8 Best Battlemages in LoL to Solo Carry Games

The battlemage class of champions in LoL is hard to master and the best ones have a lot of magical DPS, from a short range, such as Ryze and Cassiopeia.

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best Battlemages in LoL to Solo Carry Games

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The first champion to start off with one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends, who can be played in four different positions, that is every position but the jungle. Of course, it's Swain!

LoL - Swain Splash Art

Swain is a short-range caster, whose playstyle revolves around abusing his ultimate to keep himself alive, by wading through the entire enemy team dealing magical damage, and healing himself, on top of spamming his Q for even more AoE magical damage, and his E for a dose of annoying CC!

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In the same manner that Swain is toeing the line between and battlemage and a drain tank, Anivia toes the line between a battlemage and a regular mage, due to being squishy. Luckily for Anivia, when she has her passive up, her survivability skyrockets.

LoL - Anivia Splash Art

By building AP items that grant health, she becomes even more durable and capable of surviving long enough for her ultimate, one of the best AoE abilities in LoL, to wreak havoc on the enemy team with its overwhelming sustained area damage!

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Karthus has no significant defensive capabilities to speak of and relies exclusively on his damage to carry his SoloQ games. So, why is Karthus such a powerful battlemage in League of Legends and such a dominant LoL champion?

LoL - Karthus Splash Art

The answer lies in his passive ability. A good Karthus player will die at the best moment and place in a team fight, and abuse the 7 seconds of his passive, to deal consistent magic damage uninterrupted, only having to worry about hitting the enemy with his abilities, instead of saving his own skin!

After all, how do you defeat a champion whose entire goal is to die in the most efficient manner, and is capable of literally defying death to make it so?

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The champion that is as much a burst mage as he is a battle mage, and a nightmare of any SoloQ game that goes beyond 30 minutes, is Vladimir. His healing is one that can't be itemized against defensively, while his W allows him to wade in and out of team fights effortlessly.

LoL - Vladimir Splash Art

This way, Vladimir is free to dodge the entire enemy frontline and burst down the backline with just one rotation of his abilities, proving why he is one of the best burst mages in LoL too.

Furthermore, his healing and abilities that cost health make it so he is, effectively, sustaining endlessly in a lane that is heavily mana reliant!

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Viktor is one of the few League of Legends champions that have their own scaling, where his abilities get upgraded with Hex Fragments. Due to this, he scales twice as fast, with Hex Fragments and gold both!

LoL - Viktor Splash Art

Unlike the other battle mages on this list, Viktor's ultimate allows him to take a safer approach to a team fight. At first cast, the ability acts like Anivia's ultimate, but a recast of that ability allows Viktor to control it remotely, from a long range, dealing damage from relative safety!

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Aurelion Sol

With his recent rework, Aurelion Sol has entered the ranks of the best scaling champions in League of Legends. His powerspike appears with his first item, and his playstyle offers consistent magical damage to both single targets with his Q, and an ultimate that turns the course of a team fight!

LoL - Aurelion Sol Splash Art

If only his skill ceiling was higher, allowing for better outplays instead of relying on stat-checking enemies, Aurelion Sol would be the best battle mage in LoL, but no champion can have it all!

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Cassiopeia is, easily, one of the hardest champions in League of Legends, with a high skill floor and skill ceiling. This is due to her playstyle where she weaves her Q in between her auto attacks to empower them, to deal damage.

LoL - Cassiopeia Splash Art

However, it's nothing if not effective, allowing a good Cassiopeia to output as much consistent magical damage as Jinx would physical. Coupled with her ultimate, which is an AoE stun that requires her targets to be looking at her, Cassiopeia is a battle mage that can take you to the highest ranks of League!

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The final entry on our list is also the most powerful battle mage in League of Legends, lore-wise and in-game. The multitude of balancing done to this champion can attest to this fact!

LoL - Ryze Splash Art

After all, whenever Ryze comes even close to achieving a 50% win rate in SoloQ, he is picked by professionals who wreck every game on him in a tournament due to how OP he is!

Much like Cassiopeia, Ryze needs a lot of skill to be played effectively, both on the micro and macro levels. His straightforward scaling, however, is unmatched!

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