8 Best LoL Crowd Control Champions With the Longest CC

The best way to stop a rampaging hyper carry, is a good CC chain! The champions such as Leona and Nautilus are the best crowd control champions for the job!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best LoL Crowd Control Champions With the Longest CC

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Starting off our list, we have one of the best support champions in high elo, due to his high skill ceiling in a role that is usually not mechanically intensive. It's Thresh, with his kit that contains three CC abilities!

LoL - Thresh Splash Art

His Q - Death Sentence, is a hook with an in-built stun that lasts 1.5 seconds, while his E - Flay, is a displacement that can be used for offense and defense both. And, in a team fight, his R - The Box, slows all enemies that pass through it by 99% for 2 seconds, acting like a root for intents and purposes.

A good Thresh will, thus, CC chain an enemy for more than 3 seconds by himself, with hard and soft crowd control abilities!

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Where Thresh has a hard crowd control ability, with two soft crowd control ones, Leona is all about that hard CC chain that can last up to 3.25 seconds if chained properly!

LoL - Leona Splash Art

Her Q - Shield of Daybreak, is an empowered basic attack that stuns a target for 1 second, while her E - Zenith Blade, is a gap closer that roots for 0.5 seconds! Add to that her ultimate, which stuns for a whole 1.75 if its center hits an enemy champion, and there is no moving against a good Leona!

And the best thing is, unlike most other CC champions, Leona is not stopped by enemy minions being in the way, due to her gap-closing ability only targeting champions!

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While Leona is an upgrade on Thresh, with her hard CC, players still need to hit her E and R, as they are skill shots, to be effective. With Nautilus, this is not the case as two of his three hard CC abilities are point-and-click!

LoL - Nautilus Splash Art

His auto attacks root a target for 0.75-1.5 seconds, based on level, while his R - Depth Charge is a point-and-click targeted AoE knock up, that knocks up everyone between Nautilus and his target!

Add to that his Q - Dredge Line, which is one of the most broken abilities in LoL, due to its hitbox being larger than it looks, and Nautilus can lock down an enemy champion for 3 seconds, with a 1.5 second, 50%, slow from his W - Riptide, for good measure!

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Ever since his mini-rework, Amumu has been one of the best beginner junglers in League of Legends, dues to his ample crowd control abilities that are simple to use, but effective in both ganks and team fights!

LoL - Amumu Splash Art

His Q - Bandage Toss, can have up to two stacks that can stun an enemy for 1 full second each. Due to its range, it's considered a long-range skill shot, and is a perfect way to initiate a team fight, and gank enemies!

In addition, his R - Curse of the Sad Mummy, stuns all enemies in a large area around Amumu for 1.75 seconds, catching multiple targets with one ability. With just these two abilities, Amumu can layer a CC chain that lasts 3.75 seconds without breaking a sweat!

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Most of the best crow control champions find themselves in the support role, as is expected. Even Amumu. Sejuani, however, is a pure jungler that can rival any support with her crowd control abilities easily!

LoL - Sejuani Splash Art

Each and every one of her abilities has either a hard or soft CC component, slowing or sitting enemies outright.

With a combination of her Q which knocks enemies up for 0.5 seconds, her E which stuns them for 1 second after 4 stacks, and her ultimate which stuns for 1.5 seconds, she can lock down an enemy for 3 seconds, not to mention the 2 seconds of slows she dishes out as an afterthought!

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As one of the best roaming mid-lane champions, Galio's entire kit is centered around locking down enemies to serve them up for his teammates while ganking, with a CC chain that lasts 3 whole seconds!

LoL - Galio Splash Art

His W - Shield of Durand, is an AoE taunt, that can catch multiple enemies, and force them to attack Galio for 1.5 seconds, while his E - Justice punch and his R - Hero's Entrance, knock up enemies for 0.75 seconds each.

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When thinking of a single ability that basically wins a teamfight all by itself, we all think of Fiddlesticks' R - Crowstorm. But what makes this ability so feared is that it procs the passive of Fiddlesticks' Q - Terrify, which fears all targets hit by an ability after being out of vision for 2.25 seconds.

And, at level 5, this fear lasts for 2.25 seconds all by itself!

LoL - Fiddlesticks Splash Art

By using these two abilities, Fiddlesticks can initiate team fights, and affect the entire enemy team, with just one button ! He almost doesn't need any other crowd-control ability, but he does have one!

His E - Reap, silences enemies for 1.25 seconds, should any champion actually survive the initial onslaught and try to fight back!

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Finally, as the last entry on our list, we have Morgana, the Queen of Crowd Control. What Caitlyn is among the LoL champions with the longest attack range, Morgana is among crowd control champions!

That is, perhaps, why Morgana and Caitlyn have such a good bot lane duo synergy!

LoL - Morgana Splash Art

At level 5, Morgana Q - Dark Binding, roots enemies for 3 whole seconds by itself, spawning multiple jokes about getting banned for being AFK after getting hit by it!

The Cc chain is then followed by her R - Soul Shackles, which stuns all targets in range for 2 seconds at max level. These two abilities mean that Morgana can lock down an enemy for 5 seconds all by herself.

But, with a max ability haste build, it is possible to reduce Morgana's Q cooldown to 5 seconds, to extend the duration of the CC chain with another Q, for a full 8 seconds of not moving anywhere!

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