Tag Ranking

9 Worst Maps in Overwatch 2 Matchmaking [Ranked]

9 Worst Maps in Overwatch 2 Matchmaking [Ranked]

Everyone hates having a bad map queued in Overwatch 2, especially the worst maps such as Junkertown and Route 66.

Best Sombra Skins in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

Best Sombra Skins in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

The best Sombra Skins in Overwatch are absolutely game changing for the Sombra main community!

10 Best Heroes of All Time in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

10 Best Heroes of All Time in Overwatch 2 [Ranked]

Check out the best heroes in Overwatch 2 for dominating matchmaking games, with Orisa, Reinhardt, and D.Va being top choices for tank players!

The 10 Ugliest Pokemon in the Franchise [Ranked]

The 10 Ugliest Pokemon in the Franchise [Ranked]

Some Pokemon are cute. Other Pokemon have faces only a mother could love. But which Pokemon is the ugliest Pokemon, and why isn't it Bruxish?

The 10 Best Pokemon Abilities [Ranked]

The 10 Best Pokemon Abilities [Ranked]

Every Pokemon has access to a special Ability, but not all Pokemon Abilities are made equal! Which one is the best ability, and why isn't it Huge Power?

The Best Tadpole Pokemon [EVERY Tadpole Pokemon ranked!]

The Best Tadpole Pokemon [EVERY Tadpole Pokemon ranked!]

The Pokemon franchise has a lot of tadpoles ranging from sweet and adorable to big and bad. But which one is the best tadpole Pokemon, and why isn't it Tympole?

6 Best Bruiser Junglers in League of Legends

6 Best Bruiser Junglers in League of Legends

Check out the best bruiser junglers in League of Legends, with champions like Vi, Warwick, Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, and Olaf.

The 10 Best Water Type Pokemon [Ranked]

The 10 Best Water Type Pokemon [Ranked]

As the most common type there are loads of cool Water type Pokémon. But which is the best, and why isn't it Gyarados?

3 Best Ways To Get Maximum Attack Speed in LoL

3 Best Ways To Get Maximum Attack Speed in LoL

Ever so often, Riot find the necessity to buff tanks in LoL to absurd power. And the best way to deal with them is consistent damage via attack speed.

The 10 Best Tank Pokemon [Ranked]

The 10 Best Tank Pokemon [Ranked]

Tank Pokemon are an essential addition to any Pokemon team, but which is the best tank Pokemon? Here's a hint - there's no Ice types here!

The 10 Best Shiny Pokemon [Ranked]

The 10 Best Shiny Pokemon [Ranked]

Some shiny Pokémon are really cool, and some shiny Pokémon are worse than their normal form! But which is the best? It's not Umbreon!

8 Best Ranged Top Laners to Play in LoL

8 Best Ranged Top Laners to Play in LoL

See the best ranged top laners to play in League of Legends, with Vayne, Quinn, Akshan, Urgot, Kennen, Ivern, Kayle, and Teemo as top picks.