7 Best LoL Artillery Mages for Long Range Magic Damage

The best artillery mages in League of Legends, such as Xerath or Jayce, deal damage from beyond fog of war, winning a fight before it even starts.

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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7 Best LoL Artillery Mages for Long Range Magic Damage

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Lux is the League of Legends champion with the most skins in the game, indicating the favoritism Riot shows toward this champion. And there is a reason for that, as Lux is incredibly easy to play, while still being able to carry games on her own.

LoL - Lux Splash Art

Her Q is a root that can root up to two enemy units with one cast, while her E is a timed AoE slow that can be detonated after a few seconds, which also gives Lux vision of the area she casts it in. And, her kit is tied off with an ultimate, Primordial Burst, with a very short cooldown, that deals massive damage.

With the bonus damage from her passive, she can burst the enemy laner in no time! The only downside of Lux is the relatively low range of her Q. However, that's only when compared to other long-range champions of the mage class!

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Much like Lux, Vel'Koz toes the line between being one of the best burst mages in League of Legends, and an artillery mage. This is due to his passive, which, again similar to Lux's, stacks with the damage dealt to champions, and deals even more damage with subsequent attacks.

LoL - Vel'Koz Splash Art

His kit, however, is far more varied. His W is a delayed AoE ability, while his E is a knock-up that can be used for peeling. What makes Vel'Koz so dangerous, is his Q, which is an ability with one of the most unique hitboxes in LoL.

After recasting the ability, it splits into two orbs that go separate ways. This way, Vel'Koz can target enemies hiding behind minions or frontline allies, and bombard them with magic damage, only to finish them off with his ultimate!

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When the average League of Legends player sees Varus, one would never consider him anything other than an ADC, or perhaps a LoL marksman support. He is, however, classified as an artillery mage by Riot themselves.

This is because, a mage does not necessarily have to build AP items to be a mage, and Varus has enough range with his abilities to be artillery, as even his lowest range ability, his E, has a range of 925 units.

LoL - Varus Splash Art

As such, Varus is not only an artillery mage, but a powerful one at that! He can build both AP lethality and be effective, as well as trick enemies and bypass their magic resistance. And, in addition to his damage, his ultimate can root the entire enemy team, from a long-range, making him even more effective!

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The champion of skill shots, and the one that can make the best use of scripts, is Xerath. All of his abilities are skill shots, with a Q that can hit multiple enemies in a straight line, a W that is an AoE damage ability, and an E that is a direct stun.

LoL - Xerath Splash Art

His ultimate, however, is the textbook definition of artillery. Xerath gets to fire four shots at an enemy from far away, dealing incredible magic damage, and giving vision of the area he hits.

It's unfortunate that Riot has done nothing to keep him in the mid-lane, as the meta has shifted enough to make him a support-only champion nowadays, reducing his usefulness.

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Much like Varus, Jayce is classified as an artillery champion due to the range of his e and Q combo, when using his canon form instead of the hammer form. However, it's not just the range of this synergy, but also the speed of the projectile and the damage it deals!

LoL - Jayce Splash Art

This combo is one that, in a team fight, can't be avoided! Add to that Jayce building lethality items, which are a lot cheaper than AP items, and you get an artillery mage that scales incredibly quickly.

And, if anyone gets too close, Jayce can transform into a burst mage quite quickly. though, at that point, he is more of an assassin!

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As a word, artillery brings to mind bombs. Thus, Ziggs is an artillery mage due to his kit and his design, as every ability he has revolves around the explosives her throws at his enemies.

His basic abilities, like the bouncing bomb on his Q, have incredibly low cooldowns, making his damage quite consistent during the late game.

LoL - Ziggs Splash Art

The real kicker, however, is his ultimate. It's an ability that has a range of 5000 units, and deals AoE damage in a radius of 525 units. In addition, those caught in the middle of the blast are dealt 50% more magic damage!

Due to the passive on his W, Ziggs is also adept at taking turrets quickly, and is one of the best AP carries in League of Legends, played in the bot lane often!

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As the latest released champion in League of Legends, Hwei is the most versatile champion in LoL. His kit, depending on how you count them, has 16 abilities, making him also one of the most overloaded champions in League of Legends.

LoL - Hwei Splash Art

Due to this, he is an extremely powerful artillery mage, that can burst enemy champions from a distance, buff allies with a large radius, and apply crowd control effects as well! Thus, he is a control mage, a burst mage, and a support all in one!

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