Top 10 Best Juggernauts to Abuse in LoL SoloQ

Hybrid classes like juggernauts are always overpowered in LoL. The best juggernauts LoL has, like Sett and Mordekaiser, can be easily abused to victory!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 10 Best Juggernauts to Abuse in LoL SoloQ

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As one of the best beginner top lane champions in League of Legends, Garen is a prime juggernaut pick to abuse in SoloQ, due to his simple playstyle, and powerful laning phase sustain.

LoL - Garen Splash Art

Having not only a silence on his Q, but a cleanse from all slows, in addition to an ultimate that deals true damage, makes Garen a straightforward juggernaut who charges at the enemy champions head-on, and wins!

All that, without mentioning the fact that he is the best champion with zero-cost abilities!

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On the topic of champions with incredible sustain, we have Sett, whose Grit allows him to passively outheal almost every other champion in League of Legends.

LoL - Sett Splash Art

That is not all, however, as his W deals true damage based on damage received, and his ultimate ability allows him to use other juggernauts as his weapon, throwing them into the enemy team, and dealing damage based on their max health.

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As one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends, as well as one of the most dominating LoL champions, Nasus is easily placed among the best juggernaut champions.

LoL - Nasus Splash Art

Even though his early game is atrocious, and he can be kited easily, Nasus' Q stacking is enough to one-shot anyone standing in front of him during the late game. Once he reaches them, that is!

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Speaking of the most dominant League of Legends champions, the conversation can't come to pass without mentioning Illaoi, the only female juggernaut in League of Legends.

LoL - Illaoi Splash Art

Her tentacles are one of the most feared abilities in the entire game, with her ultimate being capable of decimating the entire enemy team by itself, if they don't know to run away as soon as she casts it!

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Crowd control with his E, healing from his Q, and a fearsome execute from his ultimate, Darius is a juggernaut who has it all. No wonder almost every low elo top laner bans him in the top lane!

LoL - Darius Splash Art

When compared to all other juggernauts, Darius is also the best champion to get pentakills with in LoL. This is because his auto attacks stack a bleed effect, preparation for their execution.

Once Darius executes a champion with his ultimate it resets, and his next attack on an enemy champion stacks maximum bleed stacks at once, expediting their impending death!

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Compared to all other juggernauts in League of Legends, Yorick is a special case. His goal is not to frontline for his team, soaking up damage and dealing it in return.

LoL - Yorick Splash Art

Instead, the best thing Yorick does is push a side lane. This tactic will force enemies to respond to his push, with more than one person due to his power, thus giving up an objective on the other side of the map.

If they don't, however, Yorick will take the inhibitor in the blink of an eye!

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As the only ranged juggernaut in League of Legends, and the best ranged top lane LoL champion, Urgot is a menace in the top lane, harassing enemies from afar while they can't do anything about it.

And, once the enemy top is softened up enough, his engage is better than most other juggernauts, with a straightforward gap closer, which flows into his execute ultimate.

LoL - Urgot Splash Art

And, while most juggernauts fall off late game, Nasus notwithstanding, Urgot's late-game scaling is on par with that of an ADC, with his damage output skyrocketing, and him not having to worry about pesky things like proper positioning that a squishy champion does.

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When it comes to regeneration in the middle of a fight, and not outside of it as sustain, Aatrox cannot be beaten. He is the ultimate drain juggernaut, with incredible survivability due to being able to regenerate more than half of his HP in one go.

LoL - Aatrox Splash Art

That is without mentioning his Q, which offers Aatrox a way to deal incredible damage, with each of the three Q instances coupled with a knock-up, giving him ample CC to really mess the enemy team up in a fight!

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In a lane where most of the match-ups tend to deal physical damage to one another, Mordekaiser is the exception, as he deals magical damage in spades!

It doesn't matter if it's his passive ability, which deals AoE damage around Mordekaiser in a circle when enemies are near, or if it's his Q with a large hitbox, or E that puts Swain's titular engage tool to shame.

LoL - Mordekaiser Splash Art

And finally, unlike most of the other juggernauts, Mordekaiser's ultimate allows him to get onto a champion, giving them no option to run away, and thus force them to combat.

It makes him one of the best duelists in League of Legends, in addition to being one of the best juggernauts!

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The current state of the top lane meta has been the same since the release of K'Sante. Namely, it's either you pick K'Sante, or you ban him. There is no in-between!

Created by Riot Games to be a hybrid champion, a top juggernaut with a high skill ceiling, K'Sante is breaking every metric the game has to offer.

LoL - K'Sante Splash Art

His default state is tanky enough to rival even the best tanks League of Legends has to offer all the while dealing enough damage as the average juggernaut

After he uses his ultimate, and transforms into a high-damage skirmisher, who rivals even the best LoL skirmisher champions, with insane damage and high mobility. All in all, K'Sante is the most overloaded LoL champion, who can't be rivalled by any other on this list!

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