Best Skins Galio | LoL

Did I just hear mid laner tank? Discover the best skins Galio LoL and start destroying your enemies in the mid lane or as a support. See now!

Updated on Aug 07, 2023
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Best Skins Galio | LoL

If you like tanking in League of Legends, and you like applying large amounts of CC to the enemy team while dealing magic damage, then Galio is your champion of choice. Galio is a powerful tank that can be played as Support or in the Mid Lane, so I will show you the best skins Galio LoL!

Galio is a powerful champion with a lot of resistance and perfect engage to start team fights and protect his allies, he is a perfect champion to use in League of Legends PC or Wild Rift and has very fun skins to use in the summoner's rift, without more preambles, the top best skins Galio LoL.

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Enchanted Galio

Enchanted Galio is a cheap option in the Legacy of Legends store if you are looking for a skin for this colossus, however, you will not have great changes in its animations, although the blue of its design (as seen in the splash art) makes it playing Galio is a fun experience in Summoner's Rift.


This skin was one of the first to come out of the champion, it is old, but that does not mean that it is the worst skin. In fact, it has an acceptable level for the sale price, and it is also as good as the Hextech Galio skin. It's worth a try if your budget is limited!


This skin costs 520 RP and was released in August 2010, it is an old skin of the champion that surely brings back memories for many players when it was very played in the mid lane.


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Debonair Galio

If you like fancy skins that make you feel like the most famous character in the entire rift, then Debonair Galio is an option worth considering to destroy any enemy champion. It is another old skin of the champion but it has not gone out of style despite the time.


Debonair Galio skin stands out for giving us the colossus, and protector of Demacia, with an outgoing appearance full of luxury and fame. Without a doubt, it is an interesting skin to impress nearby enemies with your justice punch full of ambition and power.


This Galio skin costs 750 RP and was released in April 2015, it makes an amazing match with the latest debonair skins for champions Malzahar, LeBlanc, Brand, Zed and Master Yi.


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Commando Galio

If you like skins that make you look like a badass in summoner's rift, then Commando Galio might catch your eye. It is one of the most incredible skins of the champion in terms of appearance change (without leaving aside Dragon Guardian Galio.

With it you will feel like the bodyguard of your allies, while inflicting large amounts of magic damage with the best Galio build.


This skin is one of the oldest of the champions, and it is not common to find a player who owns it. However, it is a very valuable skin given its sentimental value for those who have been playing with this champion for many years.


This skin costs 520 RP and was released in January 2011, it is a perfect skin if you would like to have your favorite champion with a "Rambo" style military appearance.


Galio is an excellent champion that can be played as a support or in the mid lane. However, he is not currently the most used champion in the game. 

Still, in the right hands he is a champion that offers a lot of utility to his team at the time it manages to deal bonus magic damage, have magic resistance and damage reduction at the same time.

If you would like to know more about Legacy of Legends and the available skins, you can visit our LoL skins list, or you can also take a look at the best skins Gangplank LoL and learn more about this powerful champion owner of the Late game, we see you in the summoner rift!

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