5 Best Support Champions for Tristana in LoL

Champions such as Taric, Thresh, Leona, Nami, and Morgana provide excellent synergy and utility for Tristana, enhancing her performance in the game.

Updated on Nov 12, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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5 Best Support Champions for Tristana in LoL

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Taric is one of those champions whose kit of attacks work really well with Tristana. The thing about playing Taric is that your ADC Tristana will be the bigger source of damage against the adversary duo in the bot lane.


As every other ADC in League of Legends, Tristana does not have the highest resistance and HP stats. However, she has nice movement speed, so with Taric by her side, she can use her auto attacks against the enemy team. To get officially involved in a trade thanks to her bonus attack speed and her decent attack damage. In the early game, this duo of champions can have more aggressive games without risking much, and in the late game, Taric’s ultimate works even better.

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Thresh is a tanky support that is one of the best champions to pick for Tristana. With him, you should be able to win every trade in the early game against the enemy bot lane.


Riot Games granted Thresh a very nice set of possibilities as a support, he can stun the enemy, shield allies, and get them in and out of a late game team fight, which is something all Tristana mains out there will appreciate after using Rocket Jump to get close to the enemy and hit them with an auto attack. Tristana also has excellent burst damage that can be deadly once enemies are inside Thresh’s ultimate.

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Leona is yet another tanky character in League of Legends, which is the type of duo Tristana needs in LoL, Leona has a variety of stuns in her kit that Tristana highly benefits from thanks to her high damage output, so putting these two together in the bot lane is a good choice. 


Leona has spells that can immobilize and stun enemies, this is the perfect time for Tristana to use her jump, get close to an enemy and release all the power of the Yordle gunner. Tristana is an ADC champion that, because she doesn’t resist much damage, you should equip Guardian Angel to fight until the very last moment. The combination of these two champions is something every Leona mains or Tristana mains should try.

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Riot Games introduced Nami to League of Legends as a support, and her spells complement Tristana quite well, Nami is a champion that fulfills her role thanks to her movement speed buffs, healing, and stun. When it comes to the current season, Nami is one of those champions that works wonders against the adversaries.


If you play correctly, she can deal damage with her spells while healing your ADC Tristana, prolonging the use of the item Guardian Angel. Her ultimate is also great for team fights, tossing enemies in the air, ideal for Tristana to use her jump and attack after it. This duo could be used to climb to the highest rank in League of Legends.

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As a supporter, Morgana is quite good, she can also be played in the mid lane, and shines bright during team fights.When paired with Tristana, her root is quite useful, her magic shield will keep Tristana safe from magic attacks like Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab or those of Ezreal, and equipping Phantom Dancer on Tristana will allow her to dive the opponent attacking while moving quickly.


Morgana has an excellent ultimate ability that is great for Tristana to attack, if you, as Tristana use your ultimate after Morgana’s, you have a good chance to delete your opponents fast and effortlessly in a game. An ability like Morgana’s ulti is the type you want for a good Tristana support in LoL to play aggressive in late game.

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A tank such as Alistar is always welcomed to play in team fights with Tristana during a game, this is because he can heal him and Tristana, stun enemies, or knock them back. With his spells, Alistar can toss opponents in the air, which is helpful to open a window where your allies can attack them.


One good thing Alistar has, is that he can start a battle in the game, without worrying much about slow effects, or opponents like the jungler, since he can take a lot of damage. This season has seen some good builds for him. When managing League duos like him and Tristana, Guardian Angel is an item you can replace for another one to deal even more damage in the game.

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