Everything About How Much XP Per Game in TFT

Discover all you need to know about how much experience per game in TFT. Level up your TFT pass easily by knowing how much XP you can get per win game here.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Everything About How Much XP Per Game in TFT

When playing TFT by Riot Games is getting more exciting, you may ask yourself an important question in order to claim more rewards for the TFT pass or Battle Pass: How much XP do I win per game in TFT?

Don't worry, here we will give you all the answers you need to claim your TFT pass rewards and play TFT and TFT missions until you get your desired XP level. Let's start!

Why is XP important in TFT?

Experience in TFT is an amazing way, and the only "coin"you may use to claim your TFT pass rewards. It's not only a way to compare your level against any other player in TFT, but a useful element that will help you get exclusive little legends, exclusive content and any other exclusive upgrade available in TFT. So, we could give you some reasons why experience is important in TFT:

  • XP is the only way to get your TFT pass rewards (For free)
  • XP allows you to unlock beautiful little legend eggs, star shards, etc.
  • XP allows you to unlock every seasonal pass and rewards if there is any special event.

Now you know how important XP is in TFT, however, not every TFT game will give the same amount of experience. And not all normal games will give you a huge amount of experience compared to others. There are certain conditions you may know in order to earn XP easily in TFT.

Before talking more about it, and if you're interested in the TFT world, you may take a look at our guide about how to level up TFT pass easily. It'll give you an entire step by step guide to level up your TFT pass and claim all the rewards you want.

How Much XP Per Game in TFT

If you're wondering how much XP per game takes to level up your TFT pass and get all the rewards you want.

In average, this is the amount of experience you can receive per game and missions:

Remember, if you want to win TFT games, then you will have to at least be in the top 3 of players at the end of the match. That means, if you're below top 3, then you will lose the game and you will earn less XP. Winning will give you full XP value, but playing games and losing will get you less XP.


So, you can get between 50-300 XP per game in TFT. The reason why the amount of XP may vary is because of winning or losing games, and games length, may affect the XP received.

On the other hand, hyper roll ranked games give 50 XP after finishing them. And finally, you can get an XP booster, which will make you earn more XP if you play multiple games.

As you see, getting your Teamfight tactics pass done, may take you some time, that's the reason why many players prefer to get the premium pass, or play many hyper roll TFT games which give you a good amount of XP. Also, every certain time, you may receive around six missions that you may complete by simply playing TFT league of legends.


Weekly missions are a great way to get your Teamfight tactics pass completed easily, so you will be able to receive extra eggs, little legends and many rewards.

Finally, ranked TFT games will give you a similar amount of XP than normal games, so take this into account and have fun while completing the quests to get your Teamfight tactics pass.

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