Top 8 Best Fighters to Carry in LoL SoloQ

The best fighter champions in LoL are found in the top lane, like Camille and jungle, such as Jarvan IV, carrying SoloQ games in a variety of ways.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 8 Best Fighters to Carry in LoL SoloQ

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Starting off with one of the hardest LoL champions to play, is Riven. She is a stereotypical fighter champion in League of Legends, who has no other subclass defining her.

LoL - Riven Splash Art

While she has not been featured in the meta for the past few seasons, Riven is always a good top-lane fighter pick in the hands of an experienced Riven player, though in the hands of an inexperienced one, not so much.

This is due to her feature of canceling ability animations, which Riven masters use to layer on her crowd control abilities and to be able to freely dish out her combos onto an enemy champion.

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On the other end of the fighter spectrum, we have Fiora, one of the best duelist LoL champions in the game, whose entire purpose is to outplay a single enemy, rather than an entire team.

LoL - Fiora Splash Art

That is not to say that she is not capable of it. On the contrary, Fiora can take on the entire enemy team 1v5, but must do so by making use of her kiting, to force the enemies to come at her one by one.

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Lee Sin

This entry on our list is also the final one which concerns all-time favorite League of Legends champions, that are always played regardless of their meta, due to their high skill cap.

He is also one of the best diver champions in League of Legends, from the fighter subclass.

LoL - Lee Sin Splash Art

Due to the versatility provided by both his jungle role, as well as his creative kit, Lee Sin can be played as an undying frontliner, or a highly-mobile assassin with flashy combos.

In either case, it takes great ability on the part of the player to bring out Lee's true potential. But once you do, he can carry you all the way to the top!

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As part of the fighter subclass called the juggernauts and one of the best LoL juggernauts at that, Sett also takes his place as one of the best fighters LoL has to offer.

His design may be simple, with the usual combo of empowered attacks and shields, but he is still a modern champion, compared to someone like Garen.

LoL - Sett Splash Art

Thus, there is more to his kit, such as the true damage from that ability that gives him the shield, and an ultimate that can flatten an entire enemy team, ending the team fight as soon as it starts!

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Jarvan IV

A champion who is very much a product of his time, and his age can be felt easily is Jarvan IV. However, that doesn't stop him from completely dominating every match he's played in.

This is due to his incredible first-item power spike, which makes his far tankier than most expect, allowing him to dive onto the enemy, trap them, and deal a lot of physical damage, courtesy of his jungle scaling!

LoL - Jarvan IV Splash Art

And, while most would expect him to fall off during the late game, the way Lee Sin does, he just does not. His kit allows him to transition from an early-game damage dealer, into a frontline who makes plays, and lets his team act on them!

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A champion that is the product of the meta, Camille does have a few things going for her. The biggest of which is the true damage she deals on her Q, which is a basic ability and empowered auto attack.

LoL - Camille Splash Art

The biggest pain when playing the top lane is laning against someone dealing the type of damage you are not prepared for. In Camille's case, there is nothing to fear, as her passive gives ger a shield depending on the damage dealt to her by the enemy.

If the enemy deals magical damage, she gets a magic shield, and if they deal physical she gets a physical shield, and is the only champion in the game that does so!

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Even before his rework, Jax was one of the most feared top lane fighters in the game. This is even though he is one of the best LoL top laners for beginners, proving just how broken the champion really is.

LoL - Jax Splash Art

The strength of his kit lies in its simplicity, with his E making him one of the few champions in LoL capable of dodging auto attacks, an invaluable ability for trading.

None of his other skills are game-breaking, but all add on when found in a single champion, by giving him the ability to deal hybrid magic damage, as well as buffing his survivability through bonus armor and magic resist.

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Bel'Veth is a strange one as far as githers go, as she builds for attack speed rather than anything else. That works, seeing as Riot Games gave her an ability that lets Bel'Veth ignore the maximum attack speed in League of Legends.

LoL - Bel'Veth Splash Art

She has it all, an infinite scaling passive ability, a jungler's scaling and map domination, and an ultimate with a reset, which allows her to decimate any team fight as soon as one kill is secured, as well as summon an army of voidlings to take every objective on her path once the team fight is won!

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