8 Best Waveclear Mid Laners for SoloQ Lane Priority

The best waveclear mid laners, such as Malzahar and Xerath, establish lane prio easily, freeing them up to take objectives with their SoloQ jungler!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best Waveclear Mid Laners for SoloQ Lane Priority

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Unlike most mage champions, Malzahar's kit consists of three point-and-click abilities, making him one of the best mid-lane champions for beginners, as it's impossible to miss his abilities!

LoL - Malzahar Splash Art

All of his abilities deal damage over time, with his E transferring it to the next target automatically upon its death. This means that Malzahar's wave clearing can destroy an entire minion wave with one skill rotation in the early game, and even less is needed to do so during the late game!

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Range is king in battle, and Xerath is the prime example of one of the best League of Legends artillery mages! Both his Q and E have a large hitbox, capable of engulfing the entire minion wave from afar!

LoL - Xerath Splash Art

Once he gets his Luden's, he can comfortably clear the entire enemy minion wave with these two abilities, and focus on poking down the enemy laner during the laning phase, especially if they are against a melee assassin!

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Aurelion Sol

As one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends, Aurelion Sol needs time to ramp up. Thus, he is one of the wave clear focused champions, whose entire job during the early game is precisely this. To clear waves and scale up!

LoL - Aurelion Sol Splash Art

Because of this, however, his wave clear is incredibly potent. His E allows him to pull the entire enemy minion wave into one spot, so his Q can damage them all at once.

This way, his mana expenditure is optimal for clearing waves, and the time it takes to do so allows him to prove why he becomes one of the best roaming mid laners as well, once he gets his Rod of Ages!

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As one of the mages that was relegated from the mid-lane into becoming one of the best support champions for beginners, Lux's mid-lane playstyle has become unorthodox and can't be replicated by anyone!

LoL - Lux Splash Art

It consists of using her ultimate, which has an incredibly short cooldown, to clear minion waves. By using her E to slow the enemy minion wave into place, and blasting it with her R, she can clear an entire wave in an instant.

On a side note, as her support build lacks damage, this can also be used to impact the bottom lane's wave control, as it sets the minion wave up for the ADC to last hit it quickly!

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While mages usually dominate the lane with their wave-clear capabilities, the one assassin that can easily rival them all is Zed, if his shadows are used correctly!

LoL - Zed Splash Art

With a simple skill rotation, Zed can place himself and his shadow at optimal spots to hit the entire minion wave with his Q and E, decimating it in the process. And, since he uses energy instead of mana, he can do so over and over again, with each minion wave he comes across.

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Abilities that reset themselves upon killing an enemy are some of the best abilities in League of Legends! And unlike most, who have them as their ultimate, with Irelia's it's her, and it works on minions.

LoL - Irelia Splash Art

With a careful application of Marking the enemy minions, or killing them with her Q, Irelia can dash through an entire minion wave, slicing and dicing it into chunks of delicious gold!

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There is a reason Anivia is one of the few League of Legends mages who have kept their place as a mid-laner, and it's all thanks to her ultimate R - Glacial Storm. It's an ability that doesn't have the usual cooldown and is dependent only on Anivia's mana.

LoL - Anivia Splash Art

Due to this, Anivia can cast it to quickly clear the enemy minion wave, before turning it off and still having it ready for a fight! Add to that her Q - Flash Frost, which is a perfect tool to slow the minion wave and place it in the perfect spot to be cleared with her R, and her wave clear can't be contested!

Wave-manipulating masters can even use her W - Crystallize, to stack up a huge wave and crash it against the turret, denying the enemy team XP and gold!

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The final entry on our list of the best mid-laner wave clear champions is an interesting one. This is because, while for others, wave clear is both the tool and the cause, Ziggs clears waves as quickly as possible due to a different reason.

Of course, as a mid-lane mage, his Q - Bouncing Bomb and E - Hexplosive Minefield are more than enough to clear the entire minion wave before it even meets his own, after he gets his first item!

LoL - Ziggs Splash Art

However, it's not only that Ziggs looks into how to improve LoL CS farming, to get his gold. His goal is to force the enemy under tower, so he can proc his W as quickly as possible!

It's an ability that procs on low-health enemy turrets, destroying them outright, giving Ziggs even more of a reason to have a good wave clear! In conclusion, wave-clearing champions are best used when their wave clear serves a direct purpose!

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