Tag Roles

10 Most Versatile LoL Champions to One-Trick

10 Most Versatile LoL Champions to One-Trick

The most versatile LoL champion in LoL, like Brand or Swain, are the best ones to one-trick, as they can be played in multiple roles in the case of an autofill.

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

6 Best Support Champions for Aphelios in League of Legends

The best support champions for Aphelios in League of Legends are Leona, Nautilus, Braum, Lulu, Nami, and Janna, each offering unique synergies and advantages.

What is the Best Role to Get Out of LoL Bronze Easily

What is the Best Role to Get Out of LoL Bronze Easily

The best roles to easily climb out of LoL Bronze are support and jungle.

What Are The Most Popular Roles in LoL [Ranked]

What Are The Most Popular Roles in LoL [Ranked]

Mid laner and Top Lane are the most popular roles in LoL, but let's see all these roles look when we try to put them in one ranking!

All LoL Lanes | Explained

All LoL Lanes | Explained

Having a hard time understanding all the lanes in League of Legends? You won't have that problem anymore after checking this article!

The oldest champions of each LoL role

The oldest champions of each LoL role

Take a trip down memory lane, away from new champions such as the Ruined King and Renata Glasc, and take a look at the oldest LoL champions in the game.

How to Choose your Champion in League of Legends

How to Choose your Champion in League of Legends

League of Legends has over 150 champions, so it can be overwhelming to choose even one. Here are the champions you should play.

All you need to know about Roles in League of Legends

All you need to know about Roles in League of Legends

Curious about all the roles in League of Legends? Check out this guide that teaches how each role works and how it is played!

Strongest Champions in League of Legends

Strongest Champions in League of Legends

No matter how many new characters they put out every year, some of them are just the best of the best for each role there is

Best supports for Kalista in League of Legends

Best supports for Kalista in League of Legends

Kalista is a niche ADC whose play style might not be for everyone; here are the best support champions for her!

Best Beginner LoL Champions to Learn the Support Role With

Best Beginner LoL Champions to Learn the Support Role With

According to high elo players, the support role is the easiest role in the game. Still, that doesn’t mean that it takes no skill to play.

The best support champions for Vayne in League of Legends

The best support champions for Vayne in League of Legends

Vayne is a short ranged late game hyper carry that needs baby sitting until she reaches her power spike. Here are the best support champions for her.