5 Best Support Champions for Varus in LoL [Ranked]

Varus, the Darkin with a thirst for vengeance is an ADC with a huge range that can poke enemies and weaken them from a distance.

Updated on Oct 16, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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5 Best Support Champions for Varus in LoL [Ranked]

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Morgana is hands down the best support for Varus in the early game because these two champions can easily poke the enemy to death. If the enemy team in the bot lane is smart enough to not let that happen, then you can make them lose a lot of minions, which translates to gold.

We can't stress enough how well this duo works together. The skill order when you level up will always be “Q” first for Varus to ensure the most on hit damage possible in the early game.

Morgana LoL Image

When it comes to Morgana's skill order, first max her tormented shadow and then her dark binding.

This duo has a strong presence during the laning phase in the early game. A lethality Varus build is the most optimal way to ensure for a Varus player to do a lot of damage to the enemy during team fights in the mid game or late game.

Regarding Morgana, following her usual build path is enough to play along with Varus. Playing Varus and Morgana support in League of Legends also goes super well thanks to their ultimates.

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Not because Leona is in second place, means that she's any less good than Morgana as a support when playing with Varus in the bot lane.

In the early game, Leona can tank damage to get officially involved in a trade so Varus can hit the enemies with his auto attacks, land his “Q”, and get a kill.

Leona is a champion who has tons of CC in her kit of abilities which Varus takes advantage of with his attacks and even his ultimate to root enemies and create a crowd control chain.

Leona LoL Image

With this duo you can play safe and possibly climb to the highest rank in LoL. By playing Leona, you want to equip an item that can reflect damage and abuse from your high defense stats against your opponents.

Playing with this duo doesn't take a high knowledge and we think Riot Games didn't see coming such great synergy between these two champions that work great with one another, especially in the late game during team fights.

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One of the highest win rate champions in LoL, Zyra is another excellent support for Varus, and the reason for this is because of her plants that will keep enemies at bay if they don't want to get hurt.

With her Deadly Spines and her Grasping Roots skills, Zyra can be a true menace to the enemy, Deadly Spines deliver excellent additional damage against the opponent, Riot Games did a really good job when designing the abilities of this champion.

Moreover, her synergies with Varus make her another great support to never go wrong when trying to get a kill.

Zyra LoL Image

The beautiful chain of crowd control this team has with Zyra’s ultimate and Varus ultimate is their staple.

Zyra’s abilities contribute to the laning phase with some excellent bonus damage, plus thanks to her slows, Varus can easily hit with the arrow from his “Q” ability to grant the final blow and take some enemy kills.

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Lux, one of the greatest assets that Riot Games has in their registered trademarks, is also a great support for Varus.

This champion has tons of CC that Varus capitalizes from, which can lead you to win lane easily.

Lux is a mage that has high AP stats, which is useful to produce more damage on the enemy. The result of pairing a champion like Lux with Varus is a very simple and straightforward game style.

Lux isn’t a tank champion, therefore she can fully commit during a trade, but she has her shield that can cover herself and Varus when going in during a fight.

Lux LoL Image

Lux’s “E” is great to slow enemies, so Varus can land his arrow, but her “Q” is even better because he can attack. Follow up with his ultimate, which will root enemies, creating a chain of CC and a huge gap of time to focus on the enemy and do a lot of damage.

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Just because she’s at the bottom doesn’t mean she’s any less good, Nami can enhance the movement speed of Varus with her abilities, and heal him as well.

The synergy between these two holds a huge power that can change the course of almost any match defeating even the deadliest of assassins. When an ability of Nami hits Varus, he can use this to approach, attack, and retreat easily. If the adversaries want to chase Varus, Nami can stun them with her Q.

Nami LoL Image

A great thing about Nami is her ultimate, which works great for producing chains of CC for Varus to unleash his vengeance and power.

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