draven together are a death sentence even for the enemy carry if it happens to be too fed in the late game.

Blitzcrank LoL

If you can’t use his Q, the automaton still has his W ability to get close to an enemy, hit them with his E to have Draven finish the job and take the kill.

You don’t really need a high knowledge when playing Blitzcrank, just be aware that his abilities have long cooldowns and you have to use them against enemy champions at the right time.

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Riot Games did not see coming how much hate from almost all the League of Legends community this champion received.

Yuumi is a support that goes great with Draven in the bot lane, her mid game and late game presence is strong, and she has a bit of everything in her kit, which helps Draven a lot.

Yuumi has a lot to offer in a game, and this is something any player of Draven loves.

Yuumi LoL

This champion has great poke damage when playing, she can also protect Draven from incoming damage thanks to her shields. tTis is helpful to increase Draven’s survivability in the lane so he doesn’t lose his adoration stacks, for some, the most important thing when playing with Draven. **Finally, with her ultimate, Yuumi can root the enemies, get a kill and protect allies with her abilities during a match in League

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Without a doubt Nami is one of the best support champions in League of Legends, and it would be hard to lose if you go with this duo in a game.

It’s been already established that Draven does huge damage, what Nami does is provide control when playing her with her stun, heal, grant movement speed and even attack speed.

Nami LoL

Catching axes with Draven when you play in a game is easy with a Nami support; no mid laner or jungler will have an easy time ganking your lane. Your opponents won’t stand a chance if you follow some tips on how to play Draven, since he’s one of those champions who takes practice to master.

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