Best supports for Kalista in League of Legends

Kalista is a niche ADC whose play style might not be for everyone; here are the best support champions for her!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
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Best supports for Kalista in League of Legends

Ready to hunt deceivers and traitors, Kalista is one of the champions from the Shadow Isles, her vengeful look and spears might be what's so attractive from her to summoners. 

But to play Kalista you need to learn when to attack an enemy champion, and focus on that same target from the enemy team during a team fight, or in the early game. If you want to know what are Kalista's best supports in the bot lane, then keep on reading.

What are the best supports for Kalista in League of legends?

The ideal supports for Kalista are tanks who offer crowd control for her to focus on the opposing duo thanks to her high attack speed. 

Because Kalista is rather squishy, you want to play your game keeping a safe gap between the enemy target and you, and at the same time your support and you have to stay connected so you can time your abilities in the right moment of the game. 

Playing with Kalista does require a high knowledge of this champion, if you're constantly searching “best support for Kalista League of Legends” then rest assured, we got you covered.

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To start off with some tanky support champions, Blitzcrank it's a perfect example, he can focus on a target from the enemy team and hook it so Kalista doesn't go around chasing enemies. Blitzcrank it's a must have for any support main, in the early game he can hook enemies, turn the gap closer between Kalista and a specific enemy, then use his knock up to continue the chain of CC.

As Blitzcrank you have to land your hook ability as much as possible for your Kalista to attack the enemy target during a play.


Despite Kalista being squishy, in this current season, she has a nice win rate. The combination of Kalista's ultimate with Blitzcrank's ultimate it's totally awesome, planned correctly, you will be able to launch your support Blitz towards the enemy with her Oathsworn Ally.

This is the perfect time to create a chain of CC, followed by Blitzcrank's ultimate, Kalista can take down enemies quickly. Another good point about this is that Blitz's ultimate will take down all the shields of the enemies.

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Amumu, is one of the most unpredictably annoying characters, and even more since he got a second charge for his “Bandage Toss”.

The sad mummy is not a champion that you would usually play as a support, but taking into account how Kalista's ultimate work, paired with Amumu's ultimate, it's a perfect combination to get free kills.

The green mummy can stun the enemy several times, plus the constant damage from his Tantrum will have enemies doubting whether they should fight him or not.


Without a doubt, Amumu is one of the best choices to support Kalista in the duo lane. During any play or team fights in the middle lane, these two will make a good combo.

In this season Amumu has been doing really well, in the early game the mummy won't be able to do much other than the occasional stun if the enemy comes too close or too aggressive, at least if this happens, Kalista can focus on the same target.

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If you thought Amumu was the only tank who has tons of CC then you forgot about Nautilus, this League of Legends champion can take huge amounts of damage while performing an all in with Kalista's ult, which he can follow up with his abilities, and auto attacks that stun enemies.

Nautilus can keep everybody crowd controlled, and if you add the surprise factor from Kalista's ultimate, he can create perfect opportunities for your team to attack.


In a more aggressive game, Nautilus can pull himself towards the enemy and hit him with a basic attack. If you're Kalista, remember that Nautilus can't save you in the middle of a fight, so you have to learn to use Kalista's passive and dash properly, the same applies to the early game to poke a champion. In the current meta Nautilus isn't the most loved champion, but those who know how to play him will bring justice to his low win rate.

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Kalista is a champion who can take great advantage if her support can knock up enemies, but Maokai has other forms of crowd control that are just as useful.

Maokai and Kalista work well because the support can place his saplings all over the place to provide some extra damage while his knocking ability is available so he can engage in a trade.

But besides that, Kalists can choose a more aggressive play style to poke enemies, the thing is Maokai can't save her if she gets too cocky.


Maokai is one of those League champions that, when playing him, is really easy to go all in.

Also, because he's one of the tank supports, therefore, the enemy team won't take his life that easily when he starts a fight, and it will be all a surprise if Kalista throws him with her ultimate. In the right hands, this combination could lead to the highest rank in the game thanks to Kalista's passive and Maokai's stuns.

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The minotaur is a great pick if you search for a support who can engage against the opponent or opponents without much planning to get a kill.

One thing to keep in mind is that Alistar isn't the type of support who can save you in a fight, and if he does save you, it would be by throwing enemies aside with his head when you use his “W” ability. When it comes to his rune paths, the Resolve Tree and the Inspiration One are those you should go with.


His play style is rather simple, you just have to search for the right opportunity for you to engage once you have the first item of your tank build, after that, Kalista must attack and move with her passive constantly to avoid being easily targetable by the enemy. The cherry on top of this combination is that Kalista can easily throw him with her ultimate. But the sad thing is that Alistar hasn't had that much protagonism during this season, and his low win rate might prevent players from picking him.

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Morgana isn't a tank, but she has a lot of skills that will help Kalista along the way when playing. Despite not being able to take a lot of damage, she can keep enemies far from Kalista thanks to her Tormented Shadow, or root them with her Dark Binding, and if you're facing a support who deals magic damage, Morgana can protect you with her shield. A good point Morgana has is her sustainability thanks to the passive ability.


When you're playing Morgana, you have to be ready for Kalista to throw you with her ultimate, so you can follow up with yours and stun enemies, but because Morgana is no tank, be sure of using Zhonyas enchant when you're in the core of the fight so you don't die in the blink of an eye. In this moment, as Kalista, you have to search for the weakest enemy and get that kill before you escape or position yourself to keep attacking.

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Galio as a support benefits Kalista decently, but with a few tips you can take their synergies to the next level, for starters, Galio's “Q” is excellent to poke the enemy in the lane, it has a nice range and deals decent damage.

If you're going to use Galio in the bot lane, you have to always wait for the right opportunity to engage, because the rest of his kit requires you to be precise so you can connect his entire combo.


Because Galio's “W” grants him a passive magic shield, it makes him a bit flexible regarding his builds, because you can get for him an item that offers some magic damage to add up to his resistance. Moreover, thanks to his ultimate, he can create opportunities for Kalista to attack multiple enemies at the same time, or if in trouble, she can save her by using his ult in her direction, stun the enemies and buy her some time to escape.

Kalista is no easy champ, and you won't find just a comment who affirms this. If you like to play ADCs in your account then trying her out just to know what she does, would be a good idea. But for those who want to main her, we advise you to go easy since she can be confusing in the first couple of games.

Luckily, the supports you'll find will make things easier to understand her abilities while avoiding getting killed once you obtain her for your account. Also, Kalista is an ADC who needs tons of attack speed, so the lethal tempo rune is your go-to.

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