10 Absolute Best AoE Abilities in LoL

Team fights are where the best AoE abilities shine in League of Legends, and the ones that champions like Amumu and Taric have, can win one all by themselves!

Updated on Nov 14, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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10 Absolute Best AoE Abilities in LoL

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Amumu | R - Curse of the Sad Mummy

Starting off strong, we have a jungler whose R - Curse of the Sad Mummy, is an AoE ability that is simple enough to use, and it makes Amumu one of the best crowd control champions in LoL as well!

LoL - Amumu Splash Art

His ultimate stuns all enemies hit around him for 1.5 seconds, dealing 400 magic damage and scaling 80% of his Ability power. Starting a team fight, and ending it in one go is what Amumu does best!

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Taric | R - Cosmic Radiance

The fear of getting struck by abilities such as Amumu's ultimate is easily remedied when you have a good Taric on your team. His R - Cosmic Radiance, makes him and all of his allies around him invulnerable for 2.5 seconds if his positioning is good.

LoL - Taric Splash Art

And, while it may seem like hitting multiple champions with one ability in the middle of a team fight is difficult, even if they are your allies, Taric's ultimate is channeled from both him and the ally tethered to him via his W, and the ability itself has an enormous hitbox for how powerful it is!

It's unfortunate, however, just how vulnerable Taric is to any ranged champion with good kiting, making him almost useless without his ultimate.

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Ziggs | R - Mega Inferno Bomb

Though he is known for being one of the best mid-lane wave clear champions, especially with his penchant for destroying towers quickly, a well-placed R - Mega Inferno Bomb from Ziggs, can turn a faraway skirmish from a loss into a quick victory.

LoL - Ziggs Splash Art

The ability itself has a range that rivals that of Twisted Fate's ultimate, giving Ziggs the opportunity to affect fights even if he is not present, dealing damage to multiple enemies on one side of the map, while taking their towers on the other!

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Aurelion Sol | R  -The Skies Descend

Speaking of champions that deal damage by the bucket load, we have one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends, Aurelion Sol, and his R - The Skies Descend.

LoL - Aurelion Sol

Unlike the previous abilities on our list, this one needs Aurelion Sol to use his other abilities first, such as his Q which deals enormous single-target damage, to stack Stardust.

Once he does, however, his ultimate deals thousands of magic damage and knocks up nearby enemies, while its secondary effect travels the entire map, dealing reduced damage, slowing and revealing all enemies it finds!

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Fiddlesticks | R - Crowstorm

On the topic of abilities that need some setup before showing their true potential, there is no better example than Fiddlestick's R - Crowstorm. When cast in plain sight, it deals AoE damage to enemies caught in its effect.

LoL - FIddlesticks Splash Art

When cast from out of vision, due to Fiddlesticks' passive, it can also fear the entire enemy team, forcing them to tank the entirety of its AoE damage, and win the entire game at the opportune time!

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Malphite | R - Unstoppable Force

Aside from his usual role as one of the best tanks in League of Legends, Malphite can often be found played with a full Ability Power build, one-shotting everyone standing in his way.

LoL - Malphite Splash Art

This is all because of his R - Unstoppable Force, which makes Malphite into a targeted tactical nuke unleashed onto either one champion that has the ability to carry a fight, or the whole team if they are bunched up nicely!

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Kennen | R - Slicing Maelstrom

Speaking of top-lane champions with AoE abilities, we have the best top-lane ranged champion that few people complain about when he's actually played in the top lane.

LoL - Kennen Splash Art

It all comes down to his R - Slicing Maelstrom, which deals incredible magic damage to nearby enemies, and applies his passive, thus stunning them for 1.25 seconds. And in a team fight, having an entire team stunned that long is an eternity!

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Miss Fortune | R - Bullet Time

The only ADC on our list made it here due to her potent R - Bullet Time. it deals physical damage in a target direction, with each wave being a critical strike against enemies caught in it.

Lol - Miss Fortune Splash Art

In metas where her lethality build is powerful, Miss Fotrune's ultimate becomes even more dangerous, almost one-shotting the entire enemy team, instead of just applying the constant DPS it was meant to.

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Anivia | R - Glacial Storm

Large AoE abilities with a lot of damage, usually have long cooldowns, making them a resource that needs to be carefully used, so you don't find yourself in a team fight without them!

LoL - Anivia Splash Art

Anivia's R - Glacial Storm, has no such issues. It's a toggled ability, that can be reused 2 seconds after toggling it off, and it deals ramping damage while slowing enemies in its radius.

Coupled with some of the best burn effect items in LoL, and Anivia melts anyone, any time, anywhere, never finding herself without her most potent ability.

Corki | E - Special Delivery

Even though he is one of the champions that fell out of style, and has been away from the meta for a long time, Corki has one of, if not the most powerful AoE ability in the entire game.

It's not even his ultimate ability, so it has a lower cooldown, but to restrict its overloaded nature, Corki needs to fulfill an important requirement before using it.

LoL - Corki Splash Art

The ability in question is his E - Valkyrie, which becomes E - Special Delivery, when Corki returns to base to pick up a package which spawns every 60 seconds.

With it, Corki knocks away enemies in his path, leaving a trail of bombs that burn for 5 seconds, and slow enemies by 90%. The burn refreshes every 0.25 seconds, and acts similarly to Rumble's ultimate, albeit with a longer range and shorter cooldown.

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