Tag Mid Lane

7 Best LoL Artillery Mages for Long Range Magic Damage

7 Best LoL Artillery Mages for Long Range Magic Damage

The best artillery mages in League of Legends, such as Xerath or Jayce, deal damage from beyond fog of war, winning a fight before it even starts.

8 Best LoL Mid Lane Bullies For Lane Dominance

8 Best LoL Mid Lane Bullies For Lane Dominance

The most versatile lane in LoL, carries games through snowballing. The best mid lane bullies, like Pantheon or LeBlanc, can snowball before their first back.

Best Twisted Fate Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Twisted Fate Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Twisted Fate is the champion every mid laner must learn to play, to learn map control. However, macro gameplay aside, what about the micro playstyle?

The Best Ziggs Build, Runes, Spells and Items for League of Legends!

The Best Ziggs Build, Runes, Spells and Items for League of Legends!

Ziggs is one of the easiest Mid Laners to play, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't build him right. Learn how to play the Yordle bombadier here in this guide!

Best Syndra Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Syndra Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Syndra is getting a mid-scope update soon, and we can expect the champion to soar in popularity. So, here is the best build to prepare yourself for its release.

Best Heimerdinger Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Heimerdinger Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Heimerdinger is a champion with a large head, and needs an even bigger one to be played correctly. So, here is how to start doing just that.

All you need to know about Roles in League of Legends

All you need to know about Roles in League of Legends

Curious about all the roles in League of Legends? Check out this guide that teaches how each role works and how it is played!

The Easiest Role in League of Legends

The Easiest Role in League of Legends

Discover the easiest role in LoL to start playing this wonderful game. See all League of Legends roles you can play and find out the easiest!

Best Ekko Skins | LoL

Best Ekko Skins | LoL

Ekko is an incredibly well-designed and fun champion to play. Even though he is not an old champion, he has a few skins you can choose from. Here are the best!

Best Xerath Skins | LoL

Best Xerath Skins | LoL

Xerath received multiple skins from Riot Games that have different concepts ranging from cosmic to lava. View the best skins of the Magus Ascendant here.

Best Corki Skins | LoL

Best Corki Skins | LoL

Corki is one of the champs that changed a lot throughout LoL history, but his skins were always some of the best. Check our list of the best Corki skins!

Best Skins Galio | LoL

Best Skins Galio | LoL

Did I just hear mid laner tank? Discover the best skins Galio LoL and start destroying your enemies in the mid lane or as a support. See now!