8 Best Ranged Top Laners to Play in LoL

See the best ranged top laners to play in League of Legends, with Vayne, Quinn, Akshan, Urgot, Kennen, Ivern, Kayle, and Teemo as top picks.

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best Ranged Top Laners to Play in LoL

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We all knew you were thinking of Vayne the moment a ranged top laner was mentioned, even though she is a regular ADC that usually needs adequate Vayne supports. She is, after all, the most infamous ranged top lane champion in League of Legends.

LoL - Vayne Splash Art

The main reason for this is her ability to easily kit the enemy top laner with a combination of her tumbles and her disengage and most importantly, her incredible killing potential due to her true damage passive! Especially when you take her being among the incredible carry champions into account.

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Riot Games have a tendency of trying to fill a role with a champion class that doesn't belong there, just so the game feels more complete. One of the results of that philosophy is the designing of Quinn.

Unlike Vayne, who is an ADC that is taken to the top lane, Quinn is a ranged top laner from the get-go! Her entire kit is designed around stopping a melee engage, with her vault always winning an ability interaction!

LoL - Quinn Splash Art

In addition, Quinn has one of the highest mobility in the game, due to her falcon, making her top lane roaming potential incredible. All she has to do is push out her lane, an incredibly easy thing to do for a ranged top laner, and then roam correctly, and get an advantage with her jungler.

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One of the newer additions tothe League of Legends champion roster, Akshan has found a place as a ranged top laner as an alternative to his mid-lane role. The reason for his success is due to his similarity with Quinn and Vayne.

At a first glance, Akshan may not resemble any of these champions, but he has high mobility and roaming potential, as well as a good disengage, just like Quinn, and his auto-attacks have a proccing passive, similar to Vayne.

LoL - Akshan Splash Art

His ganks are even better than Quinn's however, due to his invisibility. All he has to do is push out his lane, again, an incredibly easy thing to do for a ranged top laner, and gank an unsuspecting enemy with his invisibility!

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Urgot is, perhaps, the only tolerated ranged top laner in the game, due to his playstyle that borders on being a straight-up bruiser. However, after playing a single game against a good Urgot, any player will be cursing his existence.

After all, Urgot has the best of both worlds, the range to harass the enemy, and the tankiness to survive front-lining any team fight!

LoL - Urgot Splash Art

Urgot is a powerful early-game champion that can easily employ cheese strats at level 1, while also scaling incredibly well into the late game. His purge can harass the enemy in the lane and keep them at bay, freezing the wave indefinitely, and also acting as the frontline in a teamfight.

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Where Urgot treads the line between a bruiser and a ranged top laner, Kennen combines his ranged auto attacks with his identity as an annoying champion because of his AP scaling abilities, which are hard to itemize against.

Kennen, like Vayne and Akshan, has a passive to proc with his auto-attacks. Only his, stuns the enemy, making it easy to harrass them and get in some free damage!

LoL - Kennen Splash Art

With his high mobility and incredibly useful team fight ult, Kennen is easily one of the best top lane ranged champions as he provides it all. Damage, utility, front lining, and harassing the enemy top laner into uselessness, all in one!

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Much like Quinn, Ivern is also a product of placing an unorthodox champion class into a particular role. But still, what is an enchanter jungler doing in the top lane, you may ask?

Letting Daisy do all the work while he relaxes, of course! After his mid scope update, Ivern has been buffed significantly, and his ultimate, Daisy, especially so. Now, she applies on-hit effects and can 1v1 any enemy top laner at level 6!

LoL - Ivern Splash Art

Of course, that is not all. Aside from his ranged advantage, his shield allows Ivern to win trades extremely easily, as it protects him from damage, while also exploding once it wears off to deal damage to the enemy. And his Q allows for an easy gank setup!

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Kayle can be equated to being the Kassadin of the top lane. Her scaling comes from levels, instead of just items, as at level 16 she becomes a fully ranged champion.

Since her release, she has been a hyper carry that can solo win late-game fights.

LoL - Kayle Splash Art

Unlike most hyper-carriers, Kayle can also be a bit of a top-lane bully in some matchups, further establishing her as a top-lane dominant champion!

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One of the oldest and, and the first ranged League of Legends top laner is Teemo. His very existence causes everyone to hate seeing him on the Rift.

This is due not only his range but the afflictions he places on enemy champions via said range. There is no winning a trade against Teemo once he blinds the enemy top laner.

LoL -Teemo Splash Art

And, since the most effective way of stopping ranged top laners is ganking them, Teemo's mushrooms make even that impossible to accomplish, if placed strategically.

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