Best supports for Senna in League of legends

Designed to be a support, but with a potential to be played an ADC here you will find the best supports for Senna in LoL

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best supports for Senna in League of legends

Senna is a character introduced by Riot Games on 2019, she came to be a surprise for a lot of players because according to Riot Games, she is a support character, but her playstyle and kit of abilities showed that Senna can take on the role of an ADC as well in the bot lane. 

Her early game is strong thanks to her capabilities to poke enemies with both auto attacks and skills.

What are the best supports for Senna in League of Legends?

The perfect support for Senna is that who can heal her, shield her, or at least take the most damage for her. 

Riot Games granted her rather low stats when it comes to the early game, that’s why, when playing her, during the laning phase in the bot lane, you want to be careful as you gain stacks from your passive. 

So, stop searching “best support for Senna League of Legends”, because we got you covered here.

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As ironic as this could sound, Thresh is actually one of the best support champions to pair with Senna in the bot lane, and Thresh has an overall strong presence in the support meta.

With this duo, as Senna, you want to collect as many souls as possible to stack up your passive skill to eventually play aggressively against the enemy team.


What’s good about these two together is the fact that both of them have some form of crowd control, excellent to take down the enemy bot lane or even enemy jungler (if he comes to gank) one by one.

As Senna stacks up movement speed and attack speed in the early game, she can be protected thanks to Thresh’s lantern, and even take that damage himself, because she will be able to heal him thanks to her Q.

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The plant woman happens to be an interesting pick out of the support champions that can be paired with Senna.

Riot Games design of Zyra’s abilities send out a very clear message, which is “we a character who can be very annoying”, seems to be they nailed that with this champion of League of Legends, and the thing is that, Zyra has many resources that Senna can capitalize from while she stacks her passive.

Making her stand out in this role with Senna than other champions.


Zyra’s abilities allow Senna to farm safely, collect souls, and poke the enemy in the early game without necessarily having a high mana usage on her side, all you have to do is position yourself correctly and mostly use your basic attacks.

Once you have enough movement speed and attack speed with Senna after collecting souls, your Zyra’s abilities will make things super easy for you to get easy kills, and although Zyra isn’t the tankiest champion, at least she can dispense with health potions thanks to Senna’s healing.

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When playing in bot with this support, you’ve got to be very careful to not take the kills instead of the AD carry.

To successfully play Pyke support with Senna you need some high knowledge of when to use this champion’s abilities.

The good thing is that Pyke has abilities that go really well with those of Senna, and he can easily engage in a fight, deal nice damage for Senna to finish off enemies and get some extra healing thanks to her, but all of this is only possible after you play safe in the early stage of the game.


Senna isn’t a champion that can one shot an enemy, but pyke is, therefore, there will be situations where you, as Pyke, would have to take the kills with Pyke’s ultimate instead of Senna in order to save you two.

When it comes to a duo like this one, it is useful for Senna to equip a rune like Fleet Footwork so she has a bit more sustainability during the entire game. Also, a good “Senna build” with mortal reminder will help you against a tough enemy, and annoying support, or even during a team fight in the mid lane.

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Riot Games gave Morgana something that Senna can take a lot of advantage from, and it is her various roots and stuns, Senna cna follow up with those of her own rooting ability.

When playing Morgana with Senna, as her, you want to use Tormented Shadow to poke enemies and leave minions with so little health point it only takes Senna basic attacks to kill them and collect their souls so she can improve her movement speed.


After a laning phase, you will want to engage with Morgana against vulnerable enemies, first with your Q, followed by your E, and after that it’s up to Senna to finish the job. This is a strategy that can work even in the late game of any League of Legends match.

A good thing about Morgana is that she can protect Senna from any magic CC like Blitzcrank’s hook, or Lux’s Q, and Senna can heal her as she uses her ultimate, and in the event that she’s in a an extremely sticky situation like using her ultimate in the middle of a teamfight, Senna can always shield her with her ultimate ability.

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Nami is one of the best League of Legends champions there is in what supports matter, not only does she have a decent performance in all stages of the match, even in the late game, but her abilities work great passively with your allies.

What you want to do with Nami is simple, which is to hit the enemy with your abilities, and of course hit them with your autos. A good thing about this duo is that they can heal each other, so it grants them a lot of time in the lane to do all kinds of things.


When it comes to a build, with Senna, you want the Fleet Footwork with Biscuit delivery for the runes, items wise, Mortal Reminder should be one of your core items to take down enemies quickly.

With nami, just go for a regular build with Ionian boots and you should stay out of trouble, if needed make changes in the build you see as necessary, such as more damage, or more adequate supporting items.

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During a League of Legends game with Nautilus and Senna in the bottom lane, you have to be careful, this duo works wonders, and perhaps it might help you reach the highest rank.

For champions like Nautilus and Senna you have to farm safely and plan to hit the enemies later after you have enough gold and items.

After that, as Senna, your Nautilus can engage, root your enemies with his skills, for you to follow up with your own root ability.


A good thing about these two is that they have a large amount of control, while being able to set everything for your teammates to attack, also this duo sets up beautiful CC chains if your allies can root or stun.

Nautilus, as many other tank supports during games, wants to initiate fights in the late game, but Senna has to be there to offer healing, or shielding with her ultimate.

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Champions like Lux who can shield have a good time with Senna’s ability that can heal, it’s a great combo for the start of the game and even late game against enemies.

With this duo of champions in the bottom lane your allies will always be safe during a team vs team encounter. Lux also offers extra damage thanks to her passive ability and control, which may help you be at the head of the LoL game.


If your allies are caught in a fight, you should always end up winning it thanks to Lux’s shield and your healing, plus the shielding of Senna’s ultimate.

Senna’s Range increases as you stack her passive, therefore, by the last stages of the match, no melee champion should get near you before dying, and if they get too close, Lux should be there to kill them.

Senna is a character that isn’t too difficult to play, because it only takes a few games or two to understand her kit and what she can do.

Although playing her as an ADC isn’t what she was meant for, she still does a decent job, and with any of these supports, we’re sure that your matches will be won without much effort.

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