10 Most Versatile LoL Champions to One-Trick

The most versatile LoL champion in LoL, like Brand or Swain, are the best ones to one-trick, as they can be played in multiple roles in the case of an autofill.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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10 Most Versatile LoL Champions to One-Trick

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Designed to be one of the best burst mages in League of Legends, he has since been delegated to the support role as his main one. Still, a good Brand player can absolutely play him in the mid-lane. That is not all however, and Brand can be played in even more roles:

  • Mid Lane
  • Support
  • Jungle

LoL - Brand Splash Art

This is because of the recent jungle changes to a few select LoL champions in clearing the jungle, one of which is Brand, now allows Brand to be played in the jungle as well, making Brand a champion that can be played in three roles.

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Maokai's journey mirrors Brand's, as he was also once a solo lane champion, delegated to the support role, with Riot then adapting his kit to deal additional damage to monsters, to make him viable in the jungle role as well. As such, Maokai can be played in three roles

  • Top Lane
  • Support
  • Jungle

LoL - Maokai Splash Art

However, another thing that makes Maokai one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends, is the fact that he has a pure tank build, or can be played by building AP, more specifically by building the best burn items in LoL!

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Morgana is a champion that is well-known for her crowd control, and is in fact one of the champions with the most crowd control in LoL. As such a mage, she is viable in three roles

  • Support
  • Mid Lane
  • Jungle

LoL - Morgana Splash Art

The support role is her main one, with the mid lane role being viable as she is extremely hard to gank during the early game, due to her black shield. And finally, she became a jungler due to Riot's buffs, and is one that makes it extremely easy to gank enemies due to her crowd control!

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The recent mid-scope update that Neeko received, empowered her to be played in her two previous roles, and also allowed her to be played in the jungle, making Neeko a versatile champion that is played in three roles

  • Support
  • Mid Lane
  • Jungle

LoL- Neeko Splash Art

Due to her passive, however, her playstyle has become far more varied. She can now take on the looks of not only allied champions but jungle camps and minions as well. This allows Neeko to make incredible plays, and adapt to various situations.

After all, what is a versatile champion if not one that can always find a way to enter a lane to gank, right under the nose of the enemy team?

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There is no other champion's kit that can compete with Shaco's in terms of being the most annoying LoL champion. His invisible boxes can block hooks, fear enemy champions, while his Q is a blink that makes him invisible, and his R allows him to make a copy of himself that does both.

There is no denying that it's a versatile kit however, and Shaco can be played in three roles.

LoL - Shaco Splash Art

  • Top Lane
  • Support
  • Jungle

In addition, depending on the team composition and Shaco's role in a team fight, that is if he needs to delete the enemy ADC or CC enemy champions with boxes, he can build lethality and Ability Power, giving him even more versatility!

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Swain is one of the best battlemages in League of Legends and is quite a tanky champion in addition to dealing a lot of damage and having a CC ability that acts as a good engage tool.

As such, Swain can be played in four roles in LoL

  • Bot Lane
  • Support
  • Mid Lane
  • Top Lane

LoL - Swain Splash Art

The only role Swain can't be played in is the jungle. With how powerful he is in the bot lane role, often being the best bot laner by win rate, and still having respectable win rates in other lanes, he doesn't need jungle!

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When thinking of tanky champions, one can understand why Swain would be among their number, but not Cassiopeia. However, Cassiopeia is also a battlemage champion and builds Ability Power items that give a lot of health.

Unlike the previous champion on this list, Cassiopeia is a champion who can solo carry games from every lane she can be played in.

LoL - Cassiopeia Splash Art

And Cassiopeia can be played in all three lanes in LoL

  • Mid Lane
  • Top Lane
  • Bot Lane

In fact, she is one of the best AP carries in League of Legends, with the consistency of her damage rivaling most ADCs!

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Pantheon is well known for being one of the best early-game top lane champions in League of Legends, who falls off heavily during the late game. The changes to lethality have enabled him to be played in other roles as well.

  • Top Lane
  • Mid Lane
  • Jungle
  • Support

LoL - Pantheon Splash Art

In each of the lanes mentioned, his ultimate allows him to be a good roaming champion, rivaling the best support roaming champions, or the best mid-lane roaming champions even!

When played in the jungle, it's where he really shines, as due to his ultimate, and the jungle's freedom of picking fights, he can join all team fights his team takes, anywhere on the map!

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By far, one of the most underrated champions in League of Legends is Heimerdinger. His turrets allow him to be played in four roles, and he is one of the best 1v2 champions in LoL as well!

  • Top Lane
  • Mid Lane
  • Bot Lane
  • Support

LoL - Heimerdinger Splash Art

By changing his playstyle, he can use his turrets to burst enemies in the mid lane, block skill shots and peel as a support, be a powerful APC from the bot lane role, or establish lane dominance in the top lane roles, by forcing the enemy out of lane, inch by inch!

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All League of Legends champions have a main role and an off role they can be played in, to an extent. Hwei's are mid-lane and support. His versatility does not come from being viable in multiple roles, however.

LoL- Hwei Splash Art

Instead, it comes from having 12-16 abilities, depending on how you count them! This allows Hwei to be played as a burst mage, an artillery mage, or an enchanter all in one game!

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